Cannabis does lower testosterone/libido

i am a medium heavy weed smoker and i trip over my libido my hormones are normal. i am sorry to hear about your low testosterone but it's not from a couple puffs of weed every couple of days

I'm the same way. I got more libido than I want.

I'm a medium to heavy user of cannabis. Edibles, salves and smoke.

A body at motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest.

Exercise and proper diet. Eat plenty of fresh raw produce. Drink plenty of water.
Look elsewhere for your libido problem as others have suggested. Your doctor would support this theory, just like they blame everything on smoking cigarettes if they can't figure out what your problem is. 99% of doctors are nothing more than Pharma drug pushers and troubleshoot health issues like they were working on a computer issue, trial & error based on some commonly known causes/factors. I'll bet he offered you v-i-a-g-r-a at some point in the conversation though, have to keep those numbers up to get the free trips and shit...

Wow that was weird, the reason the "V" word is spelled like it is, is that RIU has a ban on using the word. Wow, had no idea we had "V" filters? Try it, never saw that error/message before.
Look elsewhere for your libido problem as others have suggested. Your doctor would support this theory, just like they blame everything on smoking cigarettes if they can't figure out what your problem is. 99% of doctors are nothing more than Pharma drug pushers and troubleshoot health issues like they were working on a computer issue, trial & error based on some commonly known causes/factors. I'll bet he offered you v-i-a-g-r-a at some point in the conversation though, have to keep those numbers up to get the free trips and shit...

Wow that was weird, the reason the "V" word is spelled like it is, is that RIU has a ban on using the word. Wow, had no idea we had "V" filters? Try it, never saw that error/message before.
Yip... I ran across that too some time back fucking IRONIC that this being a drug related site

can't see it as a sunni thing tho, maybe a left over from the sites predecessor Lego -R _us?

Yep, long story short:

2 years ago I started smoking weed regularly, not even much, I smoke 1/3 of a joint every 2 days. Anyways, few months after smoking marijuana regularly I stared feeling my libido going down a lot, also I get tired at nights and lost a lot of interest on the other sex.

So I go to see the urologist and I'm perfectly fine EXCEPT that I have low testosterone, and the doctor says Marijuana is definitely a contributing factor.

Am I gonna stop smoking?

No, I'm just gonna get a testosterone shot every 3 months, but they ain't cheap so I'm just giving you the heads up.
DUDE! go get another doc take 3 trips to these different docs

theirs to many reasons why one dick will droop

most the time it hormone related

weed don't get that far in

to dip ya dick

good luck
You drink from my rivers die!

You swim in my rivers die!

You fish in my rivers die!


eating touching feeling cavier/sardine can is safe tho?
I've read this too. Your testosterone levels obviously vary from person to person so the people who are claiming they have high test are only giving anecdotal evidence. I haven't full done my research on this yet but we definitely know that smoking (tobacco) lowers testosterone.
Indacouch i was gunna say same thing my girl would be having smoke rolling out of every oraface of her body if im on low sex drive now from weed and quit! Shed be begging me to cheat on her!

Id see if the doc is a religous quack or something.... you know we are only curcumcised in the west since the kellogs cornflakes inventor sponsored a doctor to declare circumcision will keep your preclous boy from falling into the sin of masturbation! Then it just became well "just because we do it thats why we do it and back it up with antiquated junk science" and here we are 125 years later still snippin dicks for no real reason.

Just cuz one doc says it does not make it gospel... find a doc that smokes weed.
you don't seriously think that's why do you? jews have been circumcising way longer than cornflakes lol. it's religious for them. that's even their defence for metzitzah b'peh, aka oral suction, where the rabbi puts the babies penis in his mouth to suck the blood from the wound, even though babies are contracting herpes and dying.
you don't seriously think that's why do you? jews have been circumcising way longer than cornflakes lol. it's religious for them. that's even their defence for metzitzah b'peh, aka oral suction, where the rabbi puts the babies penis in his mouth to suck the blood from the wound, even though babies are contracting herpes and dying.

I was refering to those not done for religous reasons today. Why in secular or even christian culture its done, why a vast majority are done today is for no real reason... yes i get the concept is ancient.
Not true at all. Also look at your sleeping habits, how well you sleep. Your diet. I workout and smoke pot. Never had an issue, and still dont. Currently on my lower 30s.
I'm 63, smoked pot, tobacco and drank a lot for 50 years and a recent T test during a physical came up higher than most 18 year old's. Full head of hair half way down my back and a dick so hard a cat couldn't scratch it. Wife used to smoke a little kief and get all frisky but after early menopause hasn't wanted sex for almost 5 years now. I wish pot removed my libido.

I avoid junk food but never exercise so am in lousy shape tho not heavy. 5' 8" and 136lbs. Pretty severe arthritis and chronic depression keep me from using any of the exercise stuff we have or even going out for a walk tho I was getting out on my mountain bike once a week for a 4 mile ride during the warmer months in the north. Mosquitoes can't get you when you're moving fast but swarm me on foot.

I take no pharma meds at all but do take a lot of supplements like termeric, St. John's Wort, Vit D3. zinc, selenium, Omega3s and a few more.

Zinc will put lead in your pencil and Saw Palmetto helps many as well as both being good for the prostate. Add a bit of selenium for the trifecta.

If you're losing hair just accept it. Says the guy with Fabio hair. :D
