Canada in Reverse

smokin away

Well-Known Member
Talk about mafia controls this takes the cake. The Canadian Government wants to charge people eight times more for medicinal marijuana and give everything to their Government Commercial Growers. Why would they do this to poor people who suffer and have no income? It will certainly hamper efforts in the US to condone medicinal marijuana to private growers. I thought Canada was so cool for what they offered the suffering but it seems money has gone to their heads!

Ha money never left there heads its goin to get crazy In the usa to the nobama administration don't want to allow to many bottom dwellers to supply thier own medicine that's why I stock beans for the pot.holocaust or for civil war :D


Well-Known Member
How much did the tobacco industry make? Now imagine all the lawsuits are frivolous due to warnings and it's good for you....
They want money, government is simply a corporation controlled little puppet. It is time to remove them and insert a proper one. Without the corporations. They are the true parasites of the world.


Well-Known Member
That's actually congruent with 'Il Douche' Harper's Conservative ideology.
"Everyone is a criminal" underlies the basic tenets of his political philosophy. In order to realize this , laws are enacted to make criminals where there were none before.
Akin to the libretto for Frank Zappa's "Joe's Garage", I question whether he'll make music illegal next.

Using 2010/2011 figures
Total in Custody : 38219
Total under Community Supervision: 125010
Total "criminals" :163229 (3.27 (CS): 1(C))

Total cost of this boondoggle? ----> $4,120,511,000
Now, before going further into the numbers, it is important to keep in mind the great cost differences between "Custody" and "Community Supervision"

CustodyCommunity Supervision
Total Cost$2,960,853,000 (72%)$537,275,000 (13%)
Cost per respective

This is excluding other associated costs resulting from the processing system for "criminals". For the sake of simplicity, let's call those costs split.
The point is putting people behind bars is good for GDP through some twisted logic (which has a great deal of reliance upon the Bible). Putting people in prison fixes the unemployment figures, too.
Everything looks so fucking rosy through those Neo-Conservative lenses. If your life isn't worth $77470/yr in the regular economy, you're a prime target.
Get ready for some hard labour in Il Douche's :leaf: "Weed Mines":leaf: on the Prairies.


Well-Known Member
How much did the tobacco industry make? Now imagine all the lawsuits are frivolous due to warnings and it's good for you....
They want money, government is simply a corporation controlled little puppet. It is time to remove them and insert a proper one. Without the corporations. They are the true parasites of the world.
You talk but no walk.

No corporation? Insert a "proper" one?

"We all want to see the plan." John Lennon.

You seem anit-Con. You seem to be part of the dumb-downed.

This is what gets taken advantage by with real power. A dreamer, I think, as you portray yourself here. Where is
the beef Karl Marx?


Active Member
It's always the same nothing new with this the rich get richer the poor get poorer . The rich pigs hate the fact people have a choice over taking the pills they have stock in. It hurts their massive penny collection.


Well-Known Member
so lets create a movement.

first we need a plan. hmmm

well a basic blue prints. do you have any good ones?
we need to maintain security within. and protect our interests.
can Canada, a leader in helping others finally help itself?
and yes we might have to stop helping others, they have been taking advantage of the current system.
stop all outward aid and support until the new system is put in place.
what do we need to survive? food. clean water. clothing. housing.
food, we have enough room and supplies already. so we design a simple yet efficient hydroponic and soil based farming system which grows all the needs we have. space? well vertical gardening. any environment can be made and controlled. look up EXPERIMENTING ON A SMALL PLANET A SCHOLARLY ENTERTAINMENT-SPRINGER pdf-ke , ASTROLINGUISTICS DESIGN OF A LINGUISTIC SYSTEM FOR INTERSTELLAR COMMUNICATION BASED ON LOGIC-SPRINGER pdf-ke, HYDROPONIC FOOD PRODUCTION A DEFINITVE GUIDEBOOK FOR THE ADVANCED HOME GARDENER AND THE COMMERCIAL HYDROPONIC GROWER, 7TH EDITION-CRC PRESS pdf-ke.
we have people with the knowledge, we have the supplies and resources. we need the will power of the people.
clean water? water filtration plants and not polluting the environment.....
clothing? cmon.... do you have a sewing machine? the materials for it? il find some farming and proccessing books. most the materials we use are from animals/plants... which if we used and treated appropriately then we could have wool, cotton, fibres, poly's.
shelter? look up the venus project designs. most if not all could be made with very simple and efficient materials all of which we have or could make ourselves and can be tailored to each environment
electricity - water, sun, air, earth. all of which when combined will provide more then enough for several countries.
security - why do we need it? who is going to hurt us and why?

