Cannabis + Alcohol.. good mix?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I don't drink (well, hardly - VERY little)

I've had bad experiences and good from smoking after drinking - don't drink til you feel drunk and you should be fine


Well-Known Member
ummm.......yeah. I drink, I smoke. Many people have drinks. Many people smoke. Why not do both?


Well-Known Member
I smoke to get high and drink to get drunk....I try not to mix the two because one takes away from the other. Now a few beers IMHO adds to a good smoke out.


drink like a 6 pack of good beer and pack a lil bowl or a lil chillum of some dank and yu will be feeing real good. dont overdue on either a lil beer and a lil weed goes a long way. also weed for me taks away my hangover


Active Member
If I'm drinking and a bowl gets packed I won't avoid it, but I don't have to do both. If I'm drinking first then I'm more likely to mix the two. After work my two favorites are beer and weed. So a little of both is very rewarding. Also I must comment on loading a bowl at the end of a drinking binge, IMO coming home late and wasted is not a good time for a bowl, You think its a good time but you wake up realizing it was a waste. I usually try to just save it for the morning.


Well-Known Member
I found in college that there was a trifecta high. Get stoned, drink enough beers to get a nice buzz, and smoke a Malboro Red to top it off. Something about the three of them, they work together.

I dont drink much anymore but they work well together. But something about a nice micro-brew after smoking a bowl is perfect. i.e. on friday I smoked a bowl, went to a friends party, everyone was fucked up - I drank a few cokes, then someone asked me if I wanted my favorite micro-brew and I said sure. I had 1 micro and 1 miller light that was so cold that it had ice crystals in it, and they both tasted fantastic.

So all total I had 1 bowl and 2 beers and I was right where I wanted to be. Nice buzz, really social, not making a total ass out of myself but still having fun talking to everyone.


Well-Known Member
I forgot what the effect was called. But somewhere I read in an anti cannabis and drinking add that both effects stack up onto each other, not cancel each other out, resulting in being "cross faded".

That article played a major role in encouraging me to smoke weed and drink at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I dont think ive ever been only drunk more than five times since ive started smoking weed. I love to mix the two, it just mellows me out and gives me a sweet buzz.


Active Member
I am a once a week drinker, chronic smoker and find that when i mix it is something else. for me i just space out to much, and don't really enjoy anything.


Well-Known Member
weed is a nice buzz enhancer when you're drinking, I try not to drink too much when I'm smoking though, definitely lowers your tolerance or something


Well-Known Member
i remember when i was young we used to get locked drunk at the weekend and some soap bar hash(dirt) but it used to get use proper fucked!haha! but now i smoke weed and drink sweet cider most of the week and there aint a better buzz!


Well-Known Member
I forgot what the effect was called. But somewhere I read in an anti cannabis and drinking add that both effects stack up onto each other, not cancel each other out, resulting in being "cross faded".

That article played a major role in encouraging me to smoke weed and drink at the same time.

Alcohol.....! Okay...... Read & please remember what I'm about to share......!

My late husband & I were extremely healthy, well educated, career achievers, financially secure, family orientated, sports minded, never a worry in the world !
Until suddenly, 30 healthy fit years of drinking 'moderately' (that being 1-2 stiff drinks per day max), suddenly destroyed it all !

There are currently five (5) health afflictions, solely caused from liquor consumption. They are & in no particular order:
-Grand Mal Seizures
-Rapidly Progressive Blindness
-Rapidly Progressive Deafness
-Rapidly Corroded Livers
-Heart Attacks
None bearing any forewarning signs, nor any cures, as of todays date !

Please don't destroy your beautiful healthy young lives ! Please !!
This parasite changed every freaking thing, that we were so used to, in literally a flash ! And there's no getting any of it back.


Well-Known Member
^^^ When I drank alot my heart used to hurt. It wouldn't slow down or speed just felt like it was struggling to beat.


Well-Known Member
drinking and smoking is THE best feeling ever. u jst make sure u drink a lil b4 u smoke.. if u get shit faced and the smoke... be prepared to barf ur guts up. smoking b4 i drink jst makes me tired after the 3rd beer lol


Active Member
i just go at both without thinking of the other while im doing both. smoking and drinking are just different in my mind. i can do plenty of both at the same time. on the other hand if im getting real drunk im talking 10 beers+ i normally wont smoke till the beer is gone most people have passed out, then me and a few friends will load one fat bowl and then go get some munchies and within an hour or so i wont even be that drunk any more. last year on my birthday it was amazing i thought i was way to drunk and couldnt drink anymore and then i smoked and i did a few more shot and once again thought i was to drunk and smoked more, everytime i smoked i could drink more it was sweet


Well-Known Member
Yes. I drink 2 shots of everclear mixed with tea or orange juice. Toke 2 bowls. Jesus fucking christ, I am toe up from the floor up!!