CAN YOU HELP ME.!!!!!!!!! my buds are 3wks and hairs are turning , buds are small


Well-Known Member
your worried about the hairs because you think that when they turn amber the buds are mature? you arent looking closely enough 20061013_103733_20061011_190649.jpg ok so you are looking at the stigmas.... what you need to be looking at is the trichomes! these are little antenna like thingys that you need at least a 30x microscope to see good. Go to radioshack and youll find a mag glass with a build in light that does 60-100x, very very powerful almost too powerful but it works and its like 10$. Now some people perfer all milky trichomes, and some like some to get amber. Rule of thumb is if you can find clear trichomes on your plant that means you should definately wait. The stigmas all change at a different rate and will help you be able to tell when a certain strain is ready if you've had experience with that strain and know what color the stigmas are when the bud is ripe. Other than that, it is almost usless to use stigmas as checking if bud is ready. I bet you have 30-38 days left. heres what a ripe bud looks like perfectly-ripe-trichs-zombie-2.jpg


Well-Known Member
by the way, the calyx is the false seedpod. instead of their being a seed , its thc filled. these are good and will appear to be "bursting with resin production"


Well-Known Member
your plants are fine,some plants tend to change colour quicker than others, for instance orange bud and blue widow can look ready to harvest at 5 or 6 weeks, others will retain white hairs for much longer, trichomes are a certain way of checking although many experienced growers dont bother checking them, its all down to experience we just chop when we feel like it. thc will be on your plants after about 4 weeks and u can chop and smoke them but they'll be weaker and wont have produced there full potential yeild . for an indica 8 weeks is always a good yardstick to have a look and see. you may decide to give them a week more. your choice.
I agree with the other posters. Your plant looks really good! There seems to be three different flushes or stages when it comes to flowering. Looks to be the end of the first flowering stage, they will develop more bud sites from here and then the second will start, with more underdeveloped white hairs. Then the final stage will start where the bud framework starts to fatten up and look more like the traditional kola (or cola however you choose to spell it ha ha). Look for the plant's trichomes (crystals) to cover the leaves and buds to even think about it being done. As posted earlier keep an eye on them to harvest when you are sure they have the correct amber/cloudy ratio to get a finished product that produces an effect that you enjoy. The more clear trichomes (or the earlier you harvest) the clearer "head buzz" will show. The more amber trichomes on the plant material the more body stone with some drowsiness occurs (and some HELLA munchies!!). Good luck and enjoy your eventual harvest!