Can you recommend a Ph meter?


Well-Known Member
I had the $8 ph/light/moisture meter that I bought from a hardware store and now it is dead (at least the ph function). I would like to replace it with something nicer. My local grow store has some meters I don't want to go cheap and get crap, nor can I afford to spend money I don't have.

Can you recommend a Ph meter? I'd like to spend $100 or less, but will pay a lil more if it's worth it. I am growing in soil now but my switch to hydro in the future. I will not need to use the meter every day, probably about 1x per week. I want the least expensive meter that is easy to use and is fairly accurate. What meters have you had that you loved or hated?


Well-Known Member
I use a milwaukee 600 ph meter, have for a while now. i paid a little over 20 + shipping of $5. It works great and i like it. save that money for more lighting.


New Member
Most of the ones at around 30 bucks + should be fine amigo. I use an Adwa one personally but plenty of choice. If it makes a difference, i.e you look after your stuff so may have it a long time, check out how much they cost to buy the replacement end. (you can change just this as oppose to buying a complete new one)



Well-Known Member
last year I went threw four 30 dollar meters before I bought a decent one for less than what I had already wasted on cheap meters.


New Member
exactly why waste money on cheap crap meters just go to a hydroponic store sure u can gt a decent one for 100.00


New Member
I'm talking/thinking Euros as always so ermm, sorry, raise it just a tad. 50 bucks+

I doubt you need the full all singing dancing models with ppm etc, You just want to check your water/nutes right?

Like most things, they should have a decent warranty Hanna, Adwa, Milwaukee all will :-)

good luck