Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

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New Member
The craziest part of this syndrome is the nausea.... Smoking pot WILL help with the nausea, momentarily..... But later, it kicks in even worse.... I went in circles for months... If you even suspect you are suffering from this, STOP!.... I mean, what's the worst that could happen?.... You'll save a little money, and if it doesn't work, you'll just get HIGHER when you resume!.... Please don't let the nay-sayers keep you in pain.... Experiment....


New Member
Again, my theory on why this is occurring now is the prevalence of growth enhancements and the improper flushing that goes along with it... My family does a 21 day flush when the strain allows... Some have shorter flower times and cannot be flushed that long.
If you care about your health, please watch this informative video


Well-Known Member
"(Lupus) is a chronic inflammatory disease believed to be a type III hypersensitivity response with potential type II involvement. [39] Reticulate and stellate acral pigmentation should be considered a possible manifestation of SLE and high titers of anticardiolipin antibodies, or a consequence of therapy. "
straight from wiki, I know I know. It goes into quite a bit of detail for Wikipedia I was surprised, we know quite a bit about both of these.also wiki.. "The central symptom of fibromyalgia, namely widespread pain appears to result from neuro-chemical imbalances including activation of inflammatory pathways in the brain which results in abnormalities in pain processing. [15] The brains of fibromyalgia patients show functional and structural differences from those of healthy individuals"

just making a point if you want a real discussion make a thread on it.....

we don't know anything about chs or the patients in the study. Only 4 out of 5 actually saw symptom improvement and all but 1 went back to smoking so...that speaks for itself besides making it somewhat invalid....oh but yea I like how you twist my words. Most people have heard of them and find them credible so I must not know what I'm talking about...yea no its good wish I'd thought of didnt actually provide what I said, do we need another "disease of exclusion"? They found 98 people with some sort of gastrointestinal issue that they hadn't found a reason for. I asked for something providing how. Like the lupus like I said in my previous post. The human body for the most part is well documented we can say oh cb1 activated the hypothalamus and see what I'm getting at? That's the other article I was asking growth enhancements, proper flushing. Tokin while talking not the best idea I forgot where I was going anyway just thought I would respond since you kept posting


Well-Known Member
Really shouldn't have though your lack of knowledge is quite obvious... but I mean you did look it up online so you must be a doc right? I mean didn't you convince THEM that you had it. Man ever since web MD and wiki came around patients think they know everything...... ironic that I quoted wiki lol they just provide the info in such a user friendly way


New Member
What I need to remember is I don't give two rusty shits what YOU think.... I need to remember I commented here to help any potential victims know there is a possible answer that is not commonly known.... That they aren't mentally disturbed.... That relief is just one less toke away... This ain't like Morgellens disease... It has been quantified... Poo poo all you like.... I ain't trying to reach you.... You know too much already, that's obvious. I just glad you're smarter than me. I'm also glad you don't call the shots for the rest of us ignoramuses.... We need the freedom to wallow in our own stupidity and lack of knowledge.... Man of science, bah!...


New Member
Well, chuckles, for once I truly am an ignoramus!... I don't know what a puppet is, and puppets freak me out.... I'm not into that shit... But I am only one person in Salem Oregon, and I do care about the other two(?) posters here, just not your lame ass!.... If you don't care, why are you trolling this thread?.... Hmm?... Says more about you than it does about us... I think you're a lonely pathetic child who needs external validation to get through your pathetic day.... Even negative validation.... You're like a puppy dog.... Grow up, get a life, and move along, little doggie!.... H'ya!... That one guy is being a dick, but at least he is seriously engaging us with big boy words!... That is tolerable.... You are not.


New Member
Hey you go girl. Look at you Chucky all typing and shit now. Is mom home to help ? That's good. Anyone with a slight clue would be able to trace posts back to an IP address. Thats internet protocol in case your wondering. Anyway pretty sure none of us were looking for validation from a little girl that struggles just to form sentences. We know what we have experienced and others that are going through the same will surely be able to see this thread for what it was intended. I could care less what you feel about me or my situation, what bothers me most is that I am involved in just about every PRO- MJ cause and have argued tooth and nail with more people than I care to make them understand that POT is a viable medicine and furthermore really shouldn't be illegal at all even for recreation. Then along comes chucky making a case for all the anti-pot people out there. See look at that guy dumb as a steak it must be the pot they will say. Then I will have respond and say no really it's not the POT he really is just that stupid. Yes it's hard to believe but he is just that. Did I say dumb as a steak ? That wasn't not fair to cows. Steak is much smarter


Active Member
this thread is retarded as hell, you CHS kids need to get in tune with your bodies. adjust your diets. exercise and try some other things before blaming it on pot.

i highly doubt this is "THC toxicity".

and don't point me to your useless links. i could find pro and con studies for anything out there to smear whatever side i was trying to push the agenda of.


