Canna Nutrient Prices


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering, is it only Australia that is seeing Canna nutrient prices skyrocketing? 5ltrs for canna coco A+B used to be AU$120 per set, then 3 months ago it went up to AU$135 and when I went to buy some more earlier this week they were AU$150.

I spoke to the guy at the hydro store and he said that they will just keep going up, he showed me a letter (that he wasn't supposed to) from his distributor saying that they would be increasing again by 20%, anyone else seeing this price rise?

I've now switched to House and Garden that is priced a lot more reasonably at $75 for a 5ltr set and is more concentrated, and it seems to be just as good as the canna stuff.
That's like AU$65. Wow we're getting ripped off, Haha.

Unfortunately you guys will be paying for the airmiles it undertakes to get there.

You could always look for raw salts and use hydro buddy based on your %'s of the canna for each element and see if you can't make your own A/B for a fraction of the cost?

Well I'm not surprised. A lot of people talk shit about Advanced distribution (which is fucked up), but Canna is worse imo. Here in the US Canna can only be carried in 1 store in a 20sqr mile radius. This creates a situation where stores that are the "lucky" one to carry Canna, are now in a strict contract. Canna can easily raise prices all they want, and the shop with the contract can either let that eat away at their profit, raise prices, or break the contract and loose the product for good. Usually the store just raises their prices too, since it's not like they have any local competition, and consumers can either pay the inflated prices or drive at least 20 miles if they want to attempt to buy it somewhere else (which will usually not be worth it). The Canna line is AMAZING, but this is what you deal with buying it at your local hydro shop.