Canadian Clone Consulting.


Well-Known Member
Starting a new thread for CCC.
I followed along with one of the grows he did of some new genetics he acquired and tested for latent hop virus 2x.
I’ve always wanted to grow the real bubba kush of the old days. So I thought I’d give his clones a go.
I just received bubba kush, Triangle kush, and ECSD.
I’ll update this thread as things progress and give an honest review.
Once I decided on the clones I wanted “and he has quite the selection” shipping was swift and effortless. 2 days across Canada.
Clones had a nice amount of roots. Looked healthy and pest free. I potted in coco and will leave a zip lock bag over for a couple days to get them acclimatized to my conditions.
Stay tuned.
bro i have always wanted the bubba kush from the old days i am on a hunt for it! my favorite strains are bubba kush og kush and sour diesel. have you ever heard of katsu? he recently released pre 98 bubba kush s1 and i believe it too be the real bubba kush from the old days katsu even said himself that him csi and someone else i forgot have the real bubba! well here is link katsu's pre98 bubba kush s1
Make sure you look for mites. A buddy of mine just recently got an order from CCC. Spider mites on them. Beefy clones where treated and quarantined. They're fine now.
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Will do, how recent?
Within the last month. Not the same cuts as yours. Yours look abit better than his did on arrival. His were large older neglected looking clones. Still green but hurting. Fairly mitey and tons of eggs. They were hungry and responded well to Safers Soap treatments, predator mites foliar and soil, defoliating some and feeding. They're growing great now. Buddy says he'd use CCC again. Legit cuts as he is familiar with them. Delivery was fast. Always quarantine anyway.
Solid advice on quarantine! Wouldn't hurt to dedicate a spot to them and hit em with a few treatments. I've always wanted to learn how to harbor/breed predatory mites
Flipped the TK and ECSD the other day.
Bubba is a little slow. Thinking it’s just it’s normal. Cloned everyone.
Coco+RO+potassium silicate+ PHdown+Jacks
Flip her soon. I must say she looks pretty good for such an old cut.