CANCER & SSU/Bushmaster??!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
so my hydro guy ....well first.

my hydro guy isnt some "I want to sell you everything" type of guy.

he knows his stuff.

I called today to price check a qt. of SnowStorm Ultra.

bla bla.

then he says :

"hey man, don't know if you've heard but my distributors might be taking it off their sale list cause supposedly it causes cancer"

"$&@#$%^&#$%#??????!??!?!?" I say.

he says

"I hope it's just a bad rumor"



Well-Known Member
found this in a search for all you BM SSU users

"I feel like I have to tell you guys this stuff because many of you are unaware of the fact that Bushmaster is not what it sounds like and you may want to rethink using it, especially if you are producing Medical Marijuana for others....
The guys selling Bush Master are calling it "Sea Kelp" on the ingredients label. That sounds all organic and safe but it's not! The label should read PACLOBUTRAZOL, because that's what it is. Paclobutrazol is a plant growth regulator that has been on the market for years under the trade name Bonzai. Paclobutrazol diminishes plant growth through inhibition of gibberellin. However, Paclobutrazol is not intended to be used on food products. All those PGRs have been pulled from labeling for food products. The reason that Paclobutrazol and other Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) are used for ornamentals only and not on Food Crops is because they are carcinogenic. THAT'S RIGHT THEY CAUSE CANCER! This product being sold all over California and the country is being used on weed and then sold as Medicine. The problem is it is carcinogenic. I hope when the word gets out people will stop using it but I know some will not. It needs pulled from the market place. After all if the type of medicine produced in this new fledgling industry is more dangerous than the problems it's recommended for we start sounding like the other pharmaceutical industries in this country, put profits ahead of everything including human life! "

sry for the wall-o-text.....wonder if its true


Well-Known Member
and its only in bushmaster. Not SSU.

but I thought ssu was a combination of BM and gravity....maybe I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
wow man I hadnt seen that thread, and here I am search the net ovr and over to find a website for them....someone listed it in the thread.


they say its all rumors and everything is fine, that its just a labeling issues.....I sure hope so