Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??


So this is my first grow and I am bugging out about my trichomes and I can't get anything close enough to make a definitive answer but I have noticed how light manipulates the way they look. Recently I started using my phone and seem to be able to see some sparkly orange glistening through at some points tell me I'm not crazy. Could this be a method to check trich ripeness? I was curious about light refraction and some will look clear some look cloudy and some orange. I need a pros opinion for this is my first grow and I'm a dirty pleb and am not worthy. Please Obi-wan tell me if they are ready. Here is a small clip hopefully the quality isn't garbage. Jul 05, 4 17 18
they are no where near ready 6 weeks more minimum would be my guess. all those white hairs will shrivel up and go orange/brown. the buds will swell up and start to look plump and ripe. leaves will start to die back and might even start showing nice colors like reds and purples. you can actually see the trichome colour change by eye if you have good eyesight. i can see when my trichs have turned amber with the naked eye under good lighting but i generally just go by the general look of the buds and the plant.
you cant tell either way whether their ready or not, get yourself a jewelers loupe 40x or 60x
Never judge by the trichomes on the sugar leaf. You can tell by all the white pistils your plant still has a lot of time to go. In the mean time get a loupe they are cheap on Amazon. I got one for $12 that has 40x Magnification on it. With good eye sight that makes googling at your plant up close easy peasy.
This is how she looks now. I know that plants foliage will die off as life nears an end but if she still needs 6 more weeks should I start feeding it nuetrients again? I stopped about a week ago


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They do have time and if it were mine, I would be running nutes through most of the phases, if you stopped them, start them back up at 50% and scale them back in, thats my two cents. but then if it has only been a week, thats like one fedding so you could hit them at normal rates as well.

Edit... as others said, get a loop at 40x or maybe more and only check the trichomes on the cylax and pistil not on the sugar leaf... you may have already known that but just tossing it out there...light reading compliments @RM3 ...
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I failed to mention this is an auto and it sprouted May 6 .
Which strain and from what breeder? What is their suggested run time? Please remember it is a "Suggested" run time under their ideal conditions and every plant is a bit different and each growers environment is different, which will impact the timing.. just because a breeder says 9 weeks doesnt necessarily mean cut at 9 weeks, only cut when it is ready, the plant will tell you when it is done if you watch it..
It's Auto kryptonite from pyramid seeds. Think 65 days from flower but it started to yellow recently even while I was feeding it nutrients. Also it gets cold in my basement at night. Day temps are consistsntly 74 with a 130 true watt LED temps at night around 60-65 I was reading a cold can change the leaves purple is that why mine are ?


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Also this little guy seems to be aging faster than the rest it is also on a low part of the plant. Doesn't even get much light.


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By the way did anyone happen to take close observation to my video? I initially wanted an in depth look at this short clip to see if anyone sees what I'm seeing. The different light refraction coming off the trichomes. Or am I just crazy?
i use my phone to check my trichs. Its a little bit of a pain in the ass but it works.
buy a laser pointer from the dollar store. Pop out the lens and stick it to your camera with a bobby pin and some tape.
like so:
use your cammaras zoom, to zoom in on where you are looking.
I like to use video mode with my flash on and just look around.
quality is decent for a 1$ laser pointer lens.
heres a photo:
they are no where near ready 6 weeks more minimum would be my guess. all those white hairs will shrivel up and go orange/brown. the buds will swell up and start to look plump and ripe. leaves will start to die back and might even start showing nice colors like reds and purples. you can actually see the trichome colour change by eye if you have good eyesight. i can see when my trichs have turned amber with the naked eye under good lighting but i generally just go by the general look of the buds and the plant.

Still more time? Anyone? Also I am looking for the cerebral high. Milky trikes


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