Canadians want to legalize marijuana, too


Well-Known Member
Just too funny.. Gotta share!

It’s a rare day when Canada looks to the United States as a picture of liberalism.
On Tuesday, voters in Washington state Washington state and Colorado approved initiatives legalizing the recreational use of marijuana by anyone over the age of 21. Now, pot advocates in British Columbia are vowing to do the same thing in Canada.
An Israeli woman works at Tikkun Olam medical cannabis farm near Safed, Israel last week. Dan Balilty/AP

Dana Larsen, the leader of Sensible BC, has been campaigning to hold a similar referendum on the legalization of marijuana in the province in fall 2014.
CBC News reported:
[Larsen] watched Washington’s marijuana initiative with a mixture of envy and a hope for what might happen up here.

“We need to follow the example put forward by Washington State to end prohibition, to legalize it” Larsen said.
In Ottawa, the Young Liberals of Canada also applauded the decision by U.S. voters:
“This is an important first step and inspiration to activists in Canada who want to see Canada embrace a smart drug policy” said David Valentin, vice president of communications for the Young Liberals in a statement issued on Wednesday morning.
Marijuana use is illegal in Canada, other than for medicinal purposes, but there have been a number of efforts to legalize it.
British Columbia’s municipal politicians voted in September to push for pot decriminalization and to study the potential benefits of taxing and regulating the substance, saying such a move would help curb gang violence around B.C.’s marijuana market.
And last year a trial judge in Ontario struck down parts of the province’s marijuana prohibition laws, arguing that the statute is “of no force and effect,” prevents patients from accessing medical marijuana and should be overturned. The government swiftly put the reversal on hold, but the case is still awaiting an appeal in the Ontario Supreme Court.
Ontario’s situation illustrates what might happen in the U.S., as federal drug laws and the new state laws now have some glaring differences.
As the Post’s Sari Horwitz reported, the two states’ decision sets the stage for a battle with the Justice Department because federal laws prohibit the use of marijuana as a recreational drug.

The World is changing and Marijuana is more popular than Mitt Romney!


Active Member
Hell yeah we want it decriminalized.Harper has Canada back pedalling. He is totally unCanadian in his conduct.


Well-Known Member
OK, this may be a dumb gringo thing to say, but I was under the impression that cannabis was pretty much decriminalized in Canada already. At least, more so than in the U.S. Regardless, good luck taking it to the next level of sanity, dudes.


Well-Known Member
OK, this may be a dumb gringo thing to say, but I was under the impression that cannabis was pretty much decriminalized in Canada already. At least, more so than in the U.S. Regardless, good luck taking it to the next level of sanity, dudes.
decriminalization =/= legalization.

It's decriminalized here in Ohio.... doesn't mean a god damn thing really cause they'll just take your ass to jail for something else.


Active Member
I dont know why prime ministers even THINK of trying to fuck with our pot laws, at least on a non organized crime scale. Canadians, and every other place on earth, will not stop toking. Its been like that for centuries and nobody has ever done anything bad enough under the influence of herb to come close to how many drunk husbands and fathers beat their family members while drinking good old legal alcohol. Sorry to rant. I just fall into Mr. Harpers brackets for minimum mandatory sentencing FOR POT, so Im pissed. I cant wait to see what happens when Stephen Harper FUCKS OFF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY THE TREASONOUS BASTARD!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to read that C3Pgro. But that is what we all must fight.
The USA put the pressure on Canada to do that crap.


Active Member
I know. It pisses me off. Im a really easy going guy, but I almost exclusively get angry at our current state of laws. Nothing baffles me more and goes against all common sense than the war on marijuana. In another time when people still cared the PM would probably LITERALLY be pulled from his office and jailed or hung for what hes done.


Active Member
Believe me man we want it. If we worked something out a decade ago we could have been supplying and feeding Washington and perhaps some other US states. These barbaric laws caused us to lose out on possibly many billions of dollars on import/export, tourism and global envy. I am only 24, but this is not the way Canadians treat Canadians.