Cannabis and the paranormal


Well-Known Member
Did you ever have paranormal experiences? Lived in a haunted house, or anything like that?
Do you think cannabis can help people with their psychic abilities?
Yeah somewhat but then it will leav u mellow.Anyway weed doesnt put u în A waking dream like psychedelics do, weed îs half psy half dissociative/recreational
I think it may enhance it as well but i also have a question... Could it disturb them? I recently moved and i have to smoke in the backyard and it may just be because im part indian but they seem more attracted to me than usual.. The only time i go out there at night is to do that so ive never tried seeing if theres a differenceor not on if i dont


Well-Known Member
When I was living with my ex (smoke to forget that now) her little brother had a huge PC set up downstairs for gaming. I would smoke until the early morning upstairs in the bedroom, then go downstairs for a snack at like 2,3,4 in the morning. 60-70% of the time I would get halfway downstairs and hear him, clear as day, clicking, tapping, gaming away. I would go “what’s up man” thinking he was there. I would turn the corner to and EMPTY chair and a powered down computer. The sound always stopped when I got around the corner. Freaked me out so much I stopped going downstairs late at night. I wasnt the only one who heard it, her mother and sister did too on occasion. Freaky deaky


Well-Known Member
I feel cannabis heightens my senses and make me extra sensitive to shifts in light and time. In my first apartment there was a tall man who walked from my living room to my bathroom. I would hear footsteps and see a shadow.

In my second apartment there was a tall man who would stand in the doorway behind me. My cats would sit on the couch and stare at the door. My brothers wiccan girlfriend confirmed his presence.

In my 3rd apartment I would see a drowned woman staring out from behind the bathroom door. My cat would stare at the wall in front of the bathroom. My friend called bullshit really loudly one night when I told him about her and a pitcher of water fell off the kitchen counter.

In the last house I was in I would hear old time radio in one of the bedrooms. My girl heard it too.

I also sometimes say what my brother is thinking Or reach for the phone a second before he calls. It requires a special connection to someone and having them on your mind. Stress or worry sometimes triggers intense focused thoughts and allows me to call people.

I believe cannabis helps you focus your thoughts (some would say obsess) and makes your brain run at a different frequency.

I believe people into magick call this gnosis.
I believe prayer is just focused thoughts and the combination of many positive wills to sway an outcome. Curses work the same way.

Belief from both parties is required but I think sometimes you can impose your will through suggestion and reinforce it though pure thought.

These are all things I've noticed and thought through and focused on to try to develop but yes cannabis does help.

The only problem with cursing someone or imposing your will on them is that it consumes your thoughts/your soul.
This makes sense to me. I can relate to a lot of this. I am a believer in the after life and have experienced stuff but since my dad died in January i have experienced so much more- before i used cannabis as an edible regularly.

March time onwards ive been consuming small amounts of cannabis for sleep and i feel that it relaxes the mind and helps with a link to spirits almost like creating a portal to them.


Well-Known Member
Opens up your third eye .......

Once ( well .. all the time ) I got pretty faded on Romulan and Trainwreck rolled j’s and was chillin at a place my homies said was “ haunted “ ..... I figured they were clowning and pretty much said “ PPFFFFFFFT on that shit “ .

We all kind of laughed about it and started asking each other .... “ who would bitch out if some shit happened “ . Weed gives you
fake ass bravery , I will tell you that . Anyways after a good sesh , I had to go to the bathroom upstairs ....
mainly cuz I had to take a most heinous shit . They know I can blow up a bathroom and are probably glad and probably knew I was heading for a shit.

Upstairs is kind of quiet and creepy cuz of an old lady’s master bedroom ( she died in hospice care ) and most of her shit was still in the bedroom ..... clothes , personal stuff on dresser , stuff like that. For some pussy reason ( the fucking weed ) started to make the hairs on my neck stand up and did not use master bathroom instead their was another at opposite end of upstairs.

So here I was leaning , off balance , kind of freaking out with my fucking stomach making gurgling sounds just making a B line for the toilet ..... at that point I gave no fucks if anybody could hear the nasty ass squirts and splatters from the bathroom. It was fierce .... I would think I’m done , stand up and immediately sat and begin spraying brown plaster all over the toilet.

Atomsphere was quiet tho for the most part .... and I did lock the fucking door ! You know it would be hella hard to fight some
ugly demon fuck with my ass exposed and pants around ankles , So , I began thinking to myself “ hurry the fuck up and finish “.
I was still trippin about that room ......... then I heard a sound ....

It was barely audible but definitely not easily explained .... it sounded like faint talking . I tried to stay quiet and listen ....
then I heard it again but a little louder ..... definitely words tho.

It said ...... “ Courtesy Flush you nasty mutha fucka , “ ...... I recoiled in horror and tried to stay still.
But I knew , it was angry ..... malevolent, dark . I stupidly turned off light in bathroom , thinking that whoever it was would think I am not inside . BUT .... it was there still . I could barely make out a dark mass in the dark .... I couldn’t just fly out of bathroom with my ass hanging out and pants around feet that could trip me up too ! So I just tried to make myself go unnoticed hopefully.
But the mass took on a dark brownish black shape.

I couldn’t believe it ... the story was true .

The legend of the Brown Ghost ....