Canadian Stuff


Well-Known Member
what a shitty way to disrespect your nieces pronouns on a public forum using quotations etc.

And to top it off you want to use the term "non straight"
No disrespect intended. I have used quotation makes in many of my posts to have a word stand out. The reason for the quotation marks is to indicate that it is not the previous use of the word, they, has not been as a pronoun. On non-straight, I said how many other letters are we going to add to the designation. Why do we not add S&M to the end? 2SLGBTQ+S&M, I am sure the people that are against people with other sexual leanings are not too happy about people that mix pain with pleasure. Or is that what will happen once the 2S gets fulling incorporated in LGBTQ family? Speaking of, is not two spirited the same thing as being bisexual, or close enough not to require another letter or two? Then there is the +, does that not include all the rest of non-straight people that the 2S is not needed? Or does 2S only qualify Native American bisexuals and Bi is reserved for all the rest in the world?

To ease your mind I will explain how see people of different colours, races, people with different belief systems...

I believe we are souls inhabitating imperfect bodies and we are here to be refined. I do not believe there are black souls, white souls, mixed souls, we are all the same spiritual beings. In believing this I feel we are all of equal value and that people that think they are better that others are sadly mistaken. I also think that we make many trips down here (with astronomy the down here may not apply in respect to heaven) and could end up in a body of a different race or religion or economic class. If I am racist against a group of people karma may have me in the same group I looked down on in my next incarnation reaping what I have sown.

In believing this it would be really stupid of me if I am against a subset of humanity without good reason. I can think negatively against some people, I had a dim view of Trump from before he ran for office as I have seen his flaws and found him wanting. I understand we all have flaws but people like Trump, that abuse his position in life, I look scornfully at due to actions that he has control of. I worked under a director that treated his employees like shit but he is held in high regards in his church. How does he reconcile the difference? "If I do not behave like this at work they will just replace me with someone who will do these things." Just a way to justify being an ass hole over people he has power over. He deserves my disrespect.

And speaking of disrespect, I used to frequent another sub-forum that was called ARP (America Religion Politics), after a year I received a message from the mods asking if I would like to join them as they had an opening. I asked why me? They said that I never lost my cool (there were some heated exchanges) and being liberal (compared to them) they thought I might see another side to an argument as the four of them were very much to the right. Even back then I had one main rule. You do not attack the person, you can take exception to the person's statements and debate them using evidence to back up your opinion but you can not demean the other person. It worked out well and with me on the left and the other three on the right, we pretty much came to the same conclusions related to a flareup. But those were simpler times back then, before the coming of Obama.

Here when I started I had encourage the use of giving a link to statements made. It seems the norm now and it is second nature to the regulars here. I did the same back then rather than only give a statement that makes it hard for someone to refute. It goes back to giving the person a level of respect of their intelligence. If they say something that is just plain wrong I would first question them of what they mean and if they could clarify it. That is unless we have a mature enough relationship going on where I could say I thought they were wrong (hi HP). But even then I tend to be civil, going back to my thoughts on our lives on this earth. Hope this helps put some of my future posts in context. Thank you if you made it this far down.

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Well-Known Member
No disrespect intended. I have used quotation makes in many of my posts to have a word stand out. The reason for the quotation marks is to indicate that it is not the previous use of the word, they, has not been as a pronoun. On non-straight, I said how many other letters are we going to add to the designation. Why do we not add S&M to the end? 2SLGBTQ+S&M, I am sure the people that are against people with other sexual leanings are not too happy about people that mix pain with pleasure. Or is that what will happen once the 2S gets fulling incorporated in LGBTQ family? Speaking of, is not two spirited the same thing as being bisexual, or close enough not to require another letter or two? Then there is the +, does that not include all the rest of non-straight people that the 2S is not needed? Or does 2S only qualify Native American bisexuals and Bi is reserved for all the rest in the world?

To ease your mind I will explain how see people of different colours, races, people with different belief systems...

I believe we are souls inhabitating imperfect bodies and we are here to be refined. I do not believe there are black souls, white souls, mixed souls, we are all the same spiritual beings. In believing this I feel we are all of equal value and that people that think they are better that others are sadly mistaken. I also think that we make many trips down here (with astronomy the down here may not apply in respect to heaven) and could end up in a body of a different race or religion or economic class. If I am racist against a group of people karma may have me in the same group I looked down on in my next incarnation reaping what I have sown.

In believing this it would be really stupid of me if I am against a subset of humanity without good reason. I can think negatively against some people, I had a dim view of Trump from before he ran for office as I have seen his flaws and found him wanting. I understand we all have flaws but people like Trump, that abuse his position in life, I look scornfully at due to actions that he has control of. I worked under a director that treated his employees like shit but he is held in high regards in his church. How does he reconcile the difference? "If I do not behave like this at work they will just replace me with someone who will do these things." Just a way to justify being an ass hole over people he has power over. He deserves my disrespect.

