Can you snort shrooms?


Well-Known Member
i had someone ask me if you could smoke shrooms. i told him you could just to be an ass cause the guy ripped me off before. can you?


Well-Known Member
i had someone ask me if you could smoke shrooms. i told him you could just to be an ass cause the guy ripped me off before. can you?

You can, but the process is pretty deep...and pretty easy to fuck're much better off just chewing them up...unless you have more than enough to spare. I will edit this with a smoking guide in a second.

I suppose you COULD snort them...put, fitting 7 g's in your nose would be pretty hard. You'd have to keep it there so the mucous membranes could absorb the would be horrible the whole time.

I've heard of people doing them rectally though.

Not for me, but...maybe some people like it like that :hump:

I'm too lazy to find a guide, but heres an erowid link:

Erowid Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Smoking Mushrooms


Well-Known Member
The chemicals decompose when they get too hot. When you dry your mushrooms out using heat they slowly lose potency, a flame would ruin anything good within the mushroom(not sure about A. m.).

Maybe you could extract the active chemicals and then try to vaporize them at a very low temp??? Does anyone know what temperature Psylocylibn vaporizes at?


Well-Known Member
I totally heard that if you inject a full syringe into your veins, and switch to an all straw diet, your stomach will grow its own mushrooms, and you can trip balls forever!

But it's probably better to just freebase the stuff and inject it directly into your eyeball. That's how the Indians did it.

I heard you have to shit in a bucket with some perlite at the bottom to birth the cakes. Then, let the fruiting begin. That's how cow's do it!


Well-Known Member
don't waste all of them though! snort a few and wait. if nothing, you still got some to gobble down and chill out on!