Candy kush & bio blue diesel


New Member
Hey guys this is my first grow so thought I'd share my experience

I'm using a 60x60x140 tent with a 250w hps and 4' inline fan with carbon filter attached
I tried to germ 3 auto candy kush seeds and didnt have much success (down to my own impatience i think) and managed to get one out of it which emerged yesterday (Miley Hyrus is her name) and 2 germed bio blue diesel autos in my propagator which will hopefully emerge tomorrow. All planted in canna terra pro plus, no nutes bought yet

Will update with images etc when I get chance

Only problem I seem to have is 28-29 degree temperatures and around 30-40% humidity, I have alright airflow and tried a tray of water and spraying the walls but only temporary fixes


Well-Known Member
Your temps are perfect. Your humidity could be higher, more like 50ish plus would be better at the seedling stage. But humidity of 30's and 40's are perfect when you get to the flowering stage.

Hit them with a spray bottle mister a few times a day. Best way I have found to raise humidity is to wet a bath towel and hang it in the grow area. It will add lots of moisture to the air.

Good luck - AIM


New Member
Thanks dude, put a towel into the tray of water was thinking because of the increased surface area. Will keep this updated


New Member
Controlling humidity alright-ish now, temps between 27 and 29, gonna buy a fan so air flow is better and miley hyrus seems to be growing but no sign from my other two seedlings in my propagator yet


New Member
So still no sign of seedlings after 5days.... I scratched about in the soil for one as I assumed they wouldn't come out anyway but I found the seed taproot the same length as when planted and still white? Is this a bin job?