Canadain Growers Club


New Member
ahahaha, well it actually helps me out quite abit, I don't have an intake or out for my air so.......just leaving the window in my room open a crack and the door to my closet open and it works out perfect to me, as long as I remember to close it at night time. I don't know what I'm gonna do in the summer, back to cfl's I guess


New Member
lol, yea poor leafs, dad calls 'em Maple Laughs, poor fuckers can't even play marbles, better go back to the golf course.............


New Member
here's some up to date pics of my grow, enjoy.
there's more in my grow journal, it's in my sig but don't link you there, gotta cut and paste, would be cool if you all check it out and give a comment or 2 on how my progression is going. I'm used to cfl, this is my first 400 watt hps grow and can already see the diff. It's freaking GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol


New Member
Yea, I did notice that a long time ago, I was pretty stoned when I started the thread, don't know how to fix it, I think it adds character lol


Can anyone recommend a good place to but lights and gear online, from Canada. Or are there places in the states that would be better? I live in the Arctic and can only ship online.


I am now torn because I think the prices for a 400w HID is about as much as 400w of florous so now. I am flip flopping and don't know which way to. Very frustrating because I want to get er goin.


New Member
I'd go with the hps instead of the flouros for sure. Just my opinon, I live in Nova Scotia and mine got shipped from Cali it took like I said 2 weeks and got it really cheap, cost like 50 bucks just for shipping though, but won the bid for $117 us, which came with the digi ballast, the light and bulb, XL reflector, 2 yo yo hangers, and a timer. Pretty good for the price, just for the ballasts and the refector around here is $250 that don't even include the bulb, hangers or timer


Active Member
SlowD, the problem with trying to compare is the apples to apples... some places included cords with their ballasts, other don't etc.... since shipping is a major pain in the ass and expensive to get where you are try somewhere like alta ( No sales tax).... good luck and great grows man...


New Member
WOW, nice buds man thanks for posting, not much action here anymore........what size is you hps you have in there? Do you have a reflector on it or no?
What strain? Pic 5 looks some damn sugary, how long have they been in flower for?


Active Member
WOW, nice buds man thanks for posting, not much action here anymore........what size is you hps you have in there? Do you have a reflector on it or no?
What strain? Pic 5 looks some damn sugary, how long have they been in flower for?
I have a 400 watt in each room yes i have a reflector and they have been in flower for 8 weeks now the strain is one that we have kinda created crossed a few good strains. pic 5 is of my second room but they have really slowed in growth not sure why i think we crosed this one with a autoflower and it just wont get the size that i want so i wont do this one again. next batch is going to be kushberry and orange bud starting those clones as we speak


Well-Known Member
Just found this thread, awesome idea!

Anyway, this is the setup of my first indoor grow.
-282 watts of CFL. 50 watts are 5600K, and all the rest are 2700k.
-Miracle grow potting soil (.14 .14 .14) and miracle grow moisture control (.18 .10 .10).
- all in a space measured 2 x 2 x 4ft = 16ft2
-Three different flowering plants. 1 Afghan Kush, (Day 53 of flower) 1 bag seed indica (day 34 of flower) and 1 bad seed sativa (Day 53 of flower).

Group shot


Sativa Bonsai

Unknown indica

I also have 8 sprouts started for after harvest