mid level needs-
interaction and stimulation. look at the above project.
social growth and personal development - people need to be allowed to voice themselves. what are you lacking? what is your deficiency? where can we accomplish this? public forums help daily/weekly/monthly
who decides who gets what? well what is the problem? we all decide, we all get to be heard, we all get to learn. you must leave your ego at the door and be openminded. the past is just that. the past. stop going in circles and evolve.
what is your problem, how can we solve it?
we need to be able to gather, decide as a whole, and not feel persecuted or belittled. public forums, in person, online, for everyone, no provinces but 1 whole.
we need to be heard, not just listened to. a big problem is how people put their ideas across. alot of us have poor communication structuralization and vocabulary selection. if you open up your mind and actually hear what they are trying to accomplish and not focus on the negatives.....
where do we as a society want to go next? problems? solutions? group/public forums with complete overhaul of the justice system, removal of the monetary system and old government. is religion acceptable when it hurts others so you can feel better? why are you hurting others? is that okay? are you willing to be hurt?

Higher levels -
how to we help others that need it while not overbearing them with our beliefs? they have to be given the chances, the choices, and be aware of the outcomes of their actions/words. we can accept as many as this boat will carry. how many beings can this boat carry? that is based off the resources at the time. the more resources, the more people we can help. the proper management of these resources.
this is called education. not forced input of information/misinformation.
how do we improve our society, science, spirituality, love.
do you need a car all the time? why? most the time it sits in the driveway/garage, so lets share it. between everyone. rent it, use it, return it. carpool, public transportation, better planned cities and easier to access places.
we can do better then this.
it is a starting point, not the final point.
we need to be able to meet with everyone and discuss the problems.
everyone needs to be informed. if they want to continue working for something that doesnt benefit you or the whole?
nostalgia is a serious mental condition when it hampers others.


Well-Known Member
Plan? Here's a plan...
Provinces start taking more control. The best example I can offer is the case of Insite in Vancouver.
It is against Federal Law, but the province says "up yours, with a Trudeau Salute" and does it anyway.

To which here is the case of a plan in action. "Sensible BC"s upcoming drive in Sept. (for 90 days) to get 400,000 signatures, composed of 10% in each of the 85 BC ridings.
[HR][/HR] Bill Tieleman campaigned for more than two years to get the government to hold a referendum on the despised HST, which was eventually scrapped.

“I said ‘Don’t expect to win.’ It was intentionally made as difficult as possible,” he said he told Larsen. When it comes to Sensible BC, he said supporters might not be as passionate about the marijuana issue as the hordes of scorned British Columbians who voted in the HST referendum.

“You’ve gotta get people motivated,” he said. “For those who are really in favour of marijuana decriminalization, you have to get up off the couch, put the munchies down and go.”

I love the end of that quote. And yet, Washington and Colorado have done it. Why not a Canadian representative of that initiative? With BC sharing a vital link with Washington State, it only seems natural to be selected for such a bold experiment; think of the cross-border trade activity!! It would definitely test some deep-grey areas in Commercial Law. Then again, it's really no different than liquor.

But getting stoners to vote is hard enough; how are they going to carry out a campaign?
Or would this be the one thing that gets an 80%+ turnout of eligible voters?
Hopefully I'll get to see in 2014... but for now, the hurdle in the Fall is 399,999 (or 499,999 in the following vid) signatures away.


One issue of strategy is geographical, though. I don't see it being difficult to secure those numbers in the GVRD (Greater Vancouver Regional District), but the ridings on the fringes...I suspect that is far more challenging than it appears.
The two most northern ridings are good to look at.
Stikine in 2009 had 8478 (65.3%) turn out to vote. So that means 12983 eligible voters... 10% of them (1298 ) have to sign a petition... hmm... a few shopping malls and pow-wows, that should be enough.
But right next door to the East is Peace River North with 9252 (40%) turnout in 2009... 23130 eligible --> 2313 signatures required... That might be a little trickier, and this without factoring-in personal philosophical beliefs, etc.
We does has Bible Belts an' yokels, y'know...

AND Polygamists! Can you hear the banjo now?


