CANA PK13/14


Does anyone use this cana pk 13/14? I have bought some and looking for any tips or advice on how and when to use this.



Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i've been using pk boosters since my first grow. i've used canna's too. some like em, some don't. i don't use a lot of supps, but i use this one.


Is there a specific time when to use it and when to stop and also is there anything that could go terribly wrong?


Well-Known Member
Is there a specific time when to use it and when to stop and also is there anything that could go terribly wrong?

The ideal time varies from strain to strain.

Most people use a PK booster around week5 of flowering for 1 week only.

All I can tell you is I generally use mine at some point between week 5-7 of flowering.

The worst that can happen is that you over use it and cause a toxicity issue resulting in lower yields, lack of plant health and general loss of vigour.

Prolonged over usage could possibly lead to plant death.
