Well-Known Member
not true man read form anything over 5 grams a day u have sign off rights away from u holding a doctor/health canada if u cant breath in ten years due no testing these high doses (i say orally is way better for extreme pain for me anyways indicas heavy narcotic/larathenic strains i enjoy best u dont even need ur land lords perrmission if u rent n live there messed up but true i just went up past 5 a day with no problems at my doc's office
Most of what you said is flawed and not quite the scoop.
The doctor release was created by the CMA for Dr's to protect themselves from any suits from prescribing MJ as meds. Plane and simple. Most Dr. don't care about the form anymore. It's actually a good door opener for people approaching their Dr. for MJ if he's not big on it, the form lets him off the hook.
Not so read the rules you can NOT GROW if you rent, "unless you have written permission from the owner of the property".
The point about the 5 grams is you can have a GP prescribe you up to 5 grams but if he wants to go higher than 5 grams you must see a specialist to confirm the GP's diagnosis. After confirmation of the diagnosis you GP can give you what ever he wants.