Canadian cops use infra-red, American cops dont?


Well-Known Member
Blindsided by the light

So is it true, this article?

Also, anyone know how many watts it would take (ballpark) before you start showing up on infra-red police cameras? 1000w? 5000w? How much?


Active Member
One day in the future, this will all be behined us and we'll get to sit out on our front porch, roll a bomber, and just watch the UCs roll by...

I would Imagine though that 1000w wouldn't be too far off for this infra-red tech, most average joes dont have a 1000w mh or hps bulb just chillin in ther basement, closet etc.


Well-Known Member
Your average 2000 watt and under grow is not going to show up on FLIR as a pot growing operation. the stuff they are looking for is going to be 100+ plants 5000 watts + grows. I have no idea if the story is true or not, but if it is then no one is safe in Canada. The police are just like everyday people, they WILL use the new technology to spy on the hot chick in the house. They WILL use it to spy on anyone that catches their interest even if it is not crime related. Big Brother is here to stay.


Well-Known Member
seriously this shit sucks. and the only ops that get caught by flir are huge grow ops. im pretty sure that if the room temp in your house is 69 and the grow room is 70 its not gonna show a huge difference. hell anything under 1000 watts isnt even a big dent in your bill. i prepared for the whole electricity bill thing. a year before i started growing i left every fucking light in the house on. when i started growing i turned em all off and now my bill is actually much cheaper and im using less energy. i spent a lot, but oh well i was worried theyd notice. now i realize my 700 watts hps isnt doing crap to my bill


Well-Known Member
I dont know who told yall US cops dont have infrared, becuase they do and have for some years now, Now is they flying over looking to see if someone is growing I doubted not where I live. I live in a major city with all the crime they dont have time to fly around looking for something that may or may not be there.. I think sometime we give them a lil too much credit. Yes it may be possible but its not pratical


Well-Known Member
I once talked to a big time indoor grower about how he handled the heat escaping the ceiling . . . he said he had the attic space perfectly dissipating the heat with the air constantly flowing within (not escaping.)

I guess the dude was in high times too . . . but it seemed like a sound idea.