Online clones- CCC (Canadian Clone Consulting) vs GTA Clones

Generally id say if your going to take clones you want clones from a guy you know is a great grower. And get them direct from him. Makes sense that he would have something to smoke from the parents. Tester before you invest your time and money.
Blindly buying online likely end up waste of your time and money. Prob teach you something about mold and bugs lol.
Generally, most "good growers" quarantine new clones as well as treat them for things like mold with a lil dip in some 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Also wtf you n? Shitty growers buy great genetics all the time. Lol
I'd second primo clones for anyone looking for quality clones that are pathogen free. I grabbed a cut of Twinkle Tart to test his service (originally reached out about the Sour Diesel availability) and got a One Night Stand tossed in for free.
If this is the crew i think it is id take this guys advice. Strains can sometimes tell you whos who in the business. If they are who i think they are they are high level growers. Knowledge is power...
If this is the crew i think it is id take this guys advice. Strains can sometimes tell you whos who in the business. If they are who i think they are they are high level growers. Knowledge is power...

It's not a crew, just a single dude doing his thing. He also had a big scare as the elites he collected from the US were infected with HLV, so he lost everything and has had to restart. He's also more of a beginner then "high level grower" from the conversations we've had. Solid dude as he did the ethical thing and warn everyone that his cuts were infected, also highlights the risk of buying clones and spreading pathogens even if proper quarantine practices are used.
Hey everybody. Just gonna post my experience here with c.c.c.... I ordered 5 clones and spent nearly $500... When I finally received my clones, there was only one viable cut. The others were all basically dead on arrival, anyway I took pictures and submitted them to the website. I was quickly promised the clones would be resent the very next week. It's been a week now and I have been completely ghosted by this company. While I was waiting for the first batch to be sent out, I was contacted by text. The company rep or whoever, said there was a system issue and they wanted to make sure everything was ok. Since then, I made contact with that rep several times regarding questions about my shipment. The only advice this person can give us to continually email the website that doesn't respond. He claimed that even tho we were in contact the entire time I was waiting for my first shipment, he was only the shipper and didn't have any direct knowledge about when I would receive my replacements. Anyway everybo, this appears to be a massive waste of time, patience and money. Save yourself the headache and frustration. Go elsewhere for your clones, nineleafclover has been excellent in the past for me, the only reason I went elsewhere was menu options.

