candy flippin' dangers?


Well-Known Member
Well maybe we should match a bunch of fat joints and maybe some other fun things, 2 night of STS9, and Ghostland shall be there too. Maybe if I try real hard I can figure out if it was the show or the drugs that made it so amazing! I'm still hoping they add Shpongle (got tickets for detroit either way), last year waiting for them to start someone squirted me in the face and said ha ha got ya as they ran off. I was already on a bunch of L so I have no idea if they really got me or not but it sure was fun.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha that's awesome. A good bit of RIU people are going. Dankshizzle is selling glass as a vendor too. I'm looking forward to meeting him (hopefully)


LSD an DMT. Take 5 or 6 tabs of LSD and then when you are peaking smoke two points of dmt on top of some really smooth nug to cut the harshness. smoke as much as you can before you drop the pipe and talk to spirits or go into some kind of pacman style arcade world. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. :clap:


Active Member
Cand flip is what i did , loved , and will do whenever both avaliable in my pocked.
Birds were in flying my chest and my mind was like a sea of love + high as fuck.
Whatever lol


Well-Known Member
I'd say the only real danger is psychological danger. If your inexperienced in mushrooms, or in ecstasy, and decide to eat both at once, you might have a hell of a wonderful time and it could also be a weird and bad trip. If you've tried both before, like em, and cant wait to eat more, then welcome to the candy flip club. :)


Well-Known Member
Well I ended up trying it and going to the beach. Just a small dose of the lucy and probably .2 of some Molly. Definitely a favorite. The Molly for sure helps the anxiety and paranoia of the Lucy.


bud bootlegger
when ever i hear about people going mental after taking certain drugs or combo's of drugs i have to wonder what their mental state was like before they took said drugs..
the only downside i had from candy flipping was a pretty big mind fuck the next day, but i think that can be expected really after absorbing such large quantities of drugs and all...

other than that, i loved it, great for being out and about, at a concert or festival, etc...