Well-Known Member
so who here is from canada and would be willing to meet, online or in person (wear a mask if you dont wanna show your face or whatever) and actually start something

problems? root cause?
solutions? plan of action?

its not that hard when people can communicate clearly in an open forum

so, heres my problem.

too many, too far spread. religion being one of the mains. lack of choice being another. the fact people think its nature not nurture and decide "well, its natural..... so im gonna keep hurting you" religion is not natural. consumerism and slavery is not natural. they are nurture. it is embarrassing. people get told something so much that they start to believe it. children have an excuse, they come into this world with no knowledge what so ever and are manipulated to believing these things. the people at fault are the parents and educators. they have been given the knowledge yet still enforce these beliefs because.... "well, it happened to me so it must be okay".
rape is still rape, whether it be of mind, body, or spirit.

we might not have had the technology or knowledge or whatever excuses they want to throw around. Now we do. Change must happen. The people that have been running the show have not been doing it in our best interests.

The basic needs to survive.
Food, Water.

The basic needs for a canadian environment.
Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing.

The basic things needed for growth as a society.
Open Communication, Transportation, Intellectual stimulation, Reserach and Development, Education, Goals, Equality, Problem Solving. True Laws to benefit all.

Ideas? Suggestions? Please be as clear as possible and specific as to which basic need/s you are referring to. Please also state problems or needs i have not listed.


Staff member
yeah harper thinks marijuana is dangerous he wants it out of the system, i doubt he will beback in office,
but like everything else in canada , theirs loopholes in the system to get things lowered, usually

as for poor people welfare gives you enough to survive i know this i was on it i was also granted 1400$ for my apartment to buy things for like utensils, chairs ect, than granted another 1400$ for clothing, and products like shampoo ect,
health care is already free
and welfare will give you money for prescription meds, eye doctors, and dentists
so it is entirely possible to live a minimum wage lifestyle on canada's welfare system at least in ontario

Unemployment will do the exact same thing and so will Disability although disability is extremely hard to get

Aside from this article strictly about marijuana, if you wanna be a bum and live off the system in canada you can.


Staff member
education is not a problem toget in canada anyone can sign up for Correspondence schoools they are free you just have to be willing to get off your ass and get it done they even offer free coffee and lunch for the poor people. if youre in college and your poor you can apply for bursaries which give you gift cards to grocery stores.


Well-Known Member
yeah harper thinks marijuana is dangerous he wants it out of the system, i doubt he will beback in office,
but like everything else in canada , theirs loopholes in the system to get things lowered, usually

as for poor people welfare gives you enough to survive i know this i was on it i was also granted 1400$ for my apartment to buy things for like utensils, chairs ect, than granted another 1400$ for clothing, and products like shampoo ect,
health care is already free
and welfare will give you money for prescription meds, eye doctors, and dentists
so it is entirely possible to live a minimum wage lifestyle on canada's welfare system at least in ontario

Unemployment will do the exact same thing and so will Disability although disability is extremely hard to get

Aside from this article strictly about marijuana, if you wanna be a bum and live off the system in canada you can.
why would you want to be a bum? why are you complacent with this?


Staff member
why would you want to be a bum? why are you complacent with this?
im not wanting to be a bum, i was kicked out of my home at 18, i needed a place to live , i needed the welfare system, i went expecting just a check to get an apartment they gave me all that, i was on it for a total of 2 months until i found a full time job, i have paid enough taxes in my time by now to have paid everything back i was not a bum i needed the system that is what its there for.


Staff member
op makes it out like canada doesnt care for its poorer people they do, welfare helps people get jobs, they have programs, they are willing to give to its citizens, in times of need, canada has its faults im not saying its perfect, but sometimes you have no friends or family to turn too and you need the welfare system or some other program assistance, and canada gives that, whether or not YOU CHOOSE to live off welfare and be a lazy fuck is up to the person

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
yeah sunni things like this are there for ppl. in exactly your position at the time. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I've used the system before myself. Nothing wrong with asking for help. I've paid far more taxes than resources I have used.


Staff member
yeah sunni things like this are there for ppl. in exactly your position at the time. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I've used the system before myself. Nothing wrong with asking for help. I've paid far more taxes than resources I have used.
Yup sometimes you need helpgetting off your feet!


