Canatrol curing box

toxic bizzle

Well-Known Member
Was curious what people thought of them, was reading older post. But thought I'd ask again to see peoples opinions. Was going to email them for a manual to go through the specs more. My cure room is 70 to 73f an idk if this unit will operate properly under those conditions or not. Was tempted to build my own using a wine cooler but the programming functions on the canatrol make it tempting.
It seems to be kind of a niche item for someone that has money to throw around. $1600 buys alot of goods.
You could dry many times that amount of pot with a smaller investment. Dedicated tent, inkbird control, humidifier, a.c, carbon filter, and exhaust..
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If I was rich I might try it, but if I was rich I wouldn't need to try it, just climate control a room. I guess if you can't manage to cure well after multiple attempts, you have to try something but I think there are better options. You could build yourself a climate-controlled cure box for much much cheaper
It seems to be kind of a niche item for someone that has money to throw around. $1600 buys alot of goods.
You could dry many times that amount of pot with a smaller investment. Dedicated tent, inkbird control, humidifier, a.c, carbon filter, and exhaust..

I agree. If I was going to spend that much cash, I would build something insulated, get some exhaust going, a humidifier, etc. I highly recommend Inkbird controllers too. You could probably build a sweet set up in a day, and for well under the price of a Cannatrol unit.
I agree. If I was going to spend that much cash, I would build something insulated, get some exhaust going, a humidifier, etc. I highly recommend Inkbird controllers too. You could probably build a sweet set up in a day, and for well under the price of a Cannatrol unit.
Yeah I was seeing how people built wine coolers for meat curing using that concept, I just like how the programming is already done. Drying/Curing is holding me back in getting that fine wine product
Yeah I was seeing how people built wine coolers for meat curing using that concept, I just like how the programming is already done. Drying/Curing is holding me back in getting that fine wine product
I converted one into a microgrow years back... It worked but stunk up the kitchen, and was more expensive than it was worth.
I hear you man. I'm only on my 4th grow, I'm not good at drying yet either. But it's been getting better and better every year. This year I got an Inkbird controller going in my shitty homemade tent I always use, and I think this is going to be a huge improvement overall.
It’s basically an over priced wine fridge with drying and curing presets is all. I researched it extensively a while back and it’s definitely not even close to worth it or is even an optimal drying and curing device.
For me, it's impossible to achieve a cool enough temperature (especially in the Summer) to dry/cure properly. I was also considering something like a wine fridge and then I see the Cannatrol. I'm going to research it more. Agreed that its an expensive machine. Almost as much as a commercial freeze dryer!
It’s a wine fridge. Get yourself a used wine fridge with a peltier/thermoelectric cooler, add in a mini dehumidifier that utilizes a peltier/thermoelectric and a inkbird humidity controller.

I spent less than $100 on it.
It’s a wine fridge. Get yourself a used wine fridge with a peltier/thermoelectric cooler, add in a mini dehumidifier that utilizes a peltier/thermoelectric and a inkbird humidity controller.

I spent less than $100 on it.

Have any links? I'm a little slow....
Have any links? I'm a little slow....

I built one in the middle of the thread, extremely effective tool, but the cannatrol would have been my first choice for the presets and nicer shelves
Tent with a portable ac in it would be cheaper still
Not at all.

you typically need a Dehum and a AC to dry in a tent. I go a lil crazy and have a Dehum, AC, filters, and humidifiers so I can fine tune the room.

this box cost me less than $100 to build. Less than 30 dollars a month in electricity to operate. No dehums to empty, no humidifiers to fill. Doesn’t really smell much either.

my dry room set up cost me 2x more than that in just electricity per month.

Granted, I can only dry so much in the fridge at a time. So I still will be using a dry room for when the larger harvests come in.