Cannabis Canada Daily: Do pot producer CEOs get high on their own supply?

Maybe cocaine is their thing?
The CEO is the business end of things, they're not growing the weed. That's what they hired the growers to do.
I'd say most CEO's don't have anything to do with their product. Does the CEO of Hyundai have one in their garage? Probably not. The CEO of Coke only drinks Coke products?

I know that the CEO of a large Canadian corporation smokes killer weed, and it's not from a licensed producer.

Yeah, nobody trusts their weed. They screwed themselves when they started claiming blackmarket cannabis was of lower standards, as if to make craft growers seem lees than honest...and then they started shipping schwag to patients. Patients were ignored by the government and the media, so they thought they could do the same to recreational consumers...idiots.
I know that the CEO of a large Canadian corporation smokes killer weed, and it's not from a licensed producer.

Yeah, nobody trusts their weed. They screwed themselves when they started blackmarket cannabis was of lower standards...and then they started shipping schwag to patients. Patients were ignored by the government and the media, so they thought they could do the same to recreational consumers...idiots.
a lot of gomers will buy it, because they're ignorant posers, who do whatever is cool right now.... but any regular user will tell them to keep their shitweed and go back to buying from their old suppliers. this will make the ceos mad, and they'll try to force a crackdown on blackmarket growers, instead of fixing their own game. of course, they've only been trying to shut us down for the last 75 they'll have no success with that tactic, and may eventually realize that they either have to bring their A game, or go the fuck home.....or they'll just keep trying to screw the little guys who are producing so much better product than they are, for less......but they'll never succeed, we're used to being persecuted, already, more of the same doesn't mean shit to us
that's why i said ANC's scenario was perfect, hire both and have them work together, because you're going to have to teach either of them the other ones cannot run a commercial facility without any experience at doing so, no matter how long you've run a grow room, and a commercial facility manager won't know the ins and outs of weed growing.
Hiring them both will make both of them better at what they do when it comes to weed specifically. And probably make you more money too.
Hiring them both will make both of them better at what they do when it comes to weed specifically. And probably make you more money too.
the thing to do then, is make sure they teach each other their jobs. at the end of a year, you should be able to take either one of them and set them up in another facility that they can run by themselves. not that you'll necessarily have to, but you should be able to. then have them both pick their most promising employs, and start teaching know, it shouldn't be so hard for them to figure this shit out, for fuck's sake....i'm a fucking pothead that hasn't even finished my first cup of coffee, and this seems pretty obvious to me, makes me wonder how far heads are inserted up asses in the "industry"
CEO is not in the business of growing weed. CEO is in the business of business. His horticulturists are in charge of the product.
that is a point, one i made myself, but beneath that, there's a matter of you trust a company owned by a person who doesn't indulge in their own product? how do they keep tabs on quality? they have to rely on others to tell them what the need to know, and one of the problems of leadership is that toads will tell you what they think you want to hear, not what you need to hear....and some folks start to believe it, eventually....
it doesn't seem like something you'd need a roadmap for.
purchase some good genetics, and hire some reputable breeders. let the breeders get together and work out what they're going to be working on, so there is no duplicated effort. then you take the more successful of those crosses, and breed them. get a dozen or so good, stable strains going, and rotate them throughout the year, so you always have something new to offer. by the end of your second or third year, depending on luck, you should have as many as 24 stable crosses working....and have a huge pool of seeds for stock, which you only have to dip into when your mothers start to fade.....they knew at least two years ago that this was coming, they should have been working for this back then.....i do realize that there is a mountain of rules and regulations to deal with, but some of these companies are huge, and have legal departments that should be quite familiar with those waters....the logistics should have been worked out a long time before they planted their first seeds.....
FWIW, (imo) if the CEO's had any business sense they would have said they smoked the shit out of it, and so does their family, and friends, and family of those friends. They could even spark one up right there and get fucked up high from no tolerance, and then attribute that to the weed. Then send the interviewer home with like 3oz.
If the CEO of Hyundai gets interviewed and asked if they have one in their garage, they'd better say hell yes I do, or Hyundai is going to be looking for another CEO. Then they would get on the phone and have one put there, any car, doesn't matter, just get one there now so this guy can take a pic of me giving a thumbs up in front of it.
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FWIW, (imo) if the CEO's had any business sense they would have said they smoked the shit out of it, and so does their family, and friends, and family of those friends. They could even spark one up right there and get fucked up high from no tolerance, and then attribute that to the weed. Then send the interviewer home with like 3oz.
If the CEO of Hyundai gets interviewed and asked if they have one in their garage, they'd better say hell yes I do, or Hyundai is going to be looking for another CEO. Then they would get on the phone and have one put there, any car, doesn't matter, just get one there now so this guy can take a pic of me giving a thumbs up in front of it.
idiots better all have one to drive back and forth to work, at least, if i go by the corporate offices of Ford and see a bunch of Hondas and Chevys in the parking lot, it's not going to inspire a lot of confidence.

i think some of them fear the "stigma"...even though they're the ones selling the branding irons....but for some, it's probably a business decision, till the U.S. gets it's fucking shit together and quits acting like another countries legitimate business people are criminals who can potentially be blocked from entry into the country ...not for being involved in the industry, but for using the products that industry produces......i had to read that twice, it makes so little sense...but yeah....