Well-Known Member
yea it is an okay system. at sub par.

we think it is okay because we compare it to others. it does not make it right.
I have had a family that mentally and physically abuse and abandoned me. They are not my family any more.
i have put in my dues, worked since i was 12 years old @ 20 hrs a week, attended school, was kicked out of school for defending myself from physical, mental and emotional abuse. (physically assaulted by teachers, students, principals. The teachers that helped me got fired/disciplined. ) i had 10 guys jump me because i would not give them my food, i was then suspended for 2 weeks because i DEFENDED myself. I had my hand broken because i told a guy to leave me alone and he had an ego. i stood up to my bullies.
i have been cut open with knives by my bosses 4 times....(exact reasoning and i quote "its how it is."), i have been burned by different bosses purposely(not the metaphorical sense), i have seen people use their powers as managers (removal of a persons hours) to get sexual favors.
I have seen managers come into work strung out on coke/crack, or completely intoxicated. I have had a manager assualt me in the work place , in front of everyone, and would not stop till i picked up a weapon ( a broom stick). I have had cops falsify arrest warrants and claim i was a weapons trafficker to search my car and arrest me (they also broke several things in my car, and tore apart as much as they could) They had no reason, found nothing and the mysterious charges disappeared. i have then tried to file a complaint and was told "we cannot file your complaint" - Desk Sgt.
i have been pulled over for "suspicious driving" same night of the incident. if i stand up for myself or others who are being abused, people like you come along and say "well its natural" or "you should be more careful" "things happen" "you're unlucky".....

i still achieved above par grades approx 90% +. i was still kicked out and had to attain a GED. I have worked in the property maintenance (interior and exterior), service industry(bartender, server, cook, manager), Sign making and installation, Warehouse, and i am still self educating, not to mention also going to piloting school.

this system is not okay. rape is still rape. i have done everything i can to get ahead and do my best while these parasites copy my work, then hamper my efforts, then get praise. They do not learn the lessons. They have had chances and choices. They have failed.
in the words of remiel "Suck a dick". it is time to remove this necrosis so fresh growth can begin.

What do you suggest i do at this point. I have asked for help. This is me asking for help. What do i have to look forward to in this society?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
well I don't know you, but i've been around the block myself. You ever hear the phrase "if you run into an asshole in the morning you ran into an asshole. You run into an asshole all day long you might be the asshole." ?Now, not saying you are, but I just have a problem with people who blame shit on other people ALL THE TIME. Big red flag to me. Somewhere in one of those instances you mentioned you just might have played a part in it. Be it attitude, whatever. As I said I've been there and experienced a lot. My advice is to move on with your life. Stop focusing on all the injustices/bullying and horrible things that have happened in your life and try to look ahead. If you cannot do this you have nothing to look forward too. I could go on all day about all the horrible things I have endured in my life, but there is really no need. Sorry to be so blunt but that's just how I roll. No need to pussyfoot around, we're all adults here.


Well-Known Member
well I don't know you, but i've been around the block myself. You ever hear the phrase "if you run into an asshole in the morning you ran into an asshole. You run into an asshole all day long you might be the asshole." ?Now, not saying you are, but I just have a problem with people who blame shit on other people ALL THE TIME. Big red flag to me. Somewhere in one of those instances you mentioned you just might have played a part in it. Be it attitude, whatever. As I said I've been there and experienced a lot. My advice is to move on with your life. Stop focusing on all the injustices/bullying and horrible things that have happened in your life and try to look ahead. If you cannot do this you have nothing to look forward too. I could go on all day about all the horrible things I have endured in my life, but there is really no need. Sorry to be so blunt but that's just how I roll. No need to pussyfoot around, we're all adults here.
why have we gone through hardships?
imo, lack of communication, wrong people in the wrong places, lack of education on how to interact with others.
every single person and place has had bad things happen, we are still making the same mistakes though.
we are still hurting each other over outdated information.
why? because thats how it was/is. but that is not acceptable.
we, as individuals and as a whole have to rise above this.
people use each other without thought of what their actions and words will inflict/affect another.
i am telling you there are better ways.
because it is a fact.
there are.
this world has become self retarded, we are holding ourselves back.

"nostalgia is one of the most damaging untreated mental conditions we face today"

we like to have a history, something solid, something to ground our beliefs in. (most of them are false and flawed.)
by doing so we encourage this necrosis to happen and the de-evolution of the people.
as a child did you see people cutting in front of others to get ahead? lieing? cheating? stealing?
is it okay?
why do they lie?
why do they cheat?
why do they steal?