Canadian Stuff

yes that is pretty much correct. Now I've said that I'm first gen canadian, I have two dads... I will say that both Dads (1 is still alive) lived their entire lives within 25 miles of their birthplace. and I gained the knowledge of my (dna imprinted) cultural heritage at age 40 from both living donors. Quite a story to digest for me, but I'll share, if requested. Peeps can say whatever about me, but I'd rather talk about our opinions when exercising free speech. I'm not playing victim, just explaining myself. remember the historical debate where I compared the 'indefensible' colonial thing to foster care??? I don't identify as anything but a canadian voter here. And I had no help from a political/cultural group, or the Mormon Church...oops I mean Ancestry.cum to change what flag I fly.
While I am curious about your bio heritage, that’s up to you to disclose. (I’m first gen of Austrian extraction.) (but describe myself as American.)

Though I’ll admit that someone born and raised in Alberta should never have his/her hopes of leaving that place abridged. :)
While I am curious about your bio heritage, that’s up to you to disclose. (I’m first gen of Austrian extraction.) (but describe myself as American.)

Though I’ll admit that someone born and raised in Alberta should never have his/her hopes of leaving that place abridged. :)
My grandmother shared that her grandmother told her that the Russians drove them from northern Germany, near Hamburg in 1870. Being placed on bridges, just to be burned or blown up was an incentive to vacate.
I only know what I am told, besides adoption papers and birth certificate. My REAL father and mother who raised me as their son since I was somewhere around 10 months old. Where typical first and second generation children of mainly white-anglo-saxon immigrants circa 1860's. My last name is of Scottish decent. My birth mother and birth father born in another country (at the time) Now known as Newfoundland since 1950., my mother was a diposed child mother who was treated like every other girl that got preggo....send them away to have the child and don't come back with it (!963). Birth mother stayed in toronto and had 1 job her entire life, My bio father who was born to Newfoundlanders still lives there and has a long family history there. My bio moms original family patriarch fled? south France and married a metis woman in Newfoundlnd so a true bastard mongrel who identifies as a Canadian. The story of my relationship with both bio-parents is a hilarious tradgedy to be told over a campfire or in my ice hut getting high. Speaking of which, now that you know my secrets, Y'all are invited, to my home or ice fishing hut if your in the area, even that shrubber guy, smoke a doob have a chat, tell me your story...I love them.
I only know what I am told, besides adoption papers and birth certificate. My REAL father and mother who raised me as their son since I was somewhere around 10 months old. Where typical first and second generation children of mainly white-anglo-saxon immigrants circa 1860's. My last name is of Scottish decent. My birth mother and birth father born in another country (at the time) Now known as Newfoundland since 1950., my mother was a diposed child mother who was treated like every other girl that got preggo....send them away to have the child and don't come back with it (!963). Birth mother stayed in toronto and had 1 job her entire life, My bio father who was born to Newfoundlanders still lives there and has a long family history there. My bio moms original family patriarch fled? south France and married a metis woman in Newfoundlnd so a true bastard mongrel who identifies as a Canadian. The story of my relationship with both bio-parents is a hilarious tradgedy to be told over a campfire or in my ice hut getting high. Speaking of which, now that you know my secrets, Y'all are invited, to my home or ice fishing hut if your in the area, even that shrubber guy, smoke a doob have a chat, tell me your story...I love them.
The big problem with ice fishing is (cough!) ice.

(edit) I do wonder how Roger is carrying on.
My grandmother shared that her grandmother told her that the Russians drove them from northern Germany, near Hamburg in 1870. Being placed on bridges, just to be burned or blown up was an incentive to vacate.
Wow that is amazing, we listen to them and they paint a picture, when you get lost in their stories, our relevance seems to shrink, and I question my own contribution to Canada and my family. Our ancestors did this for themselves, yes, but as we are evidence of, family came first. Makes me vote for what is best for my family, and the Country created starting in 1867. Its been growing ever since and may grow again, if you aren't a separatist, lol
what does being canadian have to do with anything youre on stolen land anyways

im second gen canadian, means squat its stolen land unless you are apart of turtle island and its people you are just a colonizer.
what does being canadian have to do with anything youre on stolen land anyways

