Canadian Stuff


Well-Known Member
Not nearly enough, they need to build low-cost housing right across the country or incentive private industry to do it and drive down the price of housing while they do it, those who bought high will just have to get screwed along with greedy landlords. Housing costs over the past several decades has gotten completely out of line with what people make and grocery inflation is mostly greedflation. If they want to get elected again then these issues must be addressed, PeePee won't, he will make it worse, much worse, if he is PM and puts the country on crypto or some other hairbrained fucking scheme.



Well-Known Member
Not nearly enough, they need to build low-cost housing right across the country or incentive private industry to do it and drive down the price of housing while they do it, those who bought high will just have to get screwed along with greedy landlords. Housing costs over the past several decades has gotten completely out of line with what people make and grocery inflation is mostly greedflation. If they want to get elected again then these issues must be addressed, PeePee won't, he will make it worse, much worse, if he is PM and puts the country on crypto or some other hairbrained fucking scheme.

So the people that bought houses already will pay taxes to devalue their property? The price of houses only came about by people getting cheap money.


Well-Known Member
So the people that bought houses already will pay taxes to devalue their property? The price of houses only came about by people getting cheap money.
Someone will have to take the hit for cheap housing, it was done before and it can be again. Seriously, with the gains in technology and productivity in the past 50 years we should be living better than in the 70s. Since Reagan changed the economic fundamentals and killed the new deal all the gains have gone to the rich while their taxes were cut. Canada is just a sideshow and a lot of fundamental change must be American, we can't tax the rich, they will just move south.


Well-Known Member
Someone will have to take the hit for cheap housing, it was done before and it can be again. Seriously, with the gains in technology and productivity in the past 50 years we should be living better than in the 70s. Since Reagan changed the economic fundamentals and killed the new deal all the gains have gone to the rich while their taxes were cut. Canada is just a sideshow and a lot of fundamental change must be American, we can't tax the rich, they will just move south.
So retires should?

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Lets force the grocery chains to be generous or we're gonna tax them. Surely that will make our food more affordable. Fantastic leader. Get rid of excessive fuel tax and lose the sham environmental tax. Instead of biting the hand that feeds us all, make it more affordable to get, food from the farmer to the storefront. Some understand that business always seeks the most profitable environment, so little comes of uncompetitive tax and regulation environments. All the left-leaning doomsayers, know things are going to get worse, with another term of Team Justin Trudeau. Predictions of doom with change are about in line with the same folks prediction about Trudeaus performance, all those years ago...

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Love to see a Mulroney/Campbell replay with Trudeau/Freeland. Could we see a second appointed female PM rivaling the short-term record? Fitting the two history erasers being doomed to repeat the past. My kinda irony. Ahh in a perfect Canada1694738951580.png


Well-Known Member
So retires should?
It depends, many things affect housing prices like high interest rates and over or under supply, policy can correct the undersupply problem. Naturally some people benefit, and some people are hurt by policy, but we have to solve the housing crisis to solve the homelessness crises and accommodate the steady influx of immigrants.


Well-Known Member
So retires should?
It might not affect the market as much as we think, it will take years to build housing and most of those accommodated would not be in the regular single family house market anyway, incomes are too low, and most will rent.


Well-Known Member
Lets force the grocery chains to be generous or we're gonna tax them. Surely that will make our food more affordable. Fantastic leader. Get rid of excessive fuel tax and lose the sham environmental tax. Instead of biting the hand that feeds us all, make it more affordable to get, food from the farmer to the storefront. Some understand that business always seeks the most profitable environment, so little comes of uncompetitive tax and regulation environments. All the left-leaning doomsayers, know things are going to get worse, with another term of Team Justin Trudeau. Predictions of doom with change are about in line with the same folks prediction about Trudeaus performance, all those years ago...
Are you saying that you think if the "excessive fuel tax and lose the sham environmental tax" was just removed that your grocery bill would decrease? I agree that more tax on them is not the answer; the only solution is forcing the big three to be broken up and increase competition in the market.


Well-Known Member
It might not affect the market as much as we think, it will take years to build housing and most of those accommodated would not be in the regular single family house market anyway, incomes are too low, and most will rent.
But the money has to come from somewhere.


Well-Known Member
My mother rented a room with three other sisters when she immigrated. Is today worse?
Apparently so, was homelessness such an issue back then? Our society is different today, housing standards are higher, people depend less on families and religious communities. Rents and housing prices weren't rapidly going through the fucking roof back then either, outpacing wages by a wide margin.


Well-Known Member
So the people that bought houses already will pay taxes to devalue their property? The price of houses only came about by people getting cheap money.
I think you make a really good point, makes me question why CMHC is insuring mortgages on investment properties. Having a crown corporation guarantee the debt of an investment property is only going to increase demand when there is very little supply on the market. The lender doesn’t have to factor in the risk, it’s guaranteed profit.

Maybe the government should also be looking at adjusting the capital gains tax on investment properties moving forward? I don’t think it’s all that fair to change the rules for people that have already invested in real estate so let them stay at 50% when those properties change hands; but why not introduce a higher capital gains tax on investment properties that get purchased in the future?


Well-Known Member
And that is why I give the benefit of the doubt to people. There is a luthier on another forum that I thought was a little smug (for lack of a better word) and then I saw video's of him. Body language and expression can alter a sentence given. Since then we have exchanged words and both thought we might have an interesting conversation if we ever meet up.
I commend you all on the Civil Discord. Or at least this section that I ran into. I'm tending to agree with you just on your philosophy and your intelligence. Which is obvious.


