Cannabis Cultivation Console Game.


Well-Known Member
I'm just sittin back havin a few drinks thinkin about how good it would be to have a cannabis cultivation game,(particularly guerilla growing).

Just imagine the possibilities,it would be freakin awesome,taking ur character through the bush in search of prime spots,dealing with everything from actual plant growth to nosey residents,police,rippers,animals,choppers,environmental conditions etc,endless possibilities.

Could be on any console,PS3,XBOX 360,even WII (Imagine taking a machete to a dozen or so 8footers (or rippers for that matter).

Im sure theres a few computer nerds here that could make it happen,do it!

Who here would play it?


Well-Known Member
have you ever seen HIGHGROW its a virtual grow on your pc you can control lights, nutes, water, topping every thing. its fun to mess around with and breed new strains