can you tell me what this is?


New Member
so i have a plant that is in its 2nd week flowering... due to space i had to start flowering at 1 month... everything has gone pretty well for a first grow... about a week ago i picked up FF Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom... i mixed with 1 gallon according to the FF feeding schedule web site.... it started to show minor signs of nute burn so the last couple days i have not been feeding with nutes... this morning when i woke up i saw these dark brown spots on a few leaves of my plant. .. they are only in one spot what are these from? is this nute burn?


bud bootlegger
nah, i don't think its nute burn.. nute burn looks more like, umm well, burn actually.. not to be a smart ass, but nute burn looks kinda like the plant got to close to your lamps or something like that. the leaves will look a lil crispy like.. i am not sure what you have there, but i don't think it is burn..
they look pretty sweet other than the spots though..


New Member
ya i have a few leaves that have little nute burn but this looks different... these spots are a lot darker but dont really look that bad.. but its scaring me


Active Member
Looking good.... I use ff Grow big and ff tiger bloom, you have to be careful when using your nutes, i am 30 days from harvest and my plants have never seen more than half strength nutes. i havent burned them at all and have had no deficiencies.

I recomend starting at 1/4 strength nutes and working up to 1/2 strength.....i dont like to force feed my plants, also all the unused nutes will turn toxic in your soil and kill off your plants. i used to give full strength or more but had some pretty bad stuff happen so i backed off with this grow and it has been phenominal. they grew twice as fast and twice as big. the kolas are way bigger as well.

just something to think about.

Also, your using ff Big bloom and tiger bloom? one is organic and the other is 80% organic..... both are bloom nutes. What are you using for veg? I use grow big for veg, then i use both grow big and tiger bloom for bloom phase.

the only issue i see with your plant is its overnuted, see how the leaves are all curling under and pointing down? its not that bad yet but you may want to flush. and cut your nutes back. its hard to burn with organics so your signs will be a little bit different. big bloom is 100% organic.

If you want to rejuvinate your plant, after you flush mix up 1 part fat free milk to 10 parts water, foliar feed your plant with it. your plant will love it, a ton of calcium and other good stuff (anti-fungal properties). your leaves will turn a very healthy green and extremely shiny. almost looks fake. i do this about every 2-3 weeks and it does wonders. I had a fellow grower over to look at mine and he was astounded by the results. works well to control powdery mildew as well. (thats how i found out the good results).


New Member
ya im going to lay off the nuts and maybe even dilute my mixture a little bit more before using them again.. but these spots dont look like nute burn!! what could this be?