Well-Known Member
I think you make a really good point, makes me question why CMHC is insuring mortgages on investment properties. Having a crown corporation guarantee the debt of an investment property is only going to increase demand when there is very little supply on the market. The lender doesn’t have to factor in the risk, it’s guaranteed profit.

Maybe the government should also be looking at adjusting the capital gains tax on investment properties moving forward? I don’t think it’s all that fair to change the rules for people that have already invested in real estate so let them stay at 50% when those properties change hands; but why not introduce a higher capital gains tax on investment properties that get purchased in the future?
There are solutions, but it takes leadership and money to implement them, if you increase housing then it will affect the market, so choices have to be made.


Well-Known Member
Apparently so, was homelessness such an issue back then? Our society is different today, housing standards are higher, people depend less on families and religious communities. Rents and housing prices weren't rapidly going through the fucking roof back then either, outpacing wages by a wide margin.
Where did you integrate to it may I ask. Is it one of my below mentioned. I also want to add I'm kind of jumping in here, as I haven't went any further back than this message. Went down a few. However it is worse but there's always been lots three tier Society for homeless , middle class, privileged. I don't think about it about it often unless it's directly in my face. Which obviously it is nowadays more than ever. I've been around this from the high to the low. It's depending City to City. We've always had people struggling or homeless, it's not even the richertowns have all the benefits here. There's some middle class that take very good care of their communities and succeed having a great community. Others fail miserably, Maple Ridge BC. Is the first that comes to mind. Are Fort Mac or Medicine Hat Vancouver Island . There's so many in that province, most focus on Vancouver but it's outrageous where it has grown. if the cities that don't have the problem had the same issues as the other cities. I don't think they could cope without some key components. One seems to be family, some sort of sports leagues. Thanks for the older people to do in the younger people that do. It's not just the younger people staying inside the older people as well. I think that is also a key feature. With that comes with isolation isolation comes choices, that are limited to typically comes to unhealthy addicted Behavior. Not in that order. would try, I don't believe they would succeed. California can't do it British Columbia can't do it. Toronto has never been able to do it. Nor Vancouver. Then you have Saskatchewan, one of the richest provinces. Top three, they have devastating gangs homelessness, if not homelessness severe poverty. It's also all through the Atlantic provinces each one. Having different degrees. Basically depending on per capita. If you want to do it that way. Just slide back to privilege it's not even privileged, it's cheaper at Mega decent wage I'm sure doctors and stuff are not as well off as they were. There's still a lot of expundances that they still have to suck up even though they charge for. They're not able to increase their prices the way certain other businesses can continue on a regular basis. Which is due to their increase in active, day-to-day business activities typically. As they have money coming from different accounts daily. There are also way overworked. Getting burnt out of changing and getting these so-called Millennial jobs. But it's not just Millennials taking these jobs. As I found out I come just before Generation Y. It suits my title. And probably most even the Gen X have to participate in the day-to-day activities of digital. They are more typically on the ladder as you get older. I guess we'll call that background information lol.break funny is there's more people with no money than there is ever. And the struggling amount of people has risen. I don't know if the privilege has risen. Seems like middle class is done though. Unless you put those people into the category that I mentioned. There's the Avenue of Entrepreneurship, which is great risen to rise wealth. I see homes being built all the all the time. Supposedly trying to make up for a housing Gap. And these places are always filled. Not typically with the people that are seeking from the low ranking who need these places. Due to the affordability, there might be a back kick to that where at least there's places available at a lower cost. That is still not affordable obviously. But available, which may relate to homeless again as eviction is inevitable. That makes me wonder what is recidivism back to the streets. I'm wondering is if that has risen as well. Along with the homeless. Do people actually get out find a place and back on the street. Due to finances just not doable. Maybe everything else is going great, again just can't keep up with bills. I suppose this is directed more at the people that are struggling not due to addiction. However those people recover and fall victim to such as well. Which may Spike a relapse in their addiction. just horrible. I'm not aware of your family background, families were stronger. Yes grandmother's took care of kids that's always been a thing has that risen as well yes. Props to the Generation Y and X that are doing this. that are doing this. I've gone way off topic the, just wanted to let you know I seen a lot of immigration homeless in Vancouver yes. But those people weren't young they were getting young yes. Obviously older people weren't getting younger LOL. But you could see the average age was going down. It's not about age at the moment though. I don't think it's even about expectations that we could afford to live like this. It's obviously we can't, our products resources scares I don't think so. A lot of this seems to be driven from taxation sadly. Or regulation or politics. As in most times it starts with the politics sadly not on thought of. The issue wasn't spoke of as much when I was young people were starting to hate the government yes I saw that. But one side always needs the government. As in we need it functioning body in order to absorb the funds allocated people still stay Rich regardless only way to get rid of that is to do away with government and that means a lot. Is there any country that has no government. Of any kind, that includes any kind of structure. I don't believe there's anywhere that doesn't do that. Even the most isolated Antarctica it's his plenty of laws and rules. I'm sure only the wealthiest of the wealth are getting to go there these days. I wonder what that number is. I'm sure it's down and more wealthier people. Maybe the same people that but they've gotten more wealthier. some of withered away. Have a great day I'm done typing on this one