canefan grow diary



lol what was u smokin on?
Just some Columbian Highland stuff. Believe it or not down here we still get some very nice columbian from the mountains, nothing like what makes into the states these days......still have to get the pics today.....still laughing everytime I look at it.:shock:


Another week finished with the girls. Mary and Jane have just finished their third week of flower and are looking pretty good in my opinion. The first pic is Mary

I guess since I am doing the large pics I will do a few posts so it doesn't consume an entire page for the post. All the girls got a bit of foliar feed early this morning of an organic 9-46-0 I fixed it up at 1/4 strength. The difference in the color of the big fan leaves is amazing. Mary and Jane were in need of a bit more N as the buds were growing you could see them basically suck the color out of the fan leaves. Ok the next two pics are of Jane.



Jane has just finished her second week of flowering and I am really liking the way she is filling out. She has two lateral branches that are taller than the center growth. I hope that she keeps up this growth in flower for a couple of more, not asking for much. She is already putting on more growth than Mary or Jane put on once they reached flower, they just stopped dead. Linda also, took her transplanting better than I ever could have dreamed. I got extremely lucky that she suffered no shock whatsoever.

The next two pics are, she really is doing well coming on strong as she gets ready to enter flower. She started showing preflower, I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday and is continueing to grow out and fill in. I have really nice hopes for here and happy that she is the last starting to flower.

I want to thank everyone for reading and looking at the journal. As always I welcome all comments, suggestions and opinions. I will give an update later on the clones and the new seedlings, but now I have bread that is done rising and I have to get it ready to put into the baking pans.......yeah I bake all my own bread every week. Thanks again to all the readers and to my new friends I have made here.:joint::joint:


Just have to post a picture of the bread I baked How I spent my Sunday afternoon.




where did u say u lived again? Costa Rica?
Yeah Costa Rica up in the mountains in a small little village. It is really like stepping back in time here, nice and peaceful. The whole country is very nice once you get away from where most of the Americans There is one other American that lives about 5 miles from me. The best part is that I can grow a few plants for myself and no one hassles me about it.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Buenos dias Canefan ;-)

Sometimes I'd like to get away from my fellow Americans lmao

I've found it's much better to transplant - in flower - than not. Definitely the right move.

The plants look great, but it's too bad there's so much humidity.

The bread looks delicious.


I woke up to a beautiful sunny day for the first time in a week, that is the good news. I went down to move the girls outside and to my dismay found a budsite that had bud rot in it.....:evil: so I cut the site off, the rest off the plant looks good. I just can't believe the weather we have had this year, usually don't worry about this until October. Today I will be working on a new place to do my clones and veg them once they are rooted. Supplies for this project are hard to come by in the town I live close to so once it is done don't laugh, I just have to do something until my package arrives from the states.


I just got done hanging 4 24 watt 6400K cfls in a new little space to veg out my clones. When you see these picks hope that you laugh as much as I do. I have 5 more of the cfls coming in one store and another 5 in town. I still have to build a bit of a container to hang the reflective material on the walls. I just can't tell you what it is like in thise place to what you take for granted in the States. At this point I am just trying to keep them alive and growing for about 6 to 8 inches and then I will them flower. I have to clones off of Linda if they ever get a decent root system on them that I will try and veg until they are about 12 inches tall. I am hoping that with 15 24 watt cfls that this is possible. I really don't know much about the indoor stuff but guess I will learn a bit off of this attempt. I have to say that the clones will only be under the lights for 11 to 12 hours and the rest of the time they will be outside in the sun. My goal is just to keep them from trying to flower until they get up tall enough to make a small yield and give me some experience and ideas on how to set up my real growroom this winter.
All comments are welcome as always. So get a bowl full and be ready to giggle at my poor attempt to keep the girls growing.:bigjoint:



Active Member
Hi, this is my new grow journal. I was under the name Shiman last time around but changed my name this year for a fresh start. I currently have 7 babies going that are about 8 inches tall. I was really late getting back home to start my plants this year. I grow in Costa Rica now this will be my third grow in the mountains and my 41st year of growing outside as nature has intended. I am very old fashioned in my growing coming out of the 60's and also very organic. I have tried so many different methods and different versions of methods. I am always happy to hear suggestions and comments about my grow, I believe you can teach old dogs new tricks. I plant by the moon, harvest by the moon and prune by the moon. More is time to tend the babies.:bigjoint:
You Talk Like You On Ya First Or 2nd Grow Why Lie Every One Starts SomeWher lol:roll:
Your Plants Definatly Tell Another Story


You Talk Like You On Ya First Or 2nd Grow Why Lie Every One Starts SomeWher lol:roll:
Your Plants Definatly Tell Another Story
Welcome Cheese thanks for stopping by. LOL I grew my first plant back in 1968, thought I was being cool. I have grown a few plants just about every year since then except when I was stationed in Korea and in bed last year after a heart attack. I am definitely not one of these high tech growers, I am just a country boy. Hope you come back and visit often. Thanks for the comments.


Another sunny day in Paradise this morning:blsmoke: It is so nice to have sun two days in a row. Jane is doing well after her surgery yesterday. I had to cut a piece of bud out about the size of a quarter.

you can see on the left side where I removed part of the bud from her.:evil:
Also going to put up just a couple of the buds for you to see their progress the past few days.

The first pic is Jane as I said earlier, then Mary and the last one is Linda. Thanks to all the readers and to the people that leave their comments. I am off to the bottom of the mountain to haul up grass clippings for the next batch of compost.bongsmilie


I thought I would just show ya'll how I make my soil for my grows. I don't follow a set list of ingredients, depends on what I have on hand when I start a new pile. I do stay pretty much the same time after time, basically how my grandpa showed me when I was a little boy. First I take dried grass clippings, the ones in the pics below where cut last Friday and allowed to dry out on top of the ground. Today I started with 3 50 kilo feed sacks. I hauled them up from the bottom of the it is about a 400 foot rise in the space of about 1000 feet. Talk about giving you shortness of breath hauling this stuff upbongsmilie Each trip required that before I would go back down for the next sack. Then I went to the garden where I had my compost pile last year and gathered up 3 five gallon bucks of dirt and spread over the top of dried grass clippings. Next on the list I took 10 gallons of horse manure tea, since they moved the cows to another pasture, settled for horse this time. Tomorrow or Friday I will take 3 or 4 sacks of fresh cut grass clippings and put over the top of the layer of soil. I add on top of this layer of grass clippings all of my veggie scraps, egg shells and banana peels. Then I also add about 10 pounds of fresh horse manure and cover with another 15 gallons of soil. Add more manure tea, usually from the bottom of my 25 gallon tea barrel, the part with all the good stuff in it. I will add all my veggie scraps and coffee grounds each week in here and all the banana peels I can get (usually very easy down here). I turn this pile each week usually Saturday or Sunday.
In about 4 to 5 weeks I have great dirt. Oh almost forgot I also add molasses in the tea before I put it on the pile. My piles are full of worms which adds to richness and vitality of the soil.



Well-Known Member
looks nice man...u have a super soil! buds lookin lovely too...too bad you hat to do surgery..why did you? sample?? :)