Cana you believe what the canadian government is doing?????


Active Member
How is it that Marc Emery is being extrodited???? Our government has basically just told us they could give 2 shits about our civil rights! why because the stupid american government said so!!! what is going on in this country??? i thought it was suppose to be proud and free! how is it that our gov't isn't protecting its own citizen, if he was not breaking the law here( and if he were he would get a fine!!!!! maybe a year in jail) how is it the states can grab him up and have him charged?? and put away for 5 years?it is also funny how not any other seed shop owners in the world have been charged or stolen from their own country. Please call Conservative Justice Minister Rob Nicholson at 905-374-4007 and the Conservative Party HQ at 866-808-8407 to express your feelings about Marc Emery's extradition order
please call and do the right thing as they are your civil rights too!!!


Active Member
How is it that Marc Emery is being extrodited???? Our government has basically just told us they could give 2 shits about our civil rights! why because the stupid american government said so!!! what is going on in this country??? i thought it was suppose to be proud and free! how is it that our gov't isn't protecting its own citizen, if he was not breaking the law here( and if he were he would get a fine!!!!! maybe a year in jail) how is it the states can grab him up and have him charged?? and put away for 5 years?it is also funny how not any other seed shop owners in the world have been charged or stolen from their own country. Please call Conservative Justice Minister Rob Nicholson at 905-374-4007 and the Conservative Party HQ at 866-808-8407 to express your feelings about Marc Emery's extradition order
please call and do the right thing as they are your civil rights too!!!
Now keep in mind, I appreciate the stance that this man has took, standing up for legalization.

But at the same time, you have to realize, what this man did was in clear violation of american law and canadian law. Im not saying I support those laws, or that I believe breaking them is bad (I obviously dont lol). But when you openly break these laws, and then brag about it (which hes done), your really just asking for trouble.

I wish all the luck in the world to Mark Emery, and I hate that my country is looking like the biggest assholes ever by bringing him to our country and prosecuting him, but really, part of the blame is on him.


Active Member
if you go to any seed shop online, it states that if you live in a country that does not accept the growing of pot then you should not order the seeds. second extroditing is for murderer's not seed sellers, the canadian government sold out one of its own!!! what would you do if the american government sold out on one of your countrymen? weather it be someone you dont know or your bestfriend. do you think it would be right?


Sector 5 Moderator
That sucks bigtime. I love Canadians; but I hate their government, just like I do ours here in the U.S. I still don't understand how the U.S. has any claims to him. I'm not aware that he was actually ever on U.S. soil and committed a crime.


Well-Known Member
Its bullshit because every step of the way the Canadians in charge didn't give a shit about what he was doing, and would even direct people to buy from him. What he did was something no Canadian has ever gone to jail for in Canada, and should have just been a minor fine. As far as I know when americans get caught buying seeds online they get a letter saying they caught someone trying to send you something illegal, and that is the end of it. They don't go out and try ot shutdown all these online seed banks for shipping to the US do they? Then why did they single him out? I don't think its because he sold so many as much as it was over how much of a big player he was in the legalization movement.

I feel bad that my government is taking him out of his own country over this.


Active Member
Yeah it sucks and its super wack blah blah.. But in the end don't go on every single documentary about Cannabis and blab your mouth about beating the US government, you're just asking for trouble imo..


Sector 5 Moderator
Yeah it sucks and its super wack blah blah.. But in the end don't go on every single documentary about Cannabis and blab your mouth about beating the US government, you're just asking for trouble imo..
I have a saying that I live by: "It's the *spouting* whale that gets the harpoon."


Active Member

Today's PROVINCE newspaper has an editorial cartoon about my extradition. Our sovereignty is sold out, Canada is bending over for the USA... Please make sure you write letters to newspapers about how you feel! It's as easy as sending an email, so please take the time if you want to make a difference!
Go to to find a link for media.