Candy Lemon Wreck Grow Show!!!


Well-Known Member
Day 1 12/12
Okay so damn near 2 months of vegetative state and i end up with 6 beautiful young ladies about 2 feet tall. I just flipped the lights to 12/12. The pictures are the last pictures of my girls in the veg state.
Also below is the Tahoe OG veg box.

The ladies. The ones on the left, the taller ones are candy skunk. Shorter ones on the right are Lemon Kush. Really two on left and the back right are the candy skunks.

After Flipping the Lights

Tahoe OG Veg Box

These are the Tahoes a week ago when i got them. THey have been under the 400 watt MH so im sure they dont like these cfls too much. Should i add more?



Well-Known Member
So 24 hours from flipping lights and the ladies already showed sex. So this is Day 3 and not much change. Will keep you guys posted and get some new flix for you guys this weekend.

These pix were taken on the 1st which was less than 24 hours after flipping to 12/12. Correct me if im wrong but those pistils indicate its a girl right? If thats the case i want to say those showed up really fast and i think its because of the open sesame i fed them.



Well-Known Member
Congrats on the ladies, pistols indicates female, unless it's hermie of course. Hot where? It's fuckin snowin in my parts!


Well-Known Member
Nice to have you join in someguy... Well im in SOcal And its been fucking burning up out here. I kinda miss the snow but not really at all.. lol. Is it normal for pistils to show less than 24 hours after flipping to 12/12??
Update coming later today stay tuned..


Well-Known Member
Day 7 of 12/12

So the ladies showed sex less than 24 hours after flipping lights. Other than that not much going on, i think they have began their last stretch though. Tahoe Og looks good i think. Kind of on the light green side but still looks good. Need to transplant her soon im sure. Enjoy the pics and dont forget to leave some feedback.

The Girls:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

One of the Candy Skunks:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Tahoe OG:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
yeah they are looking much better this round than your first, see you learned a lot. I've had girls show pistils under 20 hours of light so it's not unnatural to see some the first day of 12/12. Most likely they were already developed and the change in light just made them pop out of the calyxs.


Well-Known Member
yes they are doing way better this round. i have learned a pretty decent amount. Thanks for the input guys.


Well-Known Member
Ok so last night when i went into my grow room there were like a million little dead bugs. they were some sort of flie i wanna say a fruit fly or fungus gnat because they are tiny with wings. But the were pilles of them dead on the floor. I have a no pest strip in the room and th ventilation goes off with the light so when it goes dark i think the poison is killing them and thats why there is so many on the floor. Well i cleaned it up and today there are a lot on the floor. A lot less than last night but still thousands. The are tiny and in piles that look like dirt till you look closer. So im sure this poison is cooling them but my question is in regards to the larvae or whatever im reading about. How can i get rid of it. I read sand but how do i do that and will i have to add more after each watering? These little fuckers got to go. I dont understand how there are litterally thousands of bugs in my closet and ive never seen them... URghh fucking bugs man i swear.... heres a pretty shit pic if it helps.


Well-Known Member
Probably fungas gnats. They live in the soil, larva eat roots, adults fly around and lay eggs to start the cycle all over. They are a PITA to get rid of I won't lie. Took me about 6 months of yellow sticky traps and mosquito dunks in stockings in the rez to kill the larva (BTI products seem to work well). But as with all organic methods it can be a painful process and you probably can't rid yourself 100% until you get rid of the soil/pots/plants you have, whipe everything down and keep treating. The only good news is they are relativly harmless to MJ, but if the larva get out of control they can literally eat the roots out from under your plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reinsurance woukd sand be a good idea to pitnon top of the soil to suffocate the larva? I dont wanna lose my girls. Theyre so pretty


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reinsurance woukd sand be a good idea to pitnon top of the soil to suffocate the larva? I dont wanna lose my girls. Theyre so pretty
Nah. Find things that treat fungas gnat larva like azamax, or make a tea outta the mosquito dunks and pour it over. Also get some sticky yellow traps. It takes many angles of attack to be successful. Also you might want some diatomaceous earth as it is razor blades to the adults. Some of that on the soil surface will be hazardous to them and not your girls, but this loses effectiveness when wetted, so u have to reapply a lot.


Well-Known Member
+REP bro this grow is looking good although im not much of a sativa kinda guy def will stay posted with this one.


Well-Known Member
Tahnks for all that info someguy//
Well i get home from work today to find the lamp fell over on my tahoe og.. she was burned pretty bad and had to cut off one of the big fan leaves.. Hopefully she pulls through i got pics but not in the mood to post them since somebody decided to steal the little bit of weed i had left. urghh after a long fucking day of school and work i just wanna come home and smoke a blunt but no. Steal all my weed and leave me enough for a bowl. FML