And speaking of disrespect, I used to frequent another sub-forum that was called ARP (America Religion Politics), after a year I received a message from the mods asking if I would like to join them as they had an opening. I asked why me? They said that I never lost my cool (there were some heated exchanges) and being liberal (compared to them) they thought I might see another side to an argument as the four of them were very much to the right. Even back then I had one main rule. You do not attack the person, you can take exception to the person's statements and debate them using evidence to back up your opinion but you can not demean the other person. It worked out well and with me on the left and the other three on the right, we pretty much came to the same conclusions related to a flareup. But those were simpler times back then, before the coming of Obama.

Here when I started I had encourage the use of giving a link to statements made. It seems the norm now and it is second nature to the regulars here. I did the same back then rather than only give a statement that makes it hard for someone to refute. It goes back to giving the person a level of respect of their intelligence. If they say something that is just plain wrong I would first question them of what they mean and if they could clarify it. That is unless we have a mature enough relationship going on where I could say I thought they were wrong (hi HP). But even then I tend to be civil, going back to my thoughts on our lives on this earth. Hope this helps put some of my future posts in context. Thank you if you made it this far down.

Well said. I think it also helps illustrate how difficult it can be to decipher text without the other non-verbal cues regarding intent. I struggle with that quite frequently, both understanding what someone else has written, as well as writing what I'm trying to convey. Perfect example is depicted in 'The Martian':


Well-Known Member
Well said. I think it also helps illustrate how difficult it can be to decipher text without the other non-verbal cues regarding intent. I struggle with that quite frequently, both understanding what someone else has written, as well as writing what I'm trying to convey. Perfect example is depicted in 'The Martian':
And that is why I give the benefit of the doubt to people. There is a luthier on another forum that I thought was a little smug (for lack of a better word) and then I saw video's of him. Body language and expression can alter a sentence given. Since then we have exchanged words and both thought we might have an interesting conversation if we ever meet up.


Well-Known Member
Biden has the same problem too, the economy is doing great, but the people are not, and the cause is wealth imbalance. Technology should have us living better than ever, not struggling to make ends meet while corporations gouge consumers using every global problem as an excuse. Conservative and right-wing parties will just make things worse, roll back global warming initiatives and give even more tax cuts to the rich while conning the citizens with lies. It would just be a milder version of Trump FFS.

If the liberals win Canada and the democrats in America, they will need to address the wealth imbalance ASAP and it will mean going to war with greedy billionaires. Destroy foxnews and reform media with regulations and hate speech laws to cut them off at the knees. The politics is a reflection of the media and the government has the power to do something about media that lies to the public and causes death and injury for profit. No TV network can be the propaganda organ of a political party like foxnews is with the republicans and they have given them tens of buillions in free advertising and support over decades. If not for foxnews the modern republican party would not exist, and America would have progressed much further as a society and be less of an outlier among liberal democracies. Foxnews harms America and has for decades, injecting lies and propaganda under the guise of news and opinion. It is time for them and their ilk to be removed from cable and broadcast. Let the losers look for them on the internet, things are as free in the print press there, but the airwaves and cable TV are regulated by the federal government.



Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see what the larger studies and longer term results show. Ignoring the impact of improving a human life for a moment, that's a 10.36% difference in cost. So far this looks to be win-win.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see what the larger studies and longer term results show. Ignoring the impact of improving a human life for a moment, that's a 10.36% difference in cost. So far this looks to be win-win.
Rent and house costs are the biggest factors driving homelessness IMO and the federal government needs to get into the low-cost affordable housing market again, too bad about their inflated property values and rents. Start making supply exceed demand for affordable housing and you will do much to reduce homelessness in Canada.


Well-Known Member

When Neil Pitman was trying to buy a new piece for his pressure cooker, he couldn't believe the price difference between getting it shipped from the United States to his home in Sherbrooke, Que., compared to the cost of it coming from China.

The part would have cost him less than $1 to ship from China. But if he had ordered it from the U.S., it would have cost $22.99 to ship.

"I buy stuff off of eBay reasonably often, and I'm always surprised how much it costs to ship things from the U.S. as compared to from China," said Pitman.

"It costs almost nothing to ship from China. And I'd like to buy American or Canadian. But even from the next province, it costs way more."

Serasu Duran, a University of Calgary assistant professor of operations and supply chain management in the Haskayne School of Business, says it can cost about $5 or $6 per kilogram to ship a package from China to Canada...


Well-Known Member

When Neil Pitman was trying to buy a new piece for his pressure cooker, he couldn't believe the price difference between getting it shipped from the United States to his home in Sherbrooke, Que., compared to the cost of it coming from China.

The part would have cost him less than $1 to ship from China. But if he had ordered it from the U.S., it would have cost $22.99 to ship.

"I buy stuff off of eBay reasonably often, and I'm always surprised how much it costs to ship things from the U.S. as compared to from China," said Pitman.

"It costs almost nothing to ship from China. And I'd like to buy American or Canadian. But even from the next province, it costs way more."

Serasu Duran, a University of Calgary assistant professor of operations and supply chain management in the Haskayne School of Business, says it can cost about $5 or $6 per kilogram to ship a package from China to Canada...
China is an emerging nation and gets favourable rates. They have increased the cost as compared to a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
Ordering things from China used to be free shipping, ordering it from Canada or America by mail...
It depends what, some things are still free shipping, there used to be free shipping on some items that they increased the price of the item to include the shipping. If buying multiples of the item it was better to find one with the cheapest unit cost and many time the shipping charge is only for one item or the additional items cost an extra buck. Ether way, it is more expensive now to buy out of China as they have to pay more for shipping. On the other hand,

Global shipping costs are returning to pre-pandemic levels
ON JANUARY 9th 2022, 109 container ships sat off the coast of California waiting for their turn to unload at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. One year later there are almost none. The easing of port traffic and the opening of other supply-chain bottlenecks have led to a collapse in freight rates from the all-time highs reached during the pandemic. The cost of shipping a 40-foot container from China to America’s west coast is now $1,400, down 93% from its peak of $20,600 in September 2021, according to Freightos, an online freight marketplace. It is roughly equal to its value in February 2020, before the pandemic struck. Costs along other major shipping routes are in retreat, too. That ought to be a relief for consumers. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York estimates that 40% of inflation between 2019 and 2021 was caused by supply shocks.



Well-Known Member
It depends what, some things are still free shipping, there used to be free shipping on some items that they increased the price of the item to include the shipping. If buying multiples of the item it was better to find one with the cheapest unit cost and many time the shipping charge is only for one item or the additional items cost an extra buck. Ether way, it is more expensive now to buy out of China as they have to pay more for shipping. On the other hand,

Global shipping costs are returning to pre-pandemic levels
ON JANUARY 9th 2022, 109 container ships sat off the coast of California waiting for their turn to unload at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. One year later there are almost none. The easing of port traffic and the opening of other supply-chain bottlenecks have led to a collapse in freight rates from the all-time highs reached during the pandemic. The cost of shipping a 40-foot container from China to America’s west coast is now $1,400, down 93% from its peak of $20,600 in September 2021, according to Freightos, an online freight marketplace. It is roughly equal to its value in February 2020, before the pandemic struck. Costs along other major shipping routes are in retreat, too. That ought to be a relief for consumers. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York estimates that 40% of inflation between 2019 and 2021 was caused by supply shocks.

I haven't bought anything from China for a while, used to be cheap electronics circuits and parts and 100-watt LED drivers, aside from RC plane parts and planes which cost some shipping, the parts and circuits were small packages and shipping was free, no GST or PST either. Order something worth $10 from the USA and they will charge you $30 for mailing.


Well-Known Member
Ottawa trucker convoy’s two key organizers set to face criminal trial

They face charges of mischief, obstructing police and intimidation of Parliament, as well as one charge of counselling for each of those offences. Trial is set to begin Tuesday

Read in The Globe and Mail:
I blame Dofo, highways and roads were his responsibility and so was public health, why weren't they protesting him? Too fucking stupid to know the difference and the constitution, I guess. Too stupid to know that the pandemic restrictions were being lifted all over the world including in Canada at the time. Too stupid to wear a mask and too stupid to get vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
Ordering things from China used to be free shipping, ordering it from Canada or America by mail...
Still get stuff from Amazon . ca with free shipping for over $35 and it comes from China half the time. The fly tying vice I got a couple weeks ago came from the states with free shipping via amazon as well. Was the same price as the very same vice from a Chinese source. My old one doesn't rotate and that's a feature I'd like for tying jigs.

The fly rod with all the bits and pieces in the same box was $52.75 for shipping coming from Victoria, BC. Long box just over 5' tho and that's always extra.



Well-Known Member
The Tories are assholes and corrupt as Satan, but liberal democracy is not at too much risk with Trump lite here. Ukraine should be ok because many Ukrainian Canadians live in Tory strong holds, and they have become aroused by their roots. Perhaps the Liberals and NDP need to get strategic and not run against each other in certain ridings and that would put them over the top with a coalition government, better than fascism lite and tax cuts for the super-rich.
