Can you plant a clone in dry dirt?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i didnt know you could use this forum to advertise products, like clones. otherwise im not sure what you mean @a mongo frog .
Oh sorry. I was just wondering if what you were saying was all cry baby type telling shit. Thought you were like a rat or something. Sorry for the confusion. Didn't know what you were talking about is all. Its clear now.


Active Member
Yes, you can plant a clone in dirt, just make sure it is watered in thoroughly afterwards. Dry dirt on moist roots is not a good thing for the plant. The dryness of the dirt can pull the water out of the clone, essentially killing the clone.

Here in the desert, I grow lots of plants outside in the dirt, with little to no problems. Mother Nature does it this way too.


Yes, you can plant a clone in dirt, just make sure it is watered in thoroughly afterwards. Dry dirt on moist roots is not a good thing for the plant. The dryness of the dirt can pull the water out of the clone, essentially killing the clone.

Here in the desert, I grow lots of plants outside in the dirt, with little to no problems. Mother Nature does it this way too.
the ground should have some good nutes in it though, if it's pure dirt sand im not sure how it's gonna go.


Active Member
the ground should have some good nutes in it though, if it's pure dirt sand im not sure how it's gonna go.
This all depends on where you live. Dirt has a much more nutrient value to it than sand does... and dirt holds more water than sand can. The ground has the nutrients the plants need already in it... some nutes in the ground will naturally be higher than others, but the ones that are lacking can always be amended, if need be.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
That escalated quickly. I'm new, and it looked like an advertisement to me. Imply I'm a snitch rat pig crybaby all you want. Much who cares, so meh, many lulz. I like this place already.


i dont care about what people write, but ive lost an account here doing similar bc of theyre nazi rules here. he changed the subject line of the post to hide what he did so it's pretty clear now.