Canadian Grower's License


Well-Known Member
anyone got some comments about getting your grower's card in Canada? There was a girl on here, i forget her name (Kitty maybe) and her and her boyfriend/husband whatever would grow mad crazy huge medi grows. She was in Ontario too, i havent been on here in a while and i dont think she has either. But man i wish i could talk to someone about this. I would make it my profession. Mayb they had enough patients and things came together for them fairly easily. I dono how many patients one could have at a time or how many you could have as a collective grow but... I herd they were phasing out the whole growing situation sometime this year. I dono the laws, its always all over the place as im sure most of us agree so there are def. alot of us who just have no clue what is going on in the marijuana culture today. Consider it a plant like its always bin and lets move on right haha! I am on disability for my anxiety and chronic depression so I think that should help me move things along in getting my card. Back before i was on disability i was about to send off all my info to a clinic in BC that would do a skype appointment with me and sign off, i just didnt have the $400.00 to do it. I did everything i was suppose to in terms of proper paper work however like most ppl, its hard to find a doctor to sign off.

SIDE NOTE: Funny thing my friend actually is trying to get a bunch of ppl together back in Ontario to just plant like crazy, clones, seeds, males, females... all over the province as many as you can plant. He figures once there is just so many and plants are polinating themselves the government will eventually have to classify it as a wild plant or whatever and that will be that. AMAZING idea...