can you tell what is wrong with this young plant ?!!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Yeah my bad, "Hot Soil" means there is too many nutrients for the plant to take in , its no diff than over feeding them with too much nutes. The main prob with these soils are the fact there slow release and you cant flush them once you have problems. I dont recomend oragnic premixed soils. If you want organic your best off mixing it yourself from a recipe thats tried and trued (Subs Super Soil). 90% of the premixed stuff causes probs, espeacialy if its slow release.


Well-Known Member
but i think the soil's got good npk and slow release npk

how can it be hungry in hot soil? do nothing. if time to water, add some sugar to the water. monitor.


Well-Known Member
does nute burn go from bottom to top ? coz thats how the yellowness is propagating,

cant give sugar cause i just watered today, if u had sugar and honey, what would u recomend using.


Well-Known Member
i use sugar, but honey, agave, etc. will work.
see.......with time release ferts, when you water, you fertilize. it makes flushes sorta counter-productive. so i don't have any advice other than don't use them. i'd re-pot into potting mix. plain, ole potting mix. water in. let it settle in, and when it starts to grow again, resume ferts. that will alter the trajectory of this grow, imo. less is more.


Well-Known Member
From those recent photos it looks as though the bottom leaves are dead (burnt), the new growth appears to look good.
How about some more photos of the top.
The bottom leaves are evidence of past plant health, the tops show better signs of current health.

And watch the nutes, man.

Scrog, good advice. :clap:


Well-Known Member
yeah new growth is healthy, here's a pic.

cant do scrog need more stuff to be fixed and cant be moved from a place to the other. i might consider toping one and pinching another, while keeping the others do it freestyle ! instead of killing all the extra seedlings i decided to keep 2 of em, the tiny ones in the pix, what do u suggest i do with them for experimenting ?

thanks for re-passing by!