im second gen canadian, means squat its stolen land unless you are apart of turtle island and its people you are just a colonizer.
But every people took land from another, how many generations does it take until you are the rightful owners?
what does being canadian have to do with anything youre on stolen land anyways

im second gen canadian, means squat its stolen land unless you are apart of turtle island and its people you are just a colonizer.
That's a nonsense rascist statement. Arguing feelings from 'people' 200 years oops since 1492 err 900ad err 10,000 yers ago err possibly 125,000 yers ago. trying to figure who is first, while biasly interpretting recorded history by artifacts of ghosts is silly. How far back are we going to go to settle historys' 'inconvenient truth' to make you feel better today? Evolutionist? or Creationist? absurd.
Well, look what Olivia Chow said the other day re Rob Ford Stadium re-naming dedication.

Mayor Chow said she supported the move because she understands the pain of losing a family member too soon.

I now Identify with Olivia Chow as a decent person who, despite my total opposition to her political views (and her Late Husbands), that I won't be dismissive of, and weigh my opinion towards her based on job performance. I cannot see why they (city council) simultaneously remove founders names from city streets ?
Her empathetic justification here, is the same as mine for the last couple years. This cannot be a bone to the 'righties', she wouldn't stoop that low. Small gestures like that show REAL leadership.
oh ok i guess i wasnt supposed to immigrate to another country i see now.


OR If i put myself in school trained and figured hey id have a better life over here i should be able to do whatever the fuck i want. because its MY life. its not canadas life.

We don't like losing the brighter ones! hug.gif

That's a nonsense rascist statement. Arguing feelings from 'people' 200 years oops since 1492 err 900ad err 10,000 yers ago err possibly 125,000 yers ago. trying to figure who is first, while biasly interpretting recorded history by artifacts of ghosts is silly. How far back are we going to go to settle historys' 'inconvenient truth' to make you feel better today? Evolutionist? or Creationist? absurd.

As a descendant of colonizers I think we have done/are doing a very poor job of honouring the promises we made to the original inhabitants to get them to move into tiny areas of the country so we could bulldoze the rest. The list of atrocities is long and they continue to this day.

I do have a dog in this fight as the mother of my two sons is indigenous who was a victim of the 60s scoop. Through knowing her, truths I was never taught about in school have been sought after and revealed to me. I sometimes hang my head in collective shame that really belongs to past and present governments who still do their best to oppress our first citizens albeit via the courts instead of with guns.

Being adopted I think I relate more than most of my peers to the plight of those wrenched from family ties. I feel little attachment to most of my adoptive parents family outside of my immediate family members like my mom, naturally born sister and my sons. My also adopted sister and I never got along and she passed almost 4 years ago. I do feel a lot closer to their children but have little contact with them and don't know any of their children. A lot of that is because I moved way up to northern Alberta almost 23 years ago when my nieces and nephews were just teens or younger.

It's taken all of my adult life and a couple years of therapy to finally begin to understand vaguely how much my beginnings may have shaped the chaos of my life and how similar circumstances have affected generations of the first people. I never used to dwell on it much but since becoming alcohol free two and a half years ago I find my thoughts drifting into those areas more often. After decades of alcohol abuse I can feel my brain still clearing as it heals slowly and hope I enough time left to reach clarity.

As to immigration I believe we need to stop thinking of it as an alien invasion and welcome those that wish to become Canadians regardless of race, colour or creed. In a couple hundred more years we will all be little brown babies so hopefully that part of prejudice will be eliminated. Then we can deal with religion if it's still a disruptive factor. Or exists at all.

Heaven knows we need many strong backs and talented people to fill positions us lazy ass Canadians can't or won't fill. Each new wave of immigrants settle in after a generation or two and in the meantime bust their humps to improve their lot thereby improving the lot of all Canadians.

You guys think being called apart of colonizing is racist

this is what’s wrong with Canada they refuse to acknowledge that racism towards indigenous people is real that colonization is a real problem

the last residential school closed in 1990

Very sad you are unable to see the genocide we did , the sixties scoop the residential
And no that Wasn’t racist saying it’s sad you can’t see that

Very disappointing you all think pointing that out is racist
I think we’ve been here before with you guys