Can you tell if this is a female or male yet?


btw, she/he looks really sad here. my baby perks up and does this ^ at least twice a day. anyone know why? and also, why are the bottom leaves dying?


Well-Known Member
blurry pictures, and not a good closeup pic.
it's really hard to say like that.

the second pics new growth looks like it's developing something new, but i don't want to call out female because i really can't be sure with those pictures.


no, everyone's been telling me my plant looks dry so i overwatered it tonight on purpose cause in the next week i will be transplanting to a bigger pot. i'm using fox farms ocean forest and warrior


Well-Known Member
no, everyone's been telling me my plant looks dry so i overwatered it tonight on purpose cause in the next week i will be transplanting to a bigger pot. i'm using fox farms ocean forest and warrior
i don't know how it looked, but now it looks overwatered.
make sure they are really dry when transplanting them.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
I soak my plants with NoShock when I transplant and I dont get the growth stutter. I think any weak vitamin b would do the same thing, plus it keeps the root ball from falling apart.

Plants need to be watered when you feel the weight difference. They need to dry a little because the roots need oxygen. You may have dry pockets it people say they look dry. Break up the soil a little, make sure your are getting a good soakin all the way through, and let them dry out all the way before you water again.

How big are your pots?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I can not stop wondering if this person has even flipped this plant over to 12/12 light yet. It looks to me that it is in a room from the wall socket. So I really doubt anyone could tell the sex at this point. But just a guess.


i don't know how many gallons. i'll be posting new pictures soon. i use window/sunlight. anyone know cheapest bulbs for vegetation? & for flowering ? my baby is craving more light :(