Can you smoke a one paper all to yourself in one sitting?

Yea...I cant remember the last time i smoked outta paper tho...i like phillies and swishers...but i can smoke those all to myself so i know i can smoke a joint to also depends on the strain...i never finished a blunt of kush to


Well-Known Member
I smoke enough to get me baked, then i put it out no matter how much is left. No need to over do it. If you're high then whats the point of smoking more?

IO suspect this is much less than most people realise... and something i've been considering trying...

But realy I don;t mind the tolerance, who wants to get goofed everytime they want to use the sacramental herb? I find that when you reach a good tollerance level, your mind also seems to be working morein an alpha state, like when you wake up in the morning and 100 good ideas go through your mind... with practice you can actualy rememebr a few.


Well-Known Member
What if i just like the act of smoking but i just choose to only smoke weed, not cigs or hooka or crack or anything other than weed cuz i like to smoke it, and high to one person usually isnt high enough for the next person. I have plenty of self control, maybe you just can't puff tuff. I know i have enough control to keep steady rolling more blunts after the first 3 are gone and im just getting out of bed.....:spew:


Active Member
I smoke daily but if I take a big hit off of my steam roller I get fucked up right away. The thing is just an ass kicker, it definitely gets me higher than smoking any joint or blunt and with less weed. I always pack bowls with buddies and we all get high as hell and keep going til everyone has packed a bowl. Sure we could stop, but theres no point really. If youre gonna get wet, you might as well go swimming, right?

Sr. Verde

Yeah I'm about to roll up a pretty one for tomrrow morning... I love smoking joints, and rolling them :D


Well-Known Member
When you grow your own and you pretty much have unlimited supply I think its different.

I roll fat blunts of the fire of fire, but its essentially free to me so thats why I don't care if i roll huge blunts.

A friend and his buddy came over and I rolled up a huge blount of some purplewreck, we smoked it and after that I was loading a bowl and they were astonshed lol. They were like "i'm good" "I'm like come on man hit the bong?"

Later my buddy told me his friend was like dam he almost wastes it" lol

but he dosent know that I grow it myself:weed:

Most people who buy weed roll small pinners and such because "dro" cost so much. But when you grow your own its different situation.

If I had to buy bud like you folks I wouldn't be so liberal with my bud.


Well-Known Member
I have, but rarely do. After a few solid hits, it just seems like a waste for me. I usually carry a joint with me while I am out mountain biking. Easiest way to have it with me. In a few hours of riding, I can usually manage to smoke one down. Multi sessions on the ride though.


Well-Known Member
I can, But id much rather take two minutes and smoke that gram in three bong hits then roll it and smoke it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you ever build a tolerance in your mind, but i do believe that you get use to being so high that it doesn't effect you as much. It's like any other drug. Chasing that "weed dragon" loL Your fucking blazed but you're so use to being on that level that you don't feel as blazed as you should be.


Well-Known Member
when i roll joints they look like those Camel WIDE cigarettes they have now, i dont like that skimpy shit :bigjoint:

one pape is easy, so in one wrap


Just finished smoking a joint by myself, there is nothing like a joint and watching the snow fall in the rocky mountains to make your day!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh man that sounds awesome SICC! What papers do you use? I can never get them that phat...

BlazinBiz, sounds like a beautiful thing there.


Well-Known Member
Just the normal Zig Zag's, i just roll them the fattest i can, or i usually just put the pape together first then just pac in the weed :weed:


Well-Known Member
The very 1st steps to making a fat joint is crucial. It's all in how you tuck the joint with your finger. I tuck with my pointing finger, then i push up with my thumb and start the rotation all simultaneous. It's hard when you 1st do it, but it gets easy with time under your belt.


Active Member
Ive faced big blunts 2 myself lol, but wud rather hav tha wifey or a boy or 2 wit me. im the type of person that can constantly be smokin nd continue doin so 4 however long i can stay awake. now rather if i pass out after a day or not is a different story. not tryin 2 brag or nun but its tha truth, i feel lik i can not be out smoked. Im more than sure theres thousands + out there that can smoke continuously jus lik me nd wud sit there jus as long as i cud, but neither of us wud b outsmoked.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem smoking a whole joint by myself. I do however, have a problem hitting it enough at the right speed to keep it lit.

good sized blunts (maybe cut in half . . . ) are great for being by yourself as they wont go out no matter how slow you're hitting it.


i only smoke once or twice a week maximum, and have only been smoking for about a year, but i can smoke a cigarette sized joint to myself... in fact i did last night before hitting the casino... and i can tell u, walking through a room with hundreds of pokie machines in it baked out of your mind is quite a trippy experience lol.