Cannabis Card Appointment, My Reason.

So I have my appointment coming up this month finally! (I'm not starting my project illegally).

So my reason being for the choice of medicinal marijuana is Insomnia, Is this a legit reason? I've heard it is, but I haven't heard of anyone using it in the Doc's office.

My insomnia is so bad it's effecting my school and work, I stay up all night and dont sleep til the morning, which leaves me physically drained during the day. I might get a good few hours of sleep in and then have to wake up for school or work. I'm exhausted on the daily, But if I get a good smoke in when it hits 8 or 9 o clock, It's lights out by 10 or 11 and I can even wake up like a normal person in the morning! I refuse to take prescriptions due to a friend of mine, and a cousin of mine overdosing on prescription pills.

I'M NOT TRYING TO CHEAT MY WAY INTO GETTING A CANNABIS CARD. Is this an acceptable reason though? I don't have aches and pains, gluacoma[Spelling?], AIDs/HIV, Cancer or anything else. Insomnia is my issue, What do you guys think?


Active Member
Yes, it is a legit reason. Go to your GP first and talk to him about your problems. He will probably write you a script for some sleeping pills. Take that to your MMJ and that should be enough to satisfy them.

As long as you have a legit problem and some paperwork to back it up, you are fine.