Can you smoke a Hermie??


Active Member
Hi All
As suggested, I disposed of the male:clap: (which I thought was a Hermie). I now have one plant left, a female, hoorah!! maybe I will get that smoke :leaf:

Here she is, not the biggest or best but mine, grown in a Northern town, England. What I have to do next is 'suss-out' when and how to harvest and cure.



Active Member
Thought I was doing well by having a hermie however on closer inspection I think I may have an outright male here? If it is how long have I got before its pods pop:confused:
Just happened to me to took it outta the room and will stay outside and see what happens I should add it was female a week ago


Mr Blamo

Well-Known Member
What really sucks is when a plant hermies inside a bud and you don't see it.
Happen to me a few months ago.
Was a ghost haze train regular seeds
Only that plant a 2 next to it got lightly seeded. Not every bud just the buds that were around the hermie.
Tossed any seeds I found. I did grow out a few of those seeds but offspring is bad hermie plants so those seeds went to trash.
I did smoke the gth herm though. Was still good weed as it wasn't all seeded but that clone and mom plant is gone. Have true gth females and I have a very special looking true male.


Active Member
Thought I was doing well by having a hermie however on closer inspection I think I may have an outright male here? If it is how long have I got before its pods pop:confused:
They will open WaaaaY faster than you think!
I was a little lazy, once. Paid for it- about 1/4 of his flowers went from small and all green to open in a 'day' :/
Pull him