New Member
this thread is retarded as hell, you CHS kids need to get in tune with your bodies. adjust your diets. exercise and try some other things before blaming it on pot.

i highly doubt this is "THC toxicity".

and don't point me to your useless links. i could find pro and con studies for anything out there to smear whatever side i was trying to push the agenda of.
I have to agree with you about finding info to support whatever side you're on.... It's just a fact.... It doesn't change your mind or mine.... But at least it's a lucid thought.... You ought to try it sometime, Chuckles!


New Member
What I find interesting about this thread are the ones who are sitting at our table, telling us they don't like what we are having for dinner, and still shoveling it down!.... If you don't like it, excuse yourself from the table and go to bed... Don't keep sitting there crapping on us...

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
no just feel sorry for all the smokers out there that have a brain and can form an independent thought.
you feel sorry for those who are perceptive . .. . is this what you were expecting to say or just a fruedien slip of a smear campaign to generalize your agenda

why dont you research the endo cannabanoid system, funny neither of you have mentioned it at all . . . .as it would be directly/indirectly responsible for you issues if your condition was caused by use of cannabis . . . too effing funny and to pathetic , i dont believe you at all


New Member
you feel sorry for those who are perceptive . .. . is this what you were expecting to say or just a fruedien slip of a smear campaign to generalize your agenda

why dont you research the endo cannabanoid system, funny neither of you have mentioned it at all . . . .as it would be directly/indirectly responsible for you issues if your condition was caused by use of cannabis . . . too effing funny and to pathetic , i dont believe you at all
All Asshole-ing aside, Thank you for the endo shit.... i found it tedious, technical, and valid..... i welcome different perspectives.... it could be that.... i need to digest a bit.... it was a tough read for me...

i don't wanna spar.... i want answers.... you may have just provided that for me..... thank you, sir.... at least you're not a little bitch like Chuck.

i'm selfish.... my agenda is to myself...period... if i help anyone, good... but not my main concern in life.

again, thanks, dude


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously saying you had no idea what the endocannabinoid system is and then trying to put up stuff about these receptors? Did you miss me saying an antagonist like rimonabant would resolve any issues if they were related.. your not helping anyone don't think that you are

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
All Asshole-ing aside, Thank you for the endo shit.... i found it tedious, technical, and valid..... i welcome different perspectives.... it could be that.... i need to digest a bit.... it was a tough read for me...

i don't wanna spar.... i want answers.... you may have just provided that for me..... thank you, sir.... at least you're not a little bitch like Chuck.

i'm selfish.... my agenda is to myself...period... if i help anyone, good... but not my main concern in life.

again, thanks, dude
glad it was informative and or interesting, . . . . and back to my asshole stinking everwhere(opinons)

their is no way a doctor could create this illness without understanding the endo system so i call BS on these dudes and their claim to have figured it out with the help of doctors . . . . .im not saying their case is not plausible just, made up at the current time by doctors or themselves who do not have much more understanding then you or I,

but we dont get paid to push theory's we just have them unlike doctors ( oh ya i dont trust doctors )


Well-Known Member
Soooo intelligence has failed you and you've resorted to plain trolling? You finally realized chs isn't real? I don't understand what's going on here......this thread should just be closed already


New Member
Soooo intelligence has failed you and you've resorted to plain trolling? You finally realized chs isn't real? I don't understand what's going on here......this thread should just be closed already
Just reciprocating.... Just reciprocating .... But I'll cha-cha with you too, if you wish to climb down into Chuck's mud pit....


New Member
Chuck has finally earned my respect..... i think i've had my fun.... i'll leave you kids to play.... it's been enlightening hearing your perspectives, seriously.... thanks, fellas.

By the way, chuck.... i checked out the puppet thing.... i SWEAR this is my only account.... i don't know who those other people are.... i don't have enough patience to change writing styles just to fuck with you.... i'm too damn lazy.....

thanks for the fun.....Ciao

thanks again, seedwell..... that info was some of the best so far.
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