Canadian Prices?

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Every one talks about how canada is flooded with "Grade A" treez
at low prices.

How much is the weight up there
say for q, oz, qp, hp, p?

And how much is it equivalent to
american dollars?

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i get quarter ounce (7grams) around 30-50$ an ounce at 100-160$(it goes up to 200 but i dont bother, its a rip off.) quarter pound is 300-400$ and full pound is 1600-2200$ i live in quebec so it might change from province to province. Peace

PS it really is true... i NEVER ever smoke crappy pot.


Well-Known Member
Canada gots thats chronic 24/7 :)

they go good weed like God Bud and X-Men

i wish i had some of that right now


Well-Known Member
it varies on where you go really i know in my area we have alota china bud, which is the commercial non flushed bad tasting hydro that goes for pretty cheap, thats what all the highschool kids smoke or dumbasses that dont know anybetter about weed, then the higher grades your looking at 45 a Q, 85 a half, 175 a ounce, 650 a qp, 2500 for a pound for the goods


Active Member
yeah there allways a new premo grade A type of weed with my dealers every week. Diesel, and Red Rhyno are going around right now. Some people are charging 65 a quater but its bomb ass weed


Active Member
Ye i can get regular weed 45 a quarter 80 a half oz 150 an oz

the dollar is the same right now so it would prolly look like this 42american 78$american and 146$ american.

now i grab only the best weed around wich is usually from 50-70 per 7grams
85- 110 per 14grams and160-220 for an oz

but this stuff is like 20-25% thc, medical grade shit. ya feel me

toronto area,ontario CANADA


Well-Known Member
Jesus, those prices were in american money right? I wish Wisconsin would join with canada! I have no friends over the boarder :'(


Active Member
in BC its 1500-2500 per lb depends on avalabilty! there is no such thing as low quality i take three tokes im torched.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Well in my part of Canada you can get 5 grams for 30 bucks. 10 grams for 70. 200 for an oz. The thing is it's dirt weed of shitty hydro. There are a only a couple dealers around here that are the "real deal". traveling to places in quebec and coming back with 50 or 60 pounds of it. They sell to dealers by the pound and its $1400 for a half pound of the best weed i've ever smoked. It then goes by the gram, so an oz is $280..etc. I've gotten Northern Lights, Jack Herer, m39(not the commercially grown shit) and recently some Master Kush. The Kush was one of the best kinds I've ever tried.


Well-Known Member
Lol, here in the prairies it's like 180-220 an O for reg stuff and 240-250 for kush. Usually it's a bit cheaper but alot of people are dry


Well-Known Member
Dry as hell in Newfoundland with 3.5 grams going for $45! A pound at "good" times goes for $3k or higher and goes up much more during dry times. Even in good times it's $40 for 4.5 grams which is why I am looking at growing my own instead!