Cana oil didn't work


Active Member
I made Cana Oil and it didn't work. Would love some insight.

I decarboxylated the shake for 90 minutes at 220F

I put it in a small mason jar with melted coconut oil just covering the shake

I let it sit in close to boiling water for 3 hours on the stove

Drained the oil ate some of it in food and even some of the strained weed... Felt nothing..?


Well-Known Member
How much shake? Add soy lechtin. Or increase the dosage/strength of starting material. What kind of coconut oil?
I like the green dragon better, it gives me more of an effect


Ive always made oil by heating the oil with the shake in it on the stove and use a filter to strain it into a jar. I heat it until the oil turns dark green, if it blackens or browns you heated too much.

Or do you mean the oil you make from soaking in alcohol(everclear) to extract, strain plant material out, and heat carefully to get rid of alcohol...overheat it and you have a fireball, i use a candle heater and shot glasses like i saw on youtube. Think its call phoenix tears if you want to search for it. But end product is suppose to be super pure cbd and thc oil, I know out of a vape one hit will put you down.

@vitamin_green_inc - What does soy lechtin do? Never heard of it.


Well-Known Member
Helps to digest for those whose stomachs don't fully process edibles. It helps people who don't usually get much from edibles, Google badkitty's hash oil recipe.
Phoenix tears is not what you described, you just described QWESO which is QWISO just using ever clear instead of isopropylene alcohol.
Or you can make green dragon like I suggested using a heat bath, and I find that to be much easier to use, as a tincture under the tounge, or just take a shot of it in a drink.


@vitamin_green_inc -
Thanks for the info. I need to read up more on oils i guess. I watched the utube vids on phoenix tears, and thats what i said when I watched them, it was just the iso stuff fromback in the day. I'll get to googling. The tears and the claims are what caught my interest in ganja again outside of smoking for shoulder pain or recreation. My wifes friends sister used tears and won against stage4, was in hospice making arrangements, stomach cancer but ive never seen hers in person before, or talked about where or how she gets it, just smoked with her and listened to her cancer story.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess I need to to do more research as well. That badkitty link when you find it is great for edibles, but you can also look up making salves and other cocncotions for pains. I have read historic accounts of the roots being boiled and used in poulstices and having theraputic effects as well....I love this plant lol


Active Member
How much shake? Add soy lechtin. Or increase the dosage/strength of starting material. What kind of coconut oil?
I like the green dragon better, it gives me more of an effect

I used non refined cocunut oil - regarding amount of plant material used, this is something I'm a bit confused about. I just filled up a mason jar couple inches with shake and then covered it with oil. What I'm confused about though is if I wanted to increase the product to make it stronger how can I do so without increasing the oil else the product won't be covered by anything?


Well-Known Member
Then use more with less amounts of coconut, and just do two washes or eat more of the coconut oil at one time. I weigh 198 and used 6 table spoons of coconut to like 5-6 grams trim/shake, it was great. I made pb cookies and still had enough to make some bulletproof coffees for like a week straight


Well-Known Member
I would also cut down on the decarb time if you are running gat that high of a temp. Ovens fluctuate 20~ degrees or so. You should also cover with foil to keep in the terps


Active Member
Then use more with less amounts of coconut, and just do two washes or eat more of the coconut oil at one time. I weigh 198 and used 6 table spoons of coconut to like 5-6 grams trim/shake, it was great. I made pb cookies and still had enough to make some bulletproof coffees for like a week straight
Then use more with less amounts of coconut, and just do two washes or eat more of the coconut oil at one time. I weigh 198 and used 6 table spoons of coconut to like 5-6 grams trim/shake, it was great. I made pb cookies and still had enough to make some bulletproof coffees for like a week straight

So basically are you saying that an option to make the oil more potent do the same thing with the same oil again?

Currently if I put any more shake and it will be completely dry because there won't be enough oil


Active Member
I would also cut down on the decarb time if you are running gat that high of a temp. Ovens fluctuate 20~ degrees or so. You should also cover with foil to keep in the terps
220F is too high? I read that was the recommended and even heard of people doing decarb at 300. What temp would you use?


Well-Known Member
No, I would just set the batch you have now off to the side. Take 2x what you took the first time of that oil.

I would then take shake you have and put in 1.5x the amount you used last time into the same amount of oil you used the first time.

I do mine on 210 but for only 40-60 minutes...not 90...

I also make the oil, freeze it, then reheat it....lookup badkittys tutorial man, its got all the answers for real


Well-Known Member
293*for 9minutes for optimum decarb utilization.

see skunk pharm for more details.

I personally find 290* for 7 mins to be the best for bho, qwiso oil, and bubble hash (what I make my edibles from).


Well-Known Member
I use two ounces of trim and fluff buds to a 1 lb of butter.
I Decarb at 220 for 20 minutes and use a crock pot for 12 hours.
4 cookies will make your face hurt from smiling and laughing!

I would keep the ratio the same with coconut oil.