Canna Butter

I've heard that a nice way to get stoned is
to eat a well baked Cannabis Cookie so i've decided to give it a swing
But i have no clue on how to make Cannabis Butter
So I'm going to need a Speedy and Efficient way to Make Cannabis Butter

im Going to put the Liquid Mix into Small Empty Butter tubs of Clover to cool down in

But i need to know First of all
1. What Equipment i need
2. How Much Cannabis to use
3. How Much Oil i should use

And a Little Guide on how to make Good Quality(Or Atleast Close to Good Quality)
Cannabis butter with a high THC Content ( Because that way i can make Smaller Cookies So they should last longer ^_^ )



Staff member
you can filter through this forum,, theres about 40 canabutter recipes lying around


Well-Known Member
I have stopped making cannaoil/cannabutter.. I decarb the weed then once it is decarb'd and finely sifted I just add this dry to whatever I am making. It hits a little later on then most folks like about 45-60 mins but it does last a lot longer. You are not going to get the "floaty goofy" feeling most people want (I dont get this smoking or eating) The high to me is one that is clearheaded painfree. depends on what you use to cook with as well.. strainwise.. I use bubba kush (more for smoking now) and orange crush (medibles) blue dream both! Hindu skunk is awesome both ways.. This is the stuff I smoked as a younger kid.. well it was a skunk strain..

This is my 1st crop and 1st year using it but so far it works for me.. and I have done a ton of experimenting in this year too!! You will notice everyone is gonna say stuff that is somewhat different thats because the variables are so different for each person you must titrate for yourself


  1. A large saucepan
  2. A stir spoon
  3. Butter (It’s about 1lb. of butter to every ounce of weed so make sure you do the math).
  4. Marijuana
  5. Cheesecloth, and some elastics
  6. A couple tupperware containers with lids
Step 1.Bring a few cups of water, about 3 or so, to a boil on the stovetop, it doesn’t really matter how much water you use because in the end it will all be separated, Just make sure the marijuana is always floating about 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the pan.Step 2.When the water is at a boil place the butter in the pan, again it’s about 1lb. of butter (4 sticks) to every ounce of marijuana, so if your using a half ounce of bud that’s about 2 sticks of butter. Be sure not to let the butter burn, if it appears to be burning then let melt on a medium setting.Move the dial to low heat once butter has melted, it should look like this
Step 3.
Now that the butter has melted you can now add the marijuana, Here I used about 5 grams of fresh nug and about 7 grams of vaped bud. Again make sure the stove is now on a low setting.
Stir occasionally, I tend to stir every time the mix starts bubbling.
I usually let the bud simmer for 3 hours, But you can always tell it’s done when the top of the mix turns from a really watery consistency to glossy and thick.
Step 4.
While letting the mix simmer, You are now going to need to get the cheesecloth strainer ready, which will also be used to store the cannabutter.
Take two sheets of cheese cloth and fold each one over so they each have two layers, place these over a tupperware container (with the lid off), and secure them there with elastics.
It should look like this, I say to make two just in case one container runs out of room.
When the water has turned glossy and thick on top it should look like this the saucepan is empty carefully undo the elastic, pick up the cheesecloth from all four sides and squeeze all of the remaining butter out,


Preparing of CannaButter is a recipe which will win with everyone, a great solution to those who cannot medicate with cannabis through smoking. This is something that can be used with various food items to still provide the needed relief to a medical marijuana patient. Okay, factually speaking it is very simple to create! Because if you want to use cannabis which need not be wasted.
From the proper use of this recipe one can get maximum cannabutter with quality as well. Therefore, let’s start by catalog of the materials you need to make cannabutter.

Important: When using Fats and water together, have a inclination of your ‘work-space’ being very hot-tempered and cautious to not burn your arms, appropriate clothing will be very essential. So please use oven gloves and long sleeves to stay away from accidental burning.
Materials to Be Used:
- A sturdy grinder to grind the Cannabis material.
- Stove to heat up the ingredients.
- A medium stainless steel sauce pan with lid. Size of pan is to be same as the stove heating element for the even allocation of heat.
- A measuring cup.
- A whisk or a large fork to mix the material with the water/butter solution in the pot.
- Cheese cloth to strain the material before cooling.
- A bowl large enough to hold and cool the CannaButter material.
- A space in your refrigerator to chill and take apart the water from butter.
- Heavy duty saran wrap to handle and pack together the CannaButter into a smaller, easier to handle shape.
- A freezable container to store the material.
- A space in your freezer to store the finished product.