Canada strikes back

zeddd said:
Jesus was a brown skinned man from Syria, he would hate your stupid racism

Sorry i misunderstood your bringing him up. I was curious about the Syria thing. ;)

People get testy about everything. And I was kidding. Get a bong rip in ya.
Thanks for the advice but I don’t do bong rips, perhaps you are projecting regarding the comment “testy”
Top tip, 1 metre bag volcano digi with the classic fitting, fill the chamber with cured gg4 cropped 60-67 days (very cerebral when young), blast at 218 degrees centigrade. Pisses all over a bong rip
Top tip, 1 metre bag volcano digi with the classic fitting, fill the chamber with cured gg4 cropped 60-67 days (very cerebral when young), blast at 218 degrees centigrade. Pisses all over a bong rip
White rhino aged for 2 months in a jar in my extreme q in a is pretty damned good too. A volcano is out of my price range. But it does sound tasty

I have never had a bong rip. I smoke doobs and vape. It was a euphemism sort of. for relax
Top tip, 1 metre bag volcano digi with the classic fitting, fill the chamber with cured gg4 cropped 60-67 days (very cerebral when young), blast at 218 degrees centigrade. Pisses all over a bong rip

i can't afford a $600 vape, but i;ve wanted one for a long time. :cry:

for now i am stuck in yesterday with bong rips bongsmilie
i can't afford a $600 vape, but i;ve wanted one for a long time. :cry:

for now i am stuck in yesterday with bong rips bongsmilie
Arizer extreme Q vape (i didnt make the name) I got for 200 bucks and it was tax deductable for my wife. Personal vapes are ok but hot and lacking in punch. A bench vape changes that, but the cheaper ones use glass hardware and that shit breaks a lot.

So I will save my birthday money for a volcano digital :D
Arizer extreme Q vape (i didnt make the name) I got for 200 bucks and it was tax deductable for my wife. Personal vapes are ok but hot and lacking in punch. A bench vape changes that, but the cheaper ones use glass hardware and that shit breaks a lot.

So I will save my birthday money for a volcano digital :D

i bought a pax era for my vacation to colorado.

for a portable vape, it ROCKS !!!!!!

good thing i don't live in colorado or cali, cuz i would need a second job to keep myself stocked up in PAX ERA cartridges...

the headband and sour diesel are potent...
Top tip, 1 metre bag volcano digi with the classic fitting, fill the chamber with cured gg4 cropped 60-67 days (very cerebral when young), blast at 218 degrees centigrade. Pisses all over a bong rip

Pardon me, zeddd. I've pulled on a Volcano bag many times, and used all kinds of other vapes, and I don't think I've seen a temperature setting that high. 218C looks to be about 424F, is that right? I've always thought that a vape that heats bud higher than 390F (199C) will include toxins that we don't want.

I understand that each device will have different ways to use the heat source, so that might require some different temps, or there may be some British Imperial difference that is required by your Uncle Robert or somebody.

Pardon me, zeddd. I've pulled on a Volcano bag many times, and used all kinds of other vapes, and I don't think I've seen a temperature setting that high. 218C looks to be about 424F, is that right? I've always thought that a vape that heats bud higher than 390F (199C) will include toxins that we don't want.

I understand that each device will have different ways to use the heat source, so that might require some different temps, or there may be some British Imperial difference that is required by your Uncle Robert or somebody.

Yes everyone says similar, but it’s a different level of stone. Probably not the healthiest option but it is trippy, over 218 is weaker and less tasty so it definitely maxes out strength wise at 218
I run mine at 210 C usually. 220 sometimes.
I use an iceborn attachment that cools it down while you pull off the bag. Works like a champ.
Yes everyone says similar, but it’s a different level of stone. Probably not the healthiest option but it is trippy, over 218 is weaker and less tasty so it definitely maxes out strength wise at 218

Ahhhh ....

so Bob is actually your Uncle. :lol:

Sorry brother when you come to India hit me up and I will smoke a chillum of finest charas with you
I have to get an indian seed. Original old school land race sativa shit. :D
I am running a malawai killer X panama cross but this is the first i have touched a real F1 strain. I hope the 6 months is worth it.