Can you just eat decarbed bud dry?

I’ve been doing it like this for years. I have some daily with almond or peanut butter. Fat source helps bind and whatnot. Dosage you figure out through trial and error for your own body and flower. Best of luck!
Good morning!

I was hoping you might be able to answer some questions I have about edible decarboxylated herb since you have been enjoying it this way for so long.

I am just starting to enjoy marijuana again after about a 35 year hiatus. I am coming to the conclusion that I do not want to smoke for health reasons. I do not want to vape due to social implications and maintenance of vaporizers, etc. and I do not want to make cooked edible cannabis simply because it’s something I would have to do repeatedly, and the dosing would inevitably change every single time.

I have come to the conclusion that if I decarboxylate some dry weed in the oven… Let’s say about an ounce at a time… Grind it up finely, and fill capsules with the dry herb, that those capsules (assuming uniform filling) would roughly have the same effect not withstanding mood, other variables.

watching people fill capsules with oils seems extremely messy and overly complicated…also wasteful.

I understand that oil or lecithin can help cannabinoid absorption, but I have not been eating it with peanut butter or necessarily anything… Sometimes an empty stomach… Sometimes a full stomach, and somehow achieve similar results.
(a bag of 10 year old marijuana still gets me high, and I am mostly using CBD flower.)

I assume you ingest with peanut butter for absorption. So, my question is… Have you noticed that ingesting dry cannabis without the peanut butter has a significant impact on the affects you achieve? Have you noticed that encapsulated infused oil versus dry herb produces similar results?

Do you have any advice for a newbie regarding mistakes to avoid or personal experience as to why you have chosen this method yourself?

Thanks in advance!

Good morning!

I was hoping you might be able to answer some questions I have about edible decarboxylated herb since you have been enjoying it this way for so long.

I am just starting to enjoy marijuana again after about a 35 year hiatus. I am coming to the conclusion that I do not want to smoke for health reasons. I do not want to vape due to social implications and maintenance of vaporizers, etc. and I do not want to make cooked edible cannabis simply because it’s something I would have to do repeatedly, and the dosing would inevitably change every single time.

I have come to the conclusion that if I decarboxylate some dry weed in the oven… Let’s say about an ounce at a time… Grind it up finely, and fill capsules with the dry herb, that those capsules (assuming uniform filling) would roughly have the same effect not withstanding mood, other variables.

watching people fill capsules with oils seems extremely messy and overly complicated…also wasteful.

I understand that oil or lecithin can help cannabinoid absorption, but I have not been eating it with peanut butter or necessarily anything… Sometimes an empty stomach… Sometimes a full stomach, and somehow achieve similar results.
(a bag of 10 year old marijuana still gets me high, and I am mostly using CBD flower.)

I assume you ingest with peanut butter for absorption. So, my question is… Have you noticed that ingesting dry cannabis without the peanut butter has a significant impact on the affects you achieve? Have you noticed that encapsulated infused oil versus dry herb produces similar results?

Do you have any advice for a newbie regarding mistakes to avoid or personal experience as to why you have chosen this method yourself?

Thanks in advance!


Dry decarbed bud dust or Hash = 4 of a possible 10
Decarbed and infused to an oil = 6 of 10
Decarbed, infused and lecithin encapsulated = 10 of 10

It'll work fine. I've met several people who do dry bud dust capsules.
Dry decarbed bud dust or Hash = 4 of a possible 10
Decarbed and infused to an oil = 6 of 10
Decarbed, infused and lecithin encapsulated = 10 of 10

It'll work fine. I've met several people who do dry bud dust capsules.

For me, eating the weed or oil is 1/10 lecithin oil straight is 7/10 and baking the lecithin oil into food is 11/10. Something about baking to food hits me the best. I havent tried lecithin pot oil by itself but once, but I had plenty of wax lecithin oil by its self. The lecithin pot oil is better by itself than wax derived so I gave it a 7/10.
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Dry decarbed bud dust or Hash = 4 of a possible 10
Decarbed and infused to an oil = 6 of 10
Decarbed, infused and lecithin encapsulated = 10 of 10

It'll work fine. I've met several people who do dry bud dust capsules.

Well… I also wanna get the best “bang for the buck“….

I’m starting to believe that my best bet is to use oil, lecithin, ( powder or liquid???) and make a batch of gummies which will probably have a better shelf -life than brownies or cookies or so forth. Also should be pretty consistent with dosage due to consistent size of the molds I figure it out with one or two servings.