I will update this post if anything actually improves but I have my doubts. Avoid these guys at all costs everybody.
don't know if anyone has posted this yet but Nine leaf clover is awesome. Great strains, good people, great service
i ordered from CCC and plants were ok but infested with spider mites but then found out after treating all the plants with floramite that I now have russet mites and they are immune to floramite. had to ditch a few clones and treated everything with avid but what a freaking hassel. it says on his website clear as day, pest free clones. Couple of his strains seem legit but you really have to treat his clones like they have the dirtiest bugs out there.
Stay away from Canadian clones online/consulting No customer service. Excuse after excuse.This guy is a piece of work. Ordered last year & it was to cold to send/then the family members passed away. Genetics were garbage. So got fooled by updated website(or I would not have ordered again). Same issue family members dropping like flies. Excuses & broken promises. Supposed to be premium cuts this time. Will see if they are ever sent. Hope the dog did not eat his home work too. Very aggravating person to deal with. Even if order arrives & is great. I will not order from this guy again. Just look at the reviews. The same issues again & again.This guy does not know how to run a company.
Stay away from Canadian clones online/consulting No customer service. Excuse after excuse.This guy is a piece of work. Ordered last year & it was to cold to send/then the family members passed away. Genetics were garbage. So got fooled by updated website(or I would not have ordered again). Same issue family members dropping like flies. Excuses & broken promises. Supposed to be premium cuts this time. Will see if they are ever sent. Hope the dog did not eat his home work too. Very aggravating person to deal with. Even if order arrives & is great. I will not order from this guy again. Just look at the reviews. The same issues again & again.This guy does not know how to run a company.
I just finished growing his stuff and i dont want to dissapoint you but got 3 of his elite/breeder cuts and they all looked and smoked the same with little to no terps. This guy is a thief, i posted a new thread on thcfarmer about my shitty experience with his scrap
Also ordered from onlineclones and took 2 months to get half of my order because of excuses after excuses and then when i got them, i found powder mildew and signs of thrips and mite damage. I just tossed them in the trash. freaking waste of time
Yea now that I think about it. I had powdery mildew too.Probably gonna toss them even if I get them after reading your post. Was thinking of reverse spraying to make cloned seeds. But read diseases can be passed even by seeds. Not worth the risk of F#*in up my other ones. I was contacted by the guy who runs Primoclonescanada. Seems real legit. I was going to order from him last year. He had everything tested for health etc. But just before I ordered he let his customers know that a supplier had sent him bad cuts with disease.He trashed everything & started over. Did not pass his problems on. Ordered a couple from him last Friday & are due this week.I will let U know how it goes. Like I said waiting on product. But dealing with him is like night & day compared to the Duffus at CCC. Ordered Friday & they are arriving this week. Other guy lucky if I get them before a month is up.
Yea now that I think about it. I had powdery mildew too.Probably gonna toss them even if I get them after reading your post. Was thinking of reverse spraying to make cloned seeds. But read diseases can be passed even by seeds. Not worth the risk of F#*in up my other ones. I was contacted by the guy who runs Primoclonescanada. Seems real legit. I was going to order from him last year. He had everything tested for health etc. But just before I ordered he let his customers know that a supplier had sent him bad cuts with disease.He trashed everything & started over. Did not pass his problems on. Ordered a couple from him last Friday & are due this week.I will let U know how it goes. Like I said waiting on product. But dealing with him is like night & day compared to the Duffus at CCC. Ordered Friday & they are arriving this week. Other guy lucky if I get them before a month is up.
Ive ordered twice from primoclones. Legit, pest free and very nice guy. Highly recommend him. Actually he is the only one i recommend here in Canada
Glad to know my instincts were right.Proof is in the pudding. We shall see.But my experience so far has been the same as yours. No bullshit. Easy to get a hold of. Straight forward.
I ordered from Canada clones consulting on May 27th, July 3rd they were sent out, they arrived today July 8th. All bottom leaves were brown and gooey. One appears to have webs on it, looked like even a dead carcus caught in the webbing. I cleaned all the dead shot from the bottom stems. New to this, I threw them in some promix and watered. Where should I start? 20240708_185257.jpg20240708_185313.jpg20240708_185257.jpg


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I ordered from Canada clones consulting on May 27th, July 3rd they were sent out, they arrived today July 8th. All bottom leaves were brown and gooey. One appears to have webs on it, looked like even a dead carcus caught in the webbing. I cleaned all the dead shot from the bottom stems. New to this, I threw them in some promix and watered. Where should I start? View attachment 5406330View attachment 5406331View attachment 5406330
That's not good.
I would spray with some ipm, looks like it most likely has spidermites with that webbing. And then keep your eye on it. Probably spray it a few times a week for a couple weeks.
I ordered from Canada clones consulting on May 27th, July 3rd they were sent out, they arrived today July 8th. All bottom leaves were brown and gooey. One appears to have webs on it, looked like even a dead carcus caught in the webbing. I cleaned all the dead shot from the bottom stems. New to this, I threw them in some promix and watered. Where should I start? View attachment 5406330View attachment 5406331View attachment 5406330
Yea I am finally done with this so called company. 30 plus emails. Promises of refunds. Tried to bribe me to remove reviews. To be fair my order did arrive after 5 & a half days. Extra was dead. The other two almost dead. Cousin nursed them back to health (By this time I had left for vacation/can only wait so long). They were super stressed & lost almost all the leaves but the tops. Plants that have been stressed like this are not Elite cuts. This guy thinks 5 days of darkness is ok. That is how plants get sick. I do not want to risk growing them. Cousin does not want them.Cannot give them away. Look at these pictures this fellow has posted. No quality control. I told Canada Clones Consulting (looks like he has now dropped this) that I would not put a $800 dollar cut of his in my garden. Shit is shit no matter how much U pay for it. So U have bad reviews??? Change the name of your company. Pay close attention. He changes up the name a bit. That is why I got screwed by this guy twice. If U post a bad review on this site. Stick with it. Do not let this guy bribe U to remove it. Good riddance.
PS To be fair the PM & Spider Mites are free