canna vega flores bloom and pk13/14 soil


Active Member
Hi ive heard using canna's vega, flores, bloom and pk13/14 with soil gives that dutch taste and good bud. Has any1 used this product just wondering what te results are and how u got on with the bloom and pk13/14 did u use both together as an extra for a week, 3 or 4 few week into flowering as other people have says on other forums thanks


Have you ever grown before...? If this is your first or second grow I would stick with what it tells you on the bottle until your more confident or you WILL kill your babies and you wont want that to happen. I've been growing a long time and I still stick to bottle info rather than risk killing my little ladies. If your going to experiment then I suggest you take 1 plant aside and do your trials on her, that way if she dies or becomes stressed you only lose 1 plant and not the whole bunch.

Goodluck ;)


Active Member
no first attempt i helped my m8 do a soil grow he used bio bizz the 3 bottles it came out okay so i thought canna wld b the same way just go with the intructions and watch for leaf burning! but i got told to use the canna products for the best quality that dutch taste and potency ive got 3 seeds silver bubble, tangerine dreams and liberty haze im gonna kick it off next week but what would u suggest i use for nutes in soil, ive already purchased the canna vega for vegging stage!


I like using PM (Plant Magic) but it depends where you are to be honest. I've used them all at some point and canna nutes are good nutes. Just be very careful Ok and goodluck ;)


Well-Known Member
go to the canna can get a feeding schedule of it for any of there nutes.i use it flores -10ml boost -8ml and pk13/14-3ml in 2 litres of water but the pk 13/14 is only uesd for 1-2 weeks dureing flowering


Active Member
cheers ill do that ive got the canna vega there for veg, do u use the boost all way through the flowering with the flores just mixed together in 2litre water? my m8 says tht ill only have to use a small amount of pk13/14 few week in flowering for like 2 feeds or sumin and u use small amount!!


Well-Known Member
pk 13/14 only small amounts mid flower or when the flowers start to bud and only once or twice aweek for a week or 2 and the boost i use once aweek sometimes twice all the way through flower


Well-Known Member
i've used the canna terra pro soil or miracle grow moisture control and havent seen to much difference but i do prefer the canna cose you hear alot of shit about mg on this site so you never know but mg you can buy anywhere


Active Member
Canna Terra Profesional Soil Mix 50 Litres. 9 quid at shop just outside my city ill probs get tht stuff as its for use with canna terra vega/flores


Active Member
thats picture o tht liberty haze be good to get tht kind o cola structure g13 x chem dawg 91 so if its the rite seedling i should get sum good shit hopefully not a pheno ...