Can you stop/slow growth in veg?????


Active Member
Hi all, this is my problem.......

As ya can see there is no more room for em, they have to live in here for 7 more weeks.....................

How can I stop em growing bigger without hurting yeld when I flower??

+million reps for help!


Active Member
First off you need to think about the amount of room you have and plan accordingly. I'd just let them go and overgrow as much as they want. or you can top them down about a week before the switch. I use low wattage light to slow the growth in veg.


Active Member
only thing i can really think of is try to move the light closer and then trim them. trimming slows down growth or you can cut their tops to create multiple tops. are you running out of room vertically and horizontally? in the future u might want to cut smaller clones and then veg them for a short period before you flower them to keep them nice and short.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Wow some good stuff to try! thanks all, having a read now will let ya know what I decide.

+million interwebs to ya all 4 ya help!


Well-Known Member
I just tried it for the first time. I used 1ml/gal for 3 days in my res, which is what the label instructions call for. Worked like a charm.