(Also just seemed like pressing as much oil out of the weed still leaves a lot behind that just gets discarded)

— In that case… if I pulverize to dust, can’t I just leave the weed in the mix? It’s not like I’m going to be savoring the flavor, probably just going down the hatch quickly with just a bite or two to break it up.
god damn. seems like I'm the only bozo who can't decarb weed. I've eaten two ounces of weed over three months and nothing worked. All that weed that I could have smoked and I feel NOTHING. Maybe five or six times got a weak buzz. Supposed to be 5X as strong. I might as well have eaten oregano. I need to be taught by someone in person who can show me what to what it smells like, what it looks like. I posted that I was sick of throwing away all my expensive weed when I was broke all the time A MONTH AGO. It isn't my body. I get something from the dispensary and it works. I can get $100 dollar ounces. I'd probably be spending $300 a month on edibles if I just gave up trying to do it myself. Seems to be the easiest thing in the world for everybody else. The times, temperatures, and methods never work and I got a laser thermometer now. I've spent enough money on equipment to get two ounces already. Sucks I can't just go and get a casual lung transplant. I'm eating grams ansd grams of weed and my pee has turned fucking green, and I could stretch a gram out of two days if I needed to. Never failed at anything so hard-- AND I'VE DONE IT SUCCESSSFULLY BEFORE all the way back in the 90s!!!!
One of my problems is the buzz I get every once in a while is SO WEAK that it is impossible for me to tell weather I've cooked it too long or not long enough. Something will work, but not be strong-- I'll go five minutes longer or five minutes shorter and it's fucking parsley. I've spent day after day going as much aas 20 minutes short or long.
I used to get so baked for so long from weed I friend in oil or boiled down in everclear. None of that shit is working. I've never experiences so many persistant failures. It is blowing my FUCKING MIND and really bumming me out to be wasting so much weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm getting so worked up over this I'm having panic attacks. It makes absolutely no sense that I am so consistantly unasble to repeat the many many simple methods people have shared with me. I could write a book on decarb by now and I still can't do it.
I think something strange is going on with REALITY ITSELF because nothing is adding up.
I even got a decarb machine. II thought it was defective because it was a cheap one, but now that I have the laser thermometer I know it is performing as designed. This thing warms up to 225 degrees over 15 minutes, keeps it at 225 for and hour, then has a five minute cool down cycle.
Can you guess how many times I've tried to get the thing to work by going over or under time? I can't. Reviews are all positive and say things like "takes the guesswork out of the process"
Why am I experiencing this? Now I know what impotence is like.
Well… I also wanna get the best “bang for the buck“….

I’m starting to believe that my best bet is to use oil, lecithin, ( powder or liquid???) and make a batch of gummies which will probably have a better shelf -life than brownies or cookies or so forth. Also should be pretty consistent with dosage due to consistent size of the molds I figure it out with one or two servings.

(Also just seemed like pressing as much oil out of the weed still leaves a lot behind that just gets discarded)

— In that case… if I pulverize to dust, can’t I just leave the weed in the mix? It’s not like I’m going to be savoring the flavor, probably just going down the hatch quickly with just a bite or two to break it up.

I suppose leaving vegetable matter in the gummy would decrease shelf life considerably…. But I don’t know… probably better safe than sorry… just press the herb with a potato river or something
you can buy canna caps and stuff them with your ground decarb. or just make coconut oil. Equal parts decarb/oil. Put that in mason jars. Put a loose tin foil lid to cover the tops to keep water from getting in. Put the jars in a crockpot with enough water to allow a slow simmer. Set on low for 4-8 hours. Let cool and strain through a cheese cloth. You can then mix this oil in chocolate using a double boiler setup on your stove. This is the easiest method I've found. As a bonus, the Volcano gives me all the decarb I could want.
you can buy canna caps and stuff them with your ground decarb. or just make coconut oil. Equal parts decarb/oil. Put that in mason jars. Put a loose tin foil lid to cover the tops to keep water from getting in. Put the jars in a crockpot with enough water to allow a slow simmer. Set on low for 4-8 hours. Let cool and strain through a cheese cloth. You can then mix this oil in chocolate using a double boiler setup on your stove. This is the easiest method I've found. As a bonus, the Volcano gives me all the decarb I could want.
Jesus Christ, I just don't understand it. I tried it on high for two hours then low for 6, which HydoDan recommended. Didn't work. Tried "crockpot cannabis for dummies" saying keep it on low for 24 hours, covered, with water. That also didn't work. I tried various times with the croc pot on high at 250 degrees, and turned it off an took the pot out of the warmer to quickly cool it, the instant it looked like the bubbles weren't forming as rapidly...
None of it worked.
Somebody please give me a simple fool proof impossible to screw up method before I lose my god damned mind!!!!!!
Seriously, I'm almost to the point where I am just going to buy weed to set aside for two years and just let it decarb naturally. And then I'll eat the weed after two years and get EVEN MORE pissed off when THAT doesn't work.
Seriously, I'm almost to the point where I am just going to buy weed to set aside for two years and just let it decarb naturally. And then I'll eat the weed after two years and get EVEN MORE pissed off when THAT doesn't work.

