Can you show me a better informational video on "The War On Drugs"


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely with you guys, we have a lot of leaders that need to be fired and hired into a position at mcdonalds flipping burgers. And the 800,000+ citizens busted each year for this bullshit need to be given a medal.


Well-Known Member
OMFG! Thank you very much for posting this. I just watched the trailer, and it is excellent. The way that it is produced seems like it would make intelligent people question The War.

I will be watching the rest of this right now. I think your idea of handing out CD's (although probably considered piracy) is a great idea.

To person on street: Hey if you have some free time tonight and want to find out how we can save our country 7.7 billion dollars a year, check this out. It is kinda entertaining too.

Another excellent movie is Narrated by Woody Harrelson(sp?) called "Weed".
It also has Ronnie Raygun claiming MJ is possibly the most dangerous drug known to man. It has a history of The War from the 1914 El Paso ordinance to 2003 with the amount of cash wasted every 10 years or so.

I am sure somebody has already posted this, I have not read whole thread, got excited, ¡lo ciento!



New Member
^^^^ yeah looks good huh, i'm not usually into all this conspiracy stuff but this one looks pretty well put together, doctors from harvard etc.......


Well-Known Member
In the preview the guy says, ounce for ounce its worth more than anyone out there paying $850 for an ounce of weed? just thought I'd point that out


Well-Known Member
OMFG! Thank you very much for posting this. I just watched the trailer, and it is excellent. The way that it is produced seems like it would make intelligent people question The War.

I will be watching the rest of this right now. I think your idea of handing out CD's (although probably considered piracy) is a great idea.

To person on street: Hey if you have some free time tonight and want to find out how we can save our country 7.7 billion dollars a year, check this out. It is kinda entertaining too.

Another excellent movie is Narrated by Woody Harrelson(sp?) called "Weed".
It also has Ronnie Raygun claiming MJ is possibly the most dangerous drug known to man. It has a history of The War from the 1914 El Paso ordinance to 2003 with the amount of cash wasted every 10 years or so.

I am sure somebody has already posted this, I have not read whole thread, got excited, ¡lo ciento!

its called grass, not weed


Well-Known Member
yeah, isn't it fucking ridiculous how weed was portrayed back in the old days? I would have went on a killing rampage if i lived in those days, Harry Anslinger would have been number one on the list, that piece of shit did the US a real injustice.
Public enemy #1

I'm definitely with you guys, we have a lot of leaders that need to be fired and hired into a position at mcdonalds flipping burgers. And the 800,000+ citizens busted each year for this bullshit need to be given a medal.
McD's is too good for them, they need to live and die in the jails they built, they are the true criminals.

Sorry bout your legal troubles...I am going to smoke one right now for you brotherbongsmilie.



Well-Known Member
You're more than welcome man, I'm in a heap of trouble over this and it makes me sick to my stomach. I have so much enthusiasm after watching this its UNREAL. I'm going to spend some real time getting this out to as many people as i can, and hopefully, i'll be lucky enough to see people do the same thing. Change can happen with one person and I'm going to prove it. I'm ready to devote years towards this cause, after seeing my brother suffer from epilepsy and the prescription drugs that fuck him up almost as bad as his condition, and going to jail for it, I'm ready to stand up and do something about it. FUCK THESE BASTARDS.


Well-Known Member
Public enemy #1

McD's is too good for them, they need to live and die in the jails they built, they are the true criminals.

Sorry bout your legal troubles...I am going to smoke one right now for you brotherbongsmilie.


You're right man, theres so much corruption I doubt we could build enough jails for everyone. And thanks, I appreciate it. It seems as if i've lost all my friends after getting busted, their all scared, pussies, not really friends at all.


Well-Known Member
and another poterntial narcotics victim floats out of the world of reality tword a midnight of eventual regret and dispair lol
:?: Anyhow nice link. I felt a little ill when Jello was talking about the Earthfirst!ers chained to a redwood 8 people wide and they cut the tree above them anyway. Hayduke lives!

The history he gives of hemp in the U.S. since 1630 is great. Loved it till he said he did not like the "Low energy stoner deadhead vibe" that went with smoking before he quit. That is the part I like the most!

Thanks for this gem!

In the preview the guy says, ounce for ounce its worth more than anyone out there paying $850 for an ounce of weed? just thought I'd point that out
Very true.
However this was released in 2007. So it may have taken several years to put together (sure maybe should have edited it out, but if you consider the dollar/plant that the pigs use when they steal plants, they act like every plant will yield a pound and will all be sold by sister Maggy...)

2002 Below $300 oz
middle of '04 makes it above $400
Early '08 before oil shot up and the shit hit the fan...$1000 oz

The price skyrocketed in the early 80's after Reagan spent us into the poorhouse they don't want to support, and quickly fell as the very rich got very richer. The price was fairly stable from the early 80's until the late 90's between $300-$400 oz (about the price of cannabis). It dropped below $300 from '98 until 2002 when the raping of our beloved country began again under "the shrub" War is always good for the economy as well as the spending and no bid contracts that go with it...the price of gold steadily rose until it hit the ridiculous price in Jan '08.

Since a year ago the price seems to have followed the Dow (the 30 year history does not)

Now that the now "super wealthy" have robbed us again while lulling us with holiday cheer and freshly printed devalued dollars, watch the price of gold plummet right back down to the price of cannabis where prohibition has always kept it. If I had a stash of old gold, I'd sell some now, buy devalued sure to appreciate stock, sell that when stocks rebound and buy my gold back at half what I sold it for.


Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Some of the Highlights for me after watching it several days ago were:
(I'm going to paraphrase any quotes I use)

- "It's sad how one of the best ways to make money in America is by putting people into prison."
- Whenever they talked to Tommy Chong about his arrest for having his pictures on Bongs.
- The Guy with Multiple Sclerosis improving by like 90% after a few smokes.
- "The Body" ripping into the idiot, who obviously thought he was a genius.
- How America imports large quantities of Hemp, but will not grow it, even though it can't be "abused."
- Emery - His situation and what he's done for a country (USA) he isn't even a resident in.
- The fact that a former Police Chief was one of the biggest speakers, promoting Marijuana.
- How much money we could make/save by ending the War of Drugs and accepting Marijuana use more.
- How twisted President's were/are in order to use scapegoats to achieve anything on their agendas.

Eddie McPot

Well-Known Member
I wonder if Obama knows Anslinger convinced congress by saying "Marijuana makes the white women seek black relationships" That would piss him off enough to make it legal again.


New Member
great film watched it last night, has inspired me to look into it all properly, one thing not saying it was necessarily wrong but when they estimated the tax revenue of legalising it was it with the inflated prices of our blackmarket?