Canadians and their Medical Coverage


Active Member
U.S. insurance companies and big pharma are in the same bed.

Prime example, my daughter has juvinile rhuematoid arthrities, she takes a shot of Humeria every two weeks.

When we first got it they stated it would cost around $1700 per shot, when they found out we had insurance it magically went to $2300 per shot.

I just shook my head and walked out, better than having a law suit I quess.

Our system is so broke.


Well-Known Member
whatever they have, it's better than what we get here (nothing). I think the health system in the US is pitiful!!! insurance companies are at the root of all the evil too. If you don't have group insurance, buying private insurance is a joke. You end up paying 50% of the visit or $60 copays, no prescriptions covered, no maternity. It's very upsetting. I have good benefits but i was uninsured a few years ago and i struggled really hard paying out of pocket for doctors and medication. i had to order drugs from canada because they would cost $600+/mo in the US for the same stuff you can get in Canada for under $100 a month... the US is a disgusting place to live. I would never choose to bring a child into life in this country.
other countries are astounded to learn that our citizens routinely lose their homes or go bankrupt due to medical bills. it is a foreign concept to them, it is like trying to tell someone that lives in two dimensions about the third dimension.

i have not seen them react to the news that we allow our citizens to die due to lack of basic, affordable health care.

a good documentary that covers this is called 'sick around the world' and focuses on the various systems used by switzerland, germany, the UK, taiwan, and japan. all of them cover all their citizens, all of them pay a fraction of what we do. it really opened my eyes. you can just google the title and it will come right up.


Well-Known Member
U.S. insurance companies and big pharma are in the same bed.

Prime example, my daughter has juvinile rhuematoid arthrities, she takes a shot of Humeria every two weeks.
Do you feel nervous with your daughter on Humira at a young age?
The risk of lymphoma is a lot higher in adolescents.

It's crazy how many young people are now being diagnosed with AI disorders. It seems like they are on the rise so dramatically and the younger you are when they hit, the less treatable they are. Did you notice this?

Did you see this:

a good documentary that covers this is called 'sick around the world' and focuses on the various systems used by switzerland, germany, the UK, taiwan, and japan. all of them cover all their citizens, all of them pay a fraction of what we do. it really opened my eyes. you can just google the title and it will come right up.
that sounds like an interesting documentary. I will look into it. this is a topic that drives me insane. I would love to see it change in my life time.


Well-Known Member
Let me see one motorcycle accident in Cali 3 day stay in hospital, 2 pins inserted. Total cost of stay $36,000.
One fall down stairs in Ontario Canada broken leg, no coverage. 4 hours in hospital $1,600.00 was $2,300.00 but told the doc I had no coverage. He took a cut not the hospital.

No system is perfect but the one Canada has is real nice to have when you have nothing. They will pay for just about anything, but you may just have to wait, and wait some more. They don't pay for drugs but if you can't afford them there are organizations that will support your needs.

My sister left Canada back in the 80's to go work in Fla. and stayed, her kids are all duel citizenship, one did 8 years in the Marines and she makes real good money that's why she went and that's why Dr's leave Canada, The government says what they can charge and most GP only make 125 to 175 a year and work their asses off.

Another thing is Doctors stop to help when they see trouble in Canada, we don't sue the shit out of everyone up here so their not worried about helping out. IMHO

Now if only they would sign more MM forms for the people......


Well-Known Member
My daughter had 5 rounds of chemo and an extended hospital stay. Our extra benefits covered her for a semi private room. Covered my ex wife to stay with her 24/7. Get this after her death we get a bill from the hospital where she stayed for $7000 and change. Turns out that some of the drugs in her chemo cocktail were not covered...After me coming unglued with the hospital administration the bill magicly dissapeared......

Yeah and I totally forgot about our provincial taxes to boot. Which brings our level of taxation into the dryfuck range LOL

so sorry to hear man


Active Member
Do you feel nervous with your daughter on Humira at a young age?
The risk of lymphoma is a lot higher in adolescents.

It's crazy how many young people are now being diagnosed with AI disorders. It seems like they are on the rise so dramatically and the younger you are when they hit, the less treatable they are. Did you notice this?

Did you see this:

Yeah, I am nervous about it. There was alot of discussion about it. There is threats of many immune system problems. We test her eye sight every couple months and are very careful about viruses.

But the flipside of not taking it is worse. It got to a point that she was having alot of trouble walking. An unusual aspect of JRA is that it usually attacks only one side of the joints, therefore she had one knee and one wrist that was affected. We have tried to stop the Humeria but usually with the same results. We keep hopeful that she will grow out of it without sideaffects.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am nervous about it. There was alot of discussion about it. There is threats of many immune system problems. We test her eye sight every couple months and are very careful about viruses.

But the flipside of not taking it is worse. It got to a point that she was having alot of trouble walking. An unusual aspect of JRA is that it usually attacks only one side of the joints, therefore she had one knee and one wrist that was affected. We have tried to stop the Humeria but usually with the same results. We keep hopeful that she will grow out of it without sideaffects.
That's too bad. I am sorry your little girl is going through this. I hope she continues to feel well using Humira. It seems like there really aren't any safe treatments.
Have you looked into alternative treatments?


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the kind words.....Spoke to a friend of mine in South Florida and he said Becca's bill would have been close to if not over a million bucks down there.....So yeah say what you want about the Canadian Healthcare system it worked for our family in that situation.

I will say we could improve it tenfold by getting a handle on the amount of wasted healthcare dollars.....High paid hospital CEO's with there expense accounts and the union environment workforce attitude is ultra costly. I've seen the proof having worked on a huge environmental project in a large hospital. Project ran over 1.5 years and I was on site for all of it. Watching the hopsital employees work very hard at not working became a sport for us.


Pickle Queen
April ... YOU are confusing people ...
I have gone through ... Chemo therapy as for my condition .... there was also symposium on the particular ... and the treatment is continuing.
At this point I have not payed a dime ... out of my own pocket. This is all covered by the government.
Far from 'basic coverage' as you put it.

First i am very sorry u must go though such an ordeal, but seem pretty strong willed, this will only help u!!! Sending u good vibes on a speedy recovery!!!!!

Not really confusing people, i said our health care covers basic check ups only, which it does, yes when i said death bed i should have said a ternimal disease.
Yes chemo and emergency medical care is provided ( at their convenience) if u are diagnosed with cancer or another terminal type disease,but does it compare to the treatment i would receive with my medical benefits ( had, will get with my new job) not even close!! I watched a friend struggle for 2 years, and was disgusted with our health care system!!!!

Compared to other countries it may seem like we are given alot, but remember where it all comes from to begin with, our pockets!!!!

Again hope ur having a good day, best wishes buddy