Glass door thermostat-controlled Toaster oven, Standalone oven thermometer. Palm sized stainless steel cat food dish.

Decarb pea sized buds 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered in a metal pie tin.
Grind to flour grade dust
5 grams bud dust or Hash
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 teaspoon fearn liquid lecithin
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Freeze (optional)
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes.
Fills 30 #0 capsules.
Lecithin adds liposomal encapsulation, and this can boost bioavailability and gets even the most resistant people stoned. Order it online today.

Here is my teacher going really heavy on the Lecithin.
Well… I also wanna get the best “bang for the buck“….

I’m starting to believe that my best bet is to use oil, lecithin, ( powder or liquid???) and make a batch of gummies which will probably have a better shelf -life than brownies or cookies or so forth. Also should be pretty consistent with dosage due to consistent size of the molds I figure it out with one or two servings.

(Also just seemed like pressing as much oil out of the weed still leaves a lot behind that just gets discarded)

— In that case… if I pulverize to dust, can’t I just leave the weed in the mix? It’s not like I’m going to be savoring the flavor, probably just going down the hatch quickly with just a bite or two to break it up.

Grind to flour grade dust and leave it in. You're actually only eating a pinky fingernail worth for a 30mg hit. It is not all that much actual plant material.
Any of the forms of Lecithin seems to work for encapsulation but some are easier to work with. Power can clump, granules need to be crushed first and still are slow to dissolve. Liquid is my choice and I give Soy the edge in strength.

For cooking use powder lecithin when you are blending a small amount of oil in a large volume of water. Powder is also known as De-oiled Lecithin.
Use Liquid when you have mostly Oil with a little water. Things like vinaigrette have different rules and are out of my knowledge base.

Many of the picture links are broken and you can find the same basic thread at ICmag with the pictures intact. Grasscity has the longest thread I think but again the first few pages of pictures are broken.

Lets say you grind it up
Place it in a mason jar
Oven at 225-240F for an hour

Just dip a spoon in like cereal afterwards for a night time buzz? Wash it down with water.

That work?
If ya want. I've choked it down before but butter is so easy to make, why should I?
Seriously, I'm almost to the point where I am just going to buy weed to set aside for two years and just let it decarb naturally. And then I'll eat the weed after two years and get EVEN MORE pissed off when THAT doesn't work.

I can give you a method to try. I did this for years. Got me high AF. Totally different idea.

Chop up a gram or two. Then put that in pot with enough water for a half large cup of tea.

I used a gas burner and a small cast pot.
Put in the water then the weed.
Bring to the boil stirring constantly.
Boil for like two or three minutes then pour water and weed through a tea strainer into your big teacup or mug.
Then pour some fresh hot water through the strainer to fill the mug and press the weed out dry like with a spoon.

Mix in a bit of honey and drink that.

My brew would always have trics floating and glistening in the water and you could taste the resin tang.

Those eating decarb herb need to realise it ain’t the best for digestion in my experience and doing a crap that smells like weed can be alarming in the wrong setting.
I can give you a method to try. I did this for years. Got me high AF. Totally different idea.

Chop up a gram or two. Then put that in pot with enough water for a half large cup of tea.

I used a gas burner and a small cast pot.
Put in the water then the weed.
Bring to the boil stirring constantly.
Boil for like two or three minutes then pour water and weed through a tea strainer into your big teacup or mug.
Then pour some fresh hot water through the strainer to fill the mug and press the weed out dry like with a spoon.

Mix in a bit of honey and drink that.

My brew would always have trics floating and glistening in the water and you could taste the resin tang.

Those eating decarb herb need to realise it ain’t the best for digestion in my experience and doing a crap that smells like weed can be alarming in the wrong setting.
I used to do something similar. I would make a cup of tea and just throw a couple ground up buds in the boiling water before I poured my tea. It wasnt a super high but I felt it. I stopped doing that and edibles all together for the most part because they really would slow down my digestive system. I still do a 10mg here and there but not as much as I used to.
I used to do something similar. I would make a cup of tea and just throw a couple ground up buds in the boiling water before I poured my tea. It wasnt a super high but I felt it. I stopped doing that and edibles all together for the most part because they really would slow down my digestive system. I still do a 10mg here and there but not as much as I used to.
In India that's called Bhang and it's a tea. They've been making it for thousands of years.
Yeah they do it with milk and other spices.
I’d be very curious to try it.
Aye bang lassi its usually drunk at hindu festivals but think they do use it some other times as well think its the only legal way to consume cannabis technically after the law changed in india in 96 before that was all legal and accepted to a point obviously indias still very class based and cannabis is kinda looked down on as a lower caste thing too so worth bearing that in mind too

Seriously, I'm almost to the point where I am just going to buy weed to set aside for two years and just let it decarb naturally. And then I'll eat the weed after two years and get EVEN MORE pissed off when THAT doesn't work.
I use a normal gas oven lowest it can go stays about 220 to 230 do that for a hour or 40 mins if i doing less weed works great mate you can get themometers for checking your stove ive never really did it any other way with edibles other than back in the day but that was hash and thats already decarbed or its just pressed kief if its not i did used to like hash yoghurts too
oven is ALWAYS the first thing anyone tries. It didn't work and that is why I went through two ounces trying to do it another way. Bangh Lassi calls four FOUR GRAMS of weed. For a single drink. I could smoke four grams for a week. I am not privy to the weed money Snoop Dog or Iron Mike get, I'm on social security.
No9body gets it. I've tried it all. And AFTER I tried it all and asked and got many helpful answers, I tried it all some more. Nothing is working. I have a machine that I tested with my thermometer. Same machine with many satisfied customers. even this doesn't work!
I'm getting on a rural transit bus this week and going up to Ruidoso. I got many friends up there who are weed experts, I know they can do it, so they can come over here and see what the fuck I'm doing wrong. because it is obviously something that nobody seems to be able to teach me from words alone. I know sounds crazy. 240 40 minutes how hard can it be? in foil tent, on pyrex dish? ground finely? rice sized nugs? FUCK NO!!!!! NONE OF IT WORKED!!!!! THE OVEN IS UNRELIABLE SHIT!!!!!!
No I need someone to come over here and hold my wittle hand , to point out all the visual cues and smell cues . I got an iron. it heats up to exactly 250 degrees and stays there when you set it down on something. 250 for 30 nothing.
oven is ALWAYS the first thing anyone tries. It didn't work and that is why I went through two ounces trying to do it another way. Bangh Lassi calls four FOUR GRAMS of weed. For a single drink. I could smoke four grams for a week. I am not privy to the weed money Snoop Dog or Iron Mike get, I'm on social security.
No9body gets it. I've tried it all. And AFTER I tried it all and asked and got many helpful answers, I tried it all some more. Nothing is working. I have a machine that I tested with my thermometer. Same machine with many satisfied customers. even this doesn't work!
I'm getting on a rural transit bus this week and going up to Ruidoso. I got many friends up there who are weed experts, I know they can do it, so they can come over here and see what the fuck I'm doing wrong. because it is obviously something that nobody seems to be able to teach me from words alone. I know sounds crazy. 240 40 minutes how hard can it be? in foil tent, on pyrex dish? ground finely? rice sized nugs? FUCK NO!!!!! NONE OF IT WORKED!!!!! THE OVEN IS UNRELIABLE SHIT!!!!!!
No I need someone to come over here and hold my wittle hand , to point out all the visual cues and smell cues . I got an iron. it heats up to exactly 250 degrees and stays there when you set it down on something. 250 for 30 nothing.

:mrgreen: You Have Funny troubles my friend.

Bhang is made with leaf so four grams is a bargain basement weed drink for weekend warriors. The other ingredients cost more than the leaf.

One gram of flower will work for a cup of tea if you don’t have a huge tolerance. If that works for you then an ounce should last a month at one cup of tea per day.

If your oven is shit then can I suggest a ‘black garlic fermenter’. China eBay special.
Digital temp control and only goes to 90C or 194F. (That’s what mine does)
Great to have around for a slower precise decarb than the oven tech which is pretty shit like you say.
Do it over a few days rather than standing around the oven wondering if it’s working in 40 minutes or whatever.

I use my fermenter to cook off isopropyl slowly to make concentrate from bubble hash and decarb at the same time.