Can you make it grow faster? PH Levels


We have an indoor plants and need to know if there is a way to force them to grow faster? Any suggestions? Also, what are the appropriate PH levels for plants in all stages?


I'm no expert but I've read multiple times on here cannabis likes PH around 6.0. Although you can go as low as 5.5. If there's any ways to get plants to grow faster I'd love to know myself.


Well-Known Member
force them to grow faster? everything matures at its own rate, just give it good food, good lighting and plenty of love and it will do fine.

Brick Top

New Member
You cannot make a plant grow faster than it's genetics will allow it to grow, but with bad conditions you can slow it down. The most/best you can do is to provide optimal growing conditions from seedling to harvest and then just wait it out.

Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was Syracuse.


Active Member
Patience is a virtue and all that. Are you growing soil or hydro? if soil PH should be about 6.7 - 7.0, if hydro then 5.5 is about right.


I'm growing in soil. I keep telling my husband to be patient, but he's stubborn and inpatient, and says there MUST be a way! lol Thanks!


Well-Known Member
You can force a plant in flower to ripen faster, however I would never recommend it. It decreases yield and potency. You simply reduce the number of hours of light from 12 to 9-10. The plant will speed up it's ripening. Again, not recommended. Impatient people should buy weed, not grow it.


mine are growing really fast.. they are a strain that is supposed to be ready in 10 weeks.. from germination to budd. im a month into mine.. and they are a foot tall. they are autoflower bluberry feminized. get a low rider strain if you want quicker weed.. but thats my personal thoughts.