Does it just depend on if it makes the banana(s) soon enough? Because sometimes they'll make the bananas and no pistils will be white?Yes
Sometimes they'll send out clusters of new pistils. It may work out and it may not. You can always use the pollen on a different plant. That's how I made my first cross years ago.Does it just depend on if it makes the banana(s) soon enough? Because sometimes they'll make the bananas and no pistils will be white?
I did a seed run with one years ago and prolly have around 10000 seeds or more of one strain.Sometimes they'll send out clusters of new pistils. It may work out and it may not. You can always use the pollen on a different plant. That's how I made my first cross years ago.
If it's something you really want to keep you could try revegging after harvest. Then make a couple of clones. Reveg one and pollinate the other. You'll have seeds for years that way.