Can you tell me what this is?


Well-Known Member
its only on a few lower leaves on one of my pre98 bubbas?

i was thinkin cal, mg deffieciency?

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
It's either that or lack of Nitrogen, are you feeding lite? are you using ro water? I would lean more toward it being the bottom of the plant and just not feeding enough. Can you post a pic of the whole plant?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was thinking more lack of nutes cuz I do feed very lite. I started increasing the doses this week since I put them into flower. That pic is from a week ago and it hasn't got any worse so hopefully its just lack of nutes. Im gonna do an epsom foliar spray just to be safe.
I also gave em molasses for the first time today.

Here's a pic of the plant from 2 days ago. Its the plant on the right.


Well-Known Member

Ill post more pics tonight of the preflowers in my grow thread. (Link in signature)

And yes I do use ph'd RO water


Well-Known Member
Keep your nitrogen up for a few more weeks... That yellowing is normal when their starting to flower but will green back up. The reason I say keep feeding higher nitrogen is because the plant is working twice as hard now produce new buds and new "bud" leaves and if you cut nitrogen then the plant will start eating stored nitrogen from older leaves (usually bigger fan leaves) but not always. Nitrogen is mobile so the plant take and give from where is usually needed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for the help man. Appreciate it. My flower nutes(atami ata) got a pretty good amount of N in them so ill just keep increasing the amount.
I feed all the plants same exact amount so the pre98 just must be real hungry haha
Check your ph pen or meter make sure it working correctly. i think it ph because it not eating .. check your soil water run off ph . see where ph is at in soil . i think you need to raise ph .. to unlock all nutes .
its only on a few lower leaves on one of my pre98 bubbas?

i was thinkin cal, mg deffieciency?

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
My pen is at the collective so here I just use drops(don't wanna bring it back n forth). Last time I checked run off it was like 6.8-7 and I was puttin in 6.0 so that puts my soil at about 6.5 right?

Ill check again tonight when I water and maybe go invest into a meter so I can check ph, ppm and all that good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Next crop add some dolomite lime to your soil or promix and you'll never ever have to worry about your ph again. I don't even check my ph now after using lime and haven't had any problems. It's buffers it to neutral and keeps it there.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've heard of adding dolomite lime to ff ocean forest so ill def do that next time around. Isn't ocean forest supposed to be like 6.6-6.8 or somethin?
What kind pen do you use . i heard R/O water kill the sensor . ph meter pen . ( only pen ) . only blue lab products work with r/o water . because r/o water is a dead water ..