Canadain Growers Club


New Member
Yea that's crazy isn't it?
I've saw a couple journals of people doing that on here and a few other sites.
It's amazing how resiliant cannibis is


Well-Known Member
OK dudes... anyone ever have seeds confiscated at the border?

I bought from attitude with the 'guaranteed stealth shipping'... does that mean they will resend them, no questions asked... or do I have to send a copy of the note I got from the Border Inspection assholes?

Will the Border assholes be checking all my mail now?

And can I just say: FUCK!

(That was for my Bubba Kush, Chocolope and Free Barneys give-aways)


New Member
Holy shit dude, that's harsh.
I know you couldn't wait to get them either
Just take a pix of what they sent you, upload it and send it to attitude and explain what happened.
They should re-send and hopefully with an extra bonus, if it was guranteed shipping. Unless you get to be 1 of the ppl I've heard about and get a big fuck U and won't answer your e-mails
You shouldn't use your own address for seeds or anything like that......
Sorry to hear about your luck bud, hope it all works out for you.

OK dudes... anyone ever have seeds confiscated at the border?

I bought from attitude with the 'guaranteed stealth shipping'... does that mean they will resend them, no questions asked... or do I have to send a copy of the note I got from the Border Inspection assholes?

Will the Border assholes be checking all my mail now?

And can I just say: FUCK!

(That was for my Bubba Kush, Chocolope and Free Barneys give-aways)


001.jpg36 DAYS (3).jpgNew to this sitersz_014.jpg. Okanagan's where I call home. Will try to attache some pics of recent work. Don't know if I know how to attach picsrsz_017_(2).jpg. Guess we'll see! Strain is Nebula. I see the pics are here, not sure why the words are all over the place. This is harder than the actual growing.


Active Member
im gettin an outdoor ready myself, got about 15 seeds or so, hopefully will be gettin some purp kush seeds from a friend too.
nothing fancy about this grow, im honestly broke as fuck, and the 15 seeds i have are from friends parents who grow.
starting them off in a small plastic greenhouse thing outside till they are passing seedling stage (all outside) then moving them into small pots, i dont have much good soil ready now, be feedin them MG veg stage growth nutes. then hopefully will have a lotta horse manure and some lime etc. to put in some holes in some spots ive found in a forest near my home. ill take pictures once they get to a decent size outside closer to summer and keep yall updated :)
quick question anyone know where to get seeds im around toronto ont and would like to avoid the net but if its the only option ill go for so i guess trustworthy sites as well??


New Member
The Church, germ'd for you? I heard alot of ppl that had big problems with those seeds. Like 2-10 would germ and then die, by a few ppl too.
Glad to see your's turned out good.


Active Member
The Church, germ'd for you? I heard alot of ppl that had big problems with those seeds. Like 2-10 would germ and then die, by a few ppl too.
Glad to see your's turned out good.

Actually the church has been the second strongest strain next to the adhd. That shit is off the hook.... I think that im gonna have to keep one of the new